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RESULTS: EWB's 100 Favourite Artists 2008


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85. EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY - I think I voted for EITS, I hope I did because they're banging. I wouldn't put them any higher than the second half of the list, but they're damn pretty and make for great evening music.

84. GALLOWS - Ugh. Wank.

82. JAMIROQUAI | LIGHTSPEED CHAMPION - JK's alright, he hasn't done anything of note for way too long though. I've never listened to Lightspeed Champion, so there is no opinion on his negro ways.

81. ALTER BRIDGE - Disgusting. Really fucking vile. Ugh.

79. HIM | THE DOORS - HIM are without a doubt the worst band ever in existence ever, and I truly hope Ville Vallo gets throat cancer and dies a horrible, painful death. Skummy hit the nail on the head as far as the Doors are concerned. They were pretty shit for the most part. The greatest hits album is all anybody needs, and I'd still only recommend it to fans of the band. Still, Five To One is banging and always will be.

78. ERIC CLAPTON - I can fully endorse Eric Clapton. He is wonderful.

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(10 | 1 = 22)


74. n/a

...subbed by Roxanne Pallett...


73. n/a

...subbed with Pippa Black...





(7 | 5 = 24)



(10 | 2 = 24)

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There's something evil about Arcade Fire before Matchbox 20. SOMETHING EVIL, YI. YES, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU MADE THE LIST IDEA.

And count me as a strange guy, but I enjoy folk-country and can't STAND any of Lightspeed Champion. I'd even go bold enough to say that I liked "Boa vs. Python" from Test Icicles better than the whole LC album.

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Ahhh Arcade Fire. Excellent.

Also I'll be honest - until yesterday I'd NEVER heard any song by Kid Rock and never seen a video...Then I saw his cover of Sweet Home Alabama (I use the word cover very loosely).

My hatred for him is unquenchable.

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In Flames are boring and I know two pricks with the band name tattooed on their forearm, which doesn't endear them to me. Lupe Fiasco I've only heard one song by, and it's good, but not good enough to make me want to listen to owt else. The Enemy are abysmal Britpop nostalgia scumbag ratbastards. Aerosmith are dreadful. Arcade Fire's second album was shit. Tragically Hip are Canadian. Matchbox Twenty? BWAHAHA. EWB, you tickle me.

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75. IN FLAMES | LUPE FIASCO | THE ENEMY - I feel sorry for Lupe, for someone so awesome to be stuck in the middle of two of the most dreadful bands ever produced is a horrible fate for anyone. It's because he's black, isn't it YI? You put him between two satchels of wank (athankyou skummy) purely because of the colour of his skin. Racist. But seriously, In Flames suck, The Enemy suck, Lupe Fiasco is wonderful.

72. AEROSMITH | ARCADE FIRE | THE TRAGICALLY HIP - Aerosmith are wank. I've never heard the Tragically Hip, so no comment. Aerosmith are wank. Arcade Fire have some awesome tunage (Crown of Love, Lights Out! and Laika are fit) but I wouldn't say they're top 100, especially after an entirely average second offering. Still, they brought the wonderful Owen Pallett to fame, so I've no complaints for them being here. Aerosmith are wank.

71. MATCHBOX 20 - Matchbox Twenty aren't as awful as some of the other piles of digested biscuits on this list, but I wouldn't put them within a hundred thousand miles of the top 500, let alone 100 bands. They're decidedly poor with the occasional (and that's very occasional) burst of catchy mediocrity. Aerosmith are wank.

Also, there was a girl called 'Aeroshi' in my sixth form, and for our end of year 'awards', someone changed the name on the card to, so the person who won "Most Likely To be Prime-Minister of England" was actually Aerosmith.

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(3 | 3 | 2 = 24)


69. n/a

...she gets me up on the weekday mornings (SHE'S 43!!! FUCKING HELL!! AND SHE LOOKS THAT GOOD AT LIKE 6AM!!!), Sian Williams, pictures don't do her justice...




(8 | 5 = 26)


67. n/a

...another better with age, she gets me up on the weekends, it's everyone's favourite (the only) Torquay fan, Helen Chamberlain...



66. BOB MARLEY & THE WHALERS | SIGUR ROS (...and a random boy)

(9 | 4 = 26)

Edited by YI
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65. n/a

...subbed with dictionary corner's, Susie Dent...




(10 | 3 = 26)



(7 | 7 = 28)


62. n/a

...I say, I say...




(8 | 6 = 28)

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Things have started to look up.

Feeder shit, Dream Theater utter utter bollocks, The Ramones are brilliant and I shouldn't have to (and won't) explain why, Sigur Ros have never completely appealed to me but they are pretty lush, Paramore are dreadful but Tom Waits is GOD, he needs to be MUCH HIGHER, but at least he's up there somewhere as I knew he would be, but surely there's more Waits fans than that on here?! DAMN YOU TO HECK. Love him all the same.

Aphex Twin is brilliant - one of the best live acts I've ever seen, easily the best DJ, even if I did struggle my way to the front only to realise that I'd fought my way to the front just to realise that I was looking up at an ugly angry man scowling at a laptop.

George Harrison's alright. Tool are alright.

Avenged Sevenfold I at one time despised with all my being, but now I can't really care less about them.

Also, Sian Williams <3

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70. FEEDER - I will say nothing bad about Feeder, as I used to love them back in the day, and whacking on one of their albums will always have a nostalgic feeling, even though I'd probably hate them were they new. It's kinda the same thing with bands like Nirvana and Rage Against the Machine. Because I was 13-14 when I started listening to them, they meant something to me, had I heard them now, it wouldn't have the same effect. Feeder are the aural equivilant of Catcher in the Rye.

68. DREAM THEATER | THE RAMONES - I never really got into either band here, and I find them both to be extremely overrated. Dream Theatre aren't offensively bad, but they're not my sort of music, and I really don't see the hype for them. The Ramones are alright, and deserve to be on the list due to the fact they defineed their era along with the Stooges and MC5, but have since become dated and a bit passé. Still, I suppose they deserve to hit the list due to their influence, and it's better to have them in the bottom 50 than the top.

67. SIGUR ROS - I can't say I'm really shocked that Sigur Rós hit 67, but I'd of loved to see them higher. They've gone from strength to strength since they formed, and every album offers something different and in a weird way; exciting. I'd go as far as to say they're the first active band that deserve top 100 treatment.

65. PARAMORE | TOM WAITS - Part of me wants to celebrate Tom Waits being so high, but the other part won't let me because he has to share his spot with that filthy eight year old boy that is Hayley Williams. Ugh. Paramore are god awful. I'd rather read the Election thread and listen to Mick talk about politics than listen to that two bit whore "sing". Still, Tom Waits is fucking ace, and if I were King, "Rain Dogs" would be an essential item for every household.

64. APHEX TWIN - I'm shocked to see Aphex Twin make the list, and I wanna know who other than Hamster voted for them/him (frankly I'm not quite sure. I'm not a huge fan of Aphex Twin, but I've been getting into them/him (Still not sure) slightly more over the last few months. I doubt I'd put them/him (for the love of fuck someone tell me what it is) in the top 100, however.

62. GEORGE HARRISON | TOOL - I'm a huge fan of the Beatles, and my favourite has always-always-always been Harrison. All Things Must Pass is one of the greatest albums of all time, and he is purely wonderful. Tool fall into the same category as a lot of other bands in this list, in that they're not awful, as such, they're just not good, and they've never interested me beyond a single or two.

61. AVENGED SEVENFOLD - Ugh. And to think I was starting to have faith in EWB. :(

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