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Football Manager 2009

King Ellis

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Played a game against my reserves. I have to be honest - I don't like the 3D match engine. If you have absolutely no imagination and need to see your players actually doing the actions, then I guess you'll like it. But the graphics are so basic and the animations are pretty crude. There's a new 2D view with some textures on it that looks like it'll be more my thing. The 3D might grow on me when I play some proper games with it, but first impressions are that there's far better gameplay improvements.

Totally agree, i cant see me using 3d for anything other than the really important matches to add some more atmosphere.

Graphics are very dodgy, 2d still wins for me.


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3D pitch kinda reminded me of USM98, I prefer the 2D though. I like the assistant advice thing and press conferences, the few new touches I've come across I've liked. Though I'm non plussed by the 3D match engine.

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Started the torrent download now. Will be done when I'm back from work. (Y)

Just started around a minute ago and it's going really fast, I think my peak was around 1MB/s on last glance

Naturally around the 90% mark it's going to slow to 2kb/s after everyone realises the demo's out <_<

1MB/S? Woah! What speed is your Internet? I thought I had a good connection and I'm getting 300+ kb/s.

My internet speed is 8MB yet I've never seen it go any higher than 1.1MB/s

and it seems to be averaging 700kb/s now, should be done in no time at all.

That's about right. Your d/l speed is usually between 7 and 10 times less than your internet connection speed.

Common misconception: your internet speed is not mesured in Megabytes/sec, it is measured in Megabits/sec. There are 8 bits in a byte, which is why the above makes sense.

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Playing a bit this morning before I go to work, although the widescreen support is nice it really hurts my eyes to read such small text. That's me playing at 1680 x 1050, so I think I might just stick it in a window and see how that goes. Gonna start a proper game instead of just rushing through to see the 3D engine. >_>

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How are Becchio, Delph and Howson rated on it? I reckon Howson will be highest rated of the three when should be Delph, although if they actually get Delphs position right this year its a step up.

To be fair White never signed a professional contract until start of September, so all stats may only be up til end of transfer window but rectified on release.

Whats the press conferences like? Strangley that seems to be the thing I'm most interested, and I don't want to download the demo as it'll only make me want the release even more

All extremely underrated. Particularly Delph, although he might have really good potential, but Becchs is underrated like fuck.

And White isn't even in the youth team or anything unless I'm going blind.

Press conference is cool, but if I get it too often I think I'll just turn it off because it is pretty time consuming.

Edit: I'm going blind, he is in the youth team - must have missed him last night.

Citeh have a budget of 55m and a balance of 188m, boo-urns! I want them to become a mega force that are going to be near impossible to beat!

Edited by - Matt -
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FFS. Having finally finished downloading the demo, I now can't run it. 'Failed to set up Graphics system' has popped up on my screen. :mellow:

How can I go about fixing this?

Wouldn't going to the folders of the demo and creating a graphics folder fix this?

Just a stab in the dark. I wouldn't have a clue otherwise.

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Anyone else having trouble with picking up fuckloads of injuries?? Arsenal start off with 4 players injured anyway (Rosicky, Fabregas, Eduardo, Diaby), but after 6 pre-season games and a Euro qualifier that number has risen to 9!!! And they're all midfielders and forwards!!! PLUS I have Denilson and Song at the pissing Olympics till the end of the month!!! Grrrrrr!

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Injuries were a problem last year as well. I can remember five or six of my starting eleven getting injured in pre-season alone.

I've learned my lesson with FM though, I'm not even going to think about buying 2009 until at least one patch has been released. Every year they release a game that is riddled with bugs and practically unplayable.

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I downloaded the demo this morning and gave it a bit of a run-through but I just can't get into it. Might the fact I'm not in a footbally mood today, but I don't really want to play it. It looks the same, the 3D engine is nice as are the press conferences, but those two things will get old fast I think. I'll get it when it comes out but I don't think I'll touch the demo much.

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They've made exactly the same mistake as last year regarding injuries. Firstly, they're judging what's normal based on physioroom.com stats - and players frequently start games when they're 'injured' according to that site. Secondly, the customers simply don't want this number of injuries and it's bizarre for SI to have decided to dictate this. In real life, squads do sometimes have 8-10 first team players out injured, but it's incredibly frustrating and not something that needs to be emphasised in the game. An accurate recreation of RL isn't necessary for the game or you'd be required to spend a year doing paperwork for your Pro License before you could buy it.

1PW: It's definitely a graphics card problem, from the discussion on SI's site. Make sure your graphics card's drivers are updated by checking on the manufacturer's website (and go on to the manufacturer of your PC's site as well, if necessary.)

I can't even play the demo, both versions crash with an unexplained error. I'm over the minimum specs, I have all my drivers updated, the latest versions of DirectX and the .NET framework and have tried multiple sources. The issue isn't even addressed on the SI website and it's impossible to get any response because all the staff are inundated with problems. Farcical.

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I got the Strawberry flavour from their direct download thing, Globe Share or something. I was getting around 1mb/s, peaking at one point at 1.2! Crazy.

But yes, haven't tried it yet. Not particually in the mood for it. Soon though.

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I don't really like the skin to be honest. As I mentioned earlier I never played 2008, but I really liked the 2007 skin, it's been a while since I played it so I can't remember what I liked about it. I might try and tweak some things, but none of the default skins really do it for me. Are the skins each listed twice for anyone else or is it just me?

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