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Adam Sandler


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Finally saw the entirety of Click tonight, had only ever seen the second half before. I found it to be a pretty damn good film, funny for the first three quarters and then a dramatic, emotional ending. Good flick.

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Every single one of his films, that I've seen, have almost the same story. Except with golf. Except that he's a wedding singer. Except that he is the son of the devil. Except that he is... you get the idea. Which isn't bad if you like that.


Rob Schneider is... a stapler!

Sandler's pretty much a genius in my book. There are some of his movies I didn't go see because they just didn't interest me when they came out but I want to get around to seeing, like Punch-Drunk Love, Spanglish and Reign O'er Me. I really can't list a bad Sandler movie. Even Little Nicky had the awesome Chicago record being played backwards scene. And I still sing "Water Sucks" from The Water Boy.

Gatorade... [H20!] Gatorade... [H20!]

Waaaater sucks, it really really sucks! Waaaater sucks, it really really sucks!

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Screw the people who hated The Longest Yard remake, I frigging love that film, it's a total "no brainer" film and it has the greatest cameos of anything ever, it's not epic, it's not original, but it's amusing in a totally juvenile way without really being childish.

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