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NHL 2K9 / NHL 09


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The defense wasn't too bad tonight, particularly in the later games but again it's hard to stop those glitch goals and the goals that the goalie AI struggles against more than it should. I find it tough playing wing against human defenders, they're quicker than the AI guys so it's tough to get away and if I try to go deep to set something up I'm usually checked out of the way before I can find someone with a pass. A bit more chemistry would help actually. Me, Dragsy and Whisper for example are pretty good as the forward combination because we've played so many games with each other in those positions.

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Me, Ad and Ace have also had some solid performances. I'm putting me and AD playing well together due to use co-op'ing on franchises for years. We have to sort out the defensive performances, whether it's getting a full-on goalie or just some consistency with the d-men. I think it'd be a major help though if we could keep the puck in the offensive zone for a while, give us less chances to actually have to defend. I'm going back to my pwoer forward/sniper build, so I'll be a little slower, but I'll just clog up the middle at either end so I don't need to be too quick. Then if we have the wings piling into the corner and flicking the puck across, either to me in the middle or to the blueline for slapshots, or even behind the net and try the odd wraparound.

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Yeah, more passing in the offensive zone is a must. There were a few times when I was at the blue line and had one of the wings kicked it out, we could have opened something up. Of course as aggresive as the human players are, I know that it's much more difficult than against those crappy CPU players. I'd kind of like to try goalie one game, just to see how I perform against the human players, if you guy's don't mind possibly getting beat worse than ever before. :shifty:

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Can you score in an empty net from less than a yard away? Because I fucking can't. So you might as well replace me.

I'm considering changing my character a bit, it's not like I can be very quick anyways and I'm a bit of a lightweight so I just get sent skidding every couple of seconds, then when I go for a hit I just seem to ricochet off them and go flying again.

Still, my defensive capabilities are shocking. I'm not saying that so I can get onto RW because to be frank if a line of AD-Dragsy-Whisper is the best then it's pointless me playing there but my defensive performance was pretty terrible - and I only had a good game in defence where we lost like 7-1 where they scored about.. 3 goals in the last minute. And for most of the game they didn't have too many chances.

Also you see the game in such a different light when your defence. I was doing my best to play position properly (I got an A afterall) and just kinda hung around the blue line but it seemed whenever we had a breakaway everyone went in the same place. I'm not blaming any of you forwards, as your all pretty good but there was one breakaway where there was about 4 of our players all charging down the middle and all 5 of their players retreating. It was just hilarious to see 9 players all in about 2 yards of each other charging in the same direction. But I agree with AD, normally we're pretty decent offensively. I only chimed in with one goal last night and I'm normally good for 2-3 on the night, but it just seemed no one was getting there.

We never seem to get a game against hockey fans though. We could use a team of absolute spanners just so we can try out a few new things, either way it's worth it anyways even if we get tonked 12-0. As there's no point seeing defenders kamikaze themselves at the net or anything like that, but once we get on the ice it's just "charge!".

I think 6 of us, as good as it is to have a full team was just a bit complex as well. All blethering away on the headsets, we seem to do alright when there's 2-3 of us, 4 at a push I guess. I'm not whinging, just kinda pointing out what I think. Obviously if there's 6 of us we can't turn round and say "right, you 3 - fuck off". But I think we should just have Dragsy be Live captain and he can just shout at us to tell us what to do. No niceness, if you're out of position he's allowed to tell you you're a prick. <_<

Erm.. I dunno what my point was originally. We're .. not bad, but we just can't seem to get any opponents who want to play. Really pissed me off yesterday that people will just abuse the one timers or find new easy ways to score when the old ways are fixed.

Oh yeah.. and my miss. Fucking hell.

Highlight of the night was Dragsy punking out that guy 3 times with ease. Was comical the third time.

And my miss :-\

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We're fucking awesome.

Or we were at least until I left, not sure what happened after that.

Whisper-AD-me > the rest <_<

Actually AD-Dragsy-Me and Whisper in RD was quite good - for like the one game we had it. Only lost to a deflected goal off AD in overtime. Also the wrap around overtime winner by me was fucking awesome, just because it wasn't going in at all until their defender slid into the crease and knocked it in himself. Served him right for being a sliding cunt.

Other than the first game where that one guy kept glitching the near post goal for like a 4-1 win or something, the rest of them were quite good. Then all the other matches were quite close and fair. We were 2-1-1 when I left I believe so hope it kept going well, probably the best night of online matches I've had.

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Scored my first goal.

Wait, wait, wait.... tell them HOW you scored Meacon :P

We take a penalty, their goalie goes to the bench, extra man hits the ice. They carry the puck into our zone, coming down the right hand side, the guy decides to pass it backwards.... to nobody, it travels all the way down the ice and into the empty net. It was beautiful.

I actually quite enjoyed playing Defence, we just need to move the puck out to the blue line a bit more... the few times we did set up properly we created some good chances.

Edit - Also, we need to play tonight. I'm 1 game away from my next card, providing I keep my rating at B-

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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You were good in defence at least. Didn't go streaking ahead too much and when you did I was okay to cover you and act as the back up RD - so we worked quite well.

I'm up for a game at some stage today. On another note, Whisper have you tried the online Legends thing on PES? Where you play with your BAL player with other BAL players (assuming you could have it so say me and you are on a team) and you take on the CPU. If so whats it like, I'd quite fancy a bash sometime but haven't tried PES online so if it's useless then no point.

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There is something slightly amiss when we get the puck on the breakaway and Slogger is not only the first man past the halfway line, he still hasn't crossed it from when we last went back to defend.

Still, solid effort last night, the offense was far more co-ordinated, and I'm enjoying the added accuracy the sniper build gives.

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I've just been given a no-no for playing Live (or at least talking on the headset) while my family are asleep as was yesterday. So... given that it's my family that's usually bed at like... 12 usually <_<

Might be later tonight because they don't have work tomorrow or anything but I dunno. Still, earlier matches are better for me - as in.. through our evening. Just to give a heads up :)

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