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NHL 2K9 / NHL 09


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I scored 3 tonight. One of which was a beautiful double deke in off the post move. Dragsy and AD will atest to the sexiness of it.

Although my last goal was a similar one to yours in which I passed the puck to someone in the centre and it hit the goaltender and went in. Although there wasn't the 6 hour delay like yours where you managed to end up at the blue line when the puck crossed the line.

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I can't find the twine to save my life lately, but at least I redeemed myself this evening with a trio of assists, I'm not usually one for helpers.

I know they've patched this game once, but they need another one, the goalie AI is broken, no one ion their right mind would do the stupid spread eagle shit our goalie does half the time, and what's worse is that opposing AI goalies don't seem to have the same problem. That and the penalties need fixing, because I'm sick of the constant bumper car hockey. It's incredibly frustrating because it's impossible to set up, yet again the other side seems to have no trouble holding onto the pick through multiple collisions.

Oh, and the douchebags online have found more exploits, the wraparound deke for one, and the constant spamming of one timers is getting old as well. There should be some kind of moderation system in place so these cheesers get restricted to OTP, and are forced out of the EASHL. Let them have their own teams and ladders in OTP, I don't care, just keep one league for folk who like to play proper hockey.

I think the timer idea that Ace alluded to is good because not only does it limit the constant body checks, it'd also force guys to sue other tools at their disposal such as the stick lift and poke check, and if you spam them, you get called for tripping and slashing and the like.

Edited by Dragsy
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You have a point, It's gotten to the point where I have tied Whisper in games played.

And I wasn't trying to give you advice on playing, It was just something I thought some of you guys might want to check out.

No Irony Needed; Drasgy.

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Eh, the AD/Dragsy/Whisper line did well, but the AD/Dragsy/IaceI line is doing just about as well. Still, you've been one of the more regular contributors and we had some pretty good games, just wondering where you'd got to is all.

By the way, we REALLY need some fucking defensemen.

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By the way, we REALLY need some fucking defensemen.

Well, damn shame all I've got is the PS3 then...although, I may have to see about convincing the wife to invest in a 360 if the PS3 keeps being a prick about downloading updates. I mean, seriously, I went on a demo-downloading binge last weekend, getting about 15 games on my hard drive...but updates for NHL, Madden, and CivRev keep telling me "an error has occurred" after about 6%. Bunch of shit.

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An AD/Dragsy/Whisper line won't work if I'm playing as well.

Have you seen my defensive skills?! No? Exactly. There are none.

Although if needs be I guess I can stand in the slot and just check everything that comes near me and spread the puck out like a creative genius for our breakaways. Lets face it, our attack philosophy is get the puck in our own zone and just fucking charge out and send all the attackers flying at the goalie.

Either way we'll work something out if it ever happens, although if Whisper is more of a contributor than I am then obviously he needs to play first.

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Yeah so I gave in and am back on XBL... Ace I hear you have Pro Evo.. get me added.

Also, I can play some defence if needs be... that said, we all remember how woeful Gunnar Stahl's checking is.

Clearly, Gunnar Stahl as a goalie was an experiment never fully realised... >_>

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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Of all the times to have my speed capped.

Would have any of the results changed had I been on defense?

Yeah, we'd probably have lost the one game we won.

My assist was a bit showy, but still. Me and Whisper charging down the right hand side, I pull a spinarama through two human defenseman and cross off towards the boards, leaving the puck in front of Whisper who pulls the trigger on a high-angle wrister, top corner. Wonderful.

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