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NHL 2K9 / NHL 09


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Game 1

Went 1-0 up

Conceded an equaliser off a deflection

Lost in the final minute because of shitty CPU AI

Game 2

Went 1-0 up

Conceded an equaliser off a deflection

Lost in the final minute because of shitty CPU AI

Wasn't it Groundhog Day yesterday though?

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What does vision control actually do? I assumed it stopped the camera doing the godawful swivel-around-you bullshit.

I believe it's supposed to square you up to the net and make passing more accurate, possibly strafes as well.

Also, I'd recommend a round robin, so the shit teams don't get boned by the good teams and have no chance of advancing.

I discovered that it does in fact make me one-time the puck, every single time I use it in that spot, that's awesome, normally i'd body check the air above the puck.

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Game 1

Went 1-0 up

Conceded an equaliser off a deflection

Lost in the final minute because of shitty CPU AI

Game 2

Went 1-0 up

Conceded an equaliser off a deflection

Lost in the final minute because of shitty CPU AI

Wasn't it Groundhog Day yesterday though?

Nope it's today. You just keep living it over and over again.

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I'm so tempted to quit the club and never EASHL again. I'm sick to death of the cheesing, glitching, exploits whatever. And if it's not that, it's opposing teams getting winning goals in the dying seconds off of utterly ridiculous deflections - tonight a pass deflected off two players and past the goalie's leg. It's horrible. It wouldn't be quite as bad if it weren't for the fact that we have to work bloody hard to even get one goal and can rarely, if ever count on a deflection or lucky bounce to go our way.

Presuming EA actually work out the kinks for 2010 (and to be fair, the EASHL concept is a massive one and the first iteration is going to have some teething issues), there are a couple of things I think the second EASHL needs. Firstly, parity, I don't want to be matched up against teams in the top 20 when we're struggling to stay in division 200 or whatever. There needs to be some sort of boundary, whether it be number of divisions or number of games palyed as that particular 6-man line-up or something. Also, playoffs for each division. And something to keep it meaningful after the season, whether it's gaining experience points from games or what have you.

Finally, some sort of moderation system, so that users can be flagged as dirty cheats or respectable players. EA have been fucking useless at moderating gameplay this year, the patch to fix the 99 glitching is coming after the season has ended, and games are rife with fucking dickheads who thinks it's fun to turn their back on net and fire backhand wristers in all day. An extension of the 360 reputation thing would be handy, you can give positive reviews to players who are good/fun to play against, and negatives in various categories for quitters or describing what cheese tactics they employ. There needs to be detail there because it'll blatantly get abused as "those guys beat us, negative feedback RARGH" so if a player believes they've been wrongly reviewed, they can put it to the EA staff (and hopefully get an actual fucking response). And some way of telling which gamertag was controlling which player would be cool too.

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Just finished my first season in BAP mode, twas on the Montreal Canadians and made a splash and a half. Finished the season with 107 points, 2nd place for the trophy for most points (forget the name, forgive me) behind Gaborik, and then went on to get 54 points in the playoffs, bringing the Canadian's to the cup! 4 Trophys in my first year, as well as old Stanley.

Then, immediatly after, I signed to the San Jose Sharks, who got demolished 4-0 in the series against Montreal. Don't ask why, but I hope I'll end up with someone who can take a faceoff as, despite getting incredible points, the coach refused to put me back to the 1st line for some damn reason. Was up there a few times with Koivu taking faceoffs, and got a ton of goals and a good handful of assists. As soon as I went down to the 2nd line with Pleaneac (forgive the spelling) taking faceoffs (or losing 9.5/10 rather) it felt like I went back to the AHL.

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Game 1

Went 1-0 up

Conceded an equaliser off a deflection

Lost in the final minute because of shitty CPU AI

Game 2

Went 1-0 up

Conceded an equaliser off a deflection

Lost in the final minute because of shitty CPU AI

Wasn't it Groundhog Day yesterday though?

Nope it's today. You just keep living it over and over again.

It'd had gone midnight here, and we're GMT. Everyone else just caters their times around ours, ours is law though. So yeah, I was right <_<

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So I finished a season in my LA Kings Be-A-Pro, I'm a goalie again. I'm feeling like i'm finally getting the hang of goalie and not letting in too many dumb goals. Too bad it took too long to get to that stage though.

The Avs won the cup (Over the ISLANDERS if you can believe) and I got offers from four teams:

Stay on at LA, 900K, 2 years, 2 other Goalies.

Columbus (I think?), 2 years, 900K, 3 other Goalies

Nashville, 2 years, 950K, 3 other Goalies

Detroit, 3 years, 975K, 4 other Goalies

Detroit was right out due to contract length and competition issues (I want the fastest route to the NHL) Columbus felt out because 3 other goalies at that much money is frowny times, so to me the options were re-signing with LA or going to Nashville. Even though the money is worse, I feel like LA is the best option due to me having a high chance at taking the NHL starting job. But on a whim...I obeyed an impulse...a voice in my head to go to Nashville. I'm the starter on their AHL team, and second on the depth chart behind Dan Ellis.

What would you guys have taken?

In my Power Forward Be-A-Pro, my Thrashers are almost certain to make the playoffs, and we're three points behind Tampa Bay (who have Goalie-Zilla Ladha) for the Division title. I'm really intrigued to play playoffs and head to Free Agency in that game, but goalie is so much fun at the moment because i'm really getting the hang of my side-to-side movement. The only thing I don't like is the ABYSMALLY large amount of time it takes to develop EXP as a goalie. I don't think i've ever gotten double digits in any category in any game.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, the LA and Nashville contracts were 1-way contracts, which, as I understand it, meant that if I made it to the NHL, I was probably going to get a chance to stay there.

Edited by Credence Plubby Revival
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The 1-Way Deal in Be A Pro is only good if you've established yourself as an NHL player.

Taking it, while expecting to play in the AHL at all, isn't smart... unless you don't mind the idea of being picked up on waivers. The type of contract doesn't really come into effect when the AI demotes people. If they're going to send you down, they'll do it regardless of what kind of deal you have... which means waivers on a 1-way contract.

That said... it could be good, because if you get picked up by worse teams, you have a higher chance, in theory, of picking up the starters job in the NHL.

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