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NHL 2K9 / NHL 09


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meac, I've sent you a club invite. Xbox live>Community>Player Hub to accept.

This is my (very short, im at work) review of the game, three games into my AHL Career in Be a Pro mode.

There are hockey games in the world - but this literally is a game of hockey. The realism is off the charts compared to what im used to. Absolutely phenomenal. Almost justifies the purchase of my entire PS3 console single-handedly.

And the commentary has my name! "Perry has that under him and he'll cover up for the faceoff". I came up out of my chair when I realised 'hey, hey just said Perry!'.

That wasn't a big deal to me. But then again, my last name is Smith, so most games that have any names pronounced pronounce mine :P

I agree it's probably the most realistic hockey game I've ever played. That said, it does have it's flaws...the cpu scores way too easily in BAP. The opposing cpu I mean. They always seem to turn the most unlikely shot (like a slapshot from just inside the zone with nobody screening the goalie...against a 90+ rated goalie) into goals.

Well...that's really my only complaint so far...other than the penalties are probably too rare by default, and some small realism nitpicks, but it's still probably the best hockey game I've ever played. I love scoring with the analog sticks (though sometimes I still pull it back crooked and do the holdaway thing instead of winding a slapshot). I was thinking of getting online and joining a team. I dunno how it's done though....is there a place where people are requesting new players for their team?

I don't think I'd be good enough to play with you guys, even if you'd have me :P

EDIT- Sorry forgot to mention...xbox360. Not sure if it matters to game play...but still.

I'll send you an invite which will appear in your player hub (which is somewhere in the XBOX Live menu, possibly clicking the right stick). What's your tag?

DigitalDeadmeat is my tag. Yeah I know lame...but it fits. Especially for shooters :P I'll be around tomorrow so hopefully I can get into a game then

I have sent the invite. You need to go Live>>Community>>View Player Hub.

I've done the custom music thing Will linked to, and I've ended up sticking with the streaming because I don't fancy burning 15 CDs and recreating 129 playlists. Yet to play a game with it, but it only took about 15 minutes to put all the playlists into the media hub.

Oh, and does anyone have any decent sliders? I usually try a couple of sets from OperationSports.com, but Iw as wondering if anyone had tried any before I go and try like 8 different sets.

Go to 'Community', then 'View your Player Hub'.

Because Mike apparently cannot read or search.

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58 shots and they managed one goal. And that was 2! They passed it around better with just them 2 than the entire team did in the first match.

Plus I was faffing around with the camera every period and then realised I hated it, so I was stuck with a shit camera and just had to skate around unable to see anything other than half a yard around me. Was a right fucking pain. I played awful last night though, mainly because I couldn't see.

I'm around pretty much all day today so I'd be available. Since I don't appear to know anyone who has Call of Duty 4 that plays online, and I seem to have a phobia with playing a game completely made up of people I don't know - for whatever reason I always like there to be someone I know playing as well, mainly to help me out if I'm a complete newb. So I'd be more open to playing NHL against people I don't know than CoD since I've never played it online yet. Just throwing my availability on NHL out there if anyone is wanting to play at some point today, assuming nothing crops up. :)

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I am, But they left for another game, about a minute before I entered the room.

and screw you guys for conspiring to to play at half past 3 in the morning, That's just not cricket hockey.

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Shame about that last match. But it was a bit of a sham anyways as I spent most of the match in hysterics... no... not at our play, at the fantastic website Dragsy sent me. I couldn't hold it together at all when trying to read out parts of it and just kept breaking down in laughter. I imagine that sounded a bit stupid to you 3.

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After seeing Dragsy's post, This was a reply to IAceI, The edit is to the attention of the former though.


I couldn't hear you, Someone tried to invite me to a party, But it won't let me join any for what seems to be the same reason, I can't stream music to my xbox.

I too feel bad about that last game, I thought I was having a great game upto the point of my cross checking penalty, I took out a guy chasing our puck carrier and get pinged, Yet I was practicably begging for an interference penalty in front of our own net and never got called once, Then I get sent to the box, AD get's the same for Delay of Game and the game goes to shit.

Bright side, Due to the freezing thing we avoid our 100th loss, For now.

[EDIT] Wait hold on, Me stay in defense, I was for the most part the first guy back to defend, The only time I went forward was when we were on the powerplay or we were losing in the final period, Considering we only let in two goal in 40 shots, I think the back 3 did well.

Edited by Superbowl Slogger
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I couldn't hear you, Someone tried to invite me to a party, But it won't let me join any for what seems to be the same reason, I can't stream music to my xbox.

I too feel bad about that last game, I thought I was having a great game upto the point of my cross checking penalty, I took out a guy chasing our puck carrier and get pinged, Yet I was practicably begging for an interference penalty in front of our own net and never got called once, Then I get sent to the box, AD get's the same for Delay of Game and the game goes to shit.

Bright side, Due to the freezing thing we avoid our 100th loss, For now.

[EDIT] Wait hold on, Me stay in defense, I was for the most part the first guy back to defend, The only time I went forward was when we were on the powerplay or we were losing in the final period, Considering we only let in two goal in 40 shots, I think the back 3 did well.

Are you kidding me? You were never in position, you held onto the puck way too long allt he time, meaning you got pasted and coughed it up to the other team, usually in our defensive zone too. On top of that, you were often first into the attacking zone, whether you had the puck or not!

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To be fair, Joe was removing the dog/sibling/small child from in front of his television screen for most of the second half.

"I have received the impression that you feel that I am lacking in the agility category. I should consider a walk through my living room where I don’t crash through a wall or kick over furniture a resounding success."

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I couldn't hear you, Someone tried to invite me to a party, But it won't let me join any for what seems to be the same reason, I can't stream music to my xbox.

I too feel bad about that last game, I thought I was having a great game upto the point of my cross checking penalty, I took out a guy chasing our puck carrier and get pinged, Yet I was practicably begging for an interference penalty in front of our own net and never got called once, Then I get sent to the box, AD get's the same for Delay of Game and the game goes to shit.

Bright side, Due to the freezing thing we avoid our 100th loss, For now.

[EDIT] Wait hold on, Me stay in defense, I was for the most part the first guy back to defend, The only time I went forward was when we were on the powerplay or we were losing in the final period, Considering we only let in two goal in 40 shots, I think the back 3 did well.

Are you kidding me? You were never in position, you held onto the puck way too long allt he time, meaning you got pasted and coughed it up to the other team, usually in our defensive zone too. On top of that, you were often first into the attacking zone, whether you had the puck or not!

That was one time with 2:50 (so about 30 seconds) left in the game and it doesn't matter what I did because everytime the frontline got the puck, You lost it by the time you got to the blueline, Causing said 40 shots against us.
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