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Old School gaming on HD/HD Ready TVs?!

Herr Matzat

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i am thinking about buying a HD Ready TV becaus the remot control of my old one is dead, a good (never had any luck with that 6 euro pices) new one would coast 50-150€ and i still need to buy a DVB-T Reciver for my new flat. Again a good one would coast at least 90 Euro.

So Hands down i´ed have to pay about 200€ to get my almost 10 year old TV fully running again. For just 3 times the money i can get a good Medium Size HD Ready TV by Philips for example. (good enough to show sports n stuff without the speeding efeckt).

Now my Question is, if i go for this new TV - what will this do to my old games... i asume PS2 might still do fairly well... but what about N64 and especialy SNES (i am running those via RGB Scart on my current TV - so basicly pluggin in should be no problem) ... will the picture just be shit becaus it´s upscaled badly... or will it be fun because a pixel is a pixel no matter how big or smal it is?

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I have an SNES hooked up to my parents Samsung 42 inch plasma TV right now, and I just unplugged the Genesis that was hooked up to my Sony 32 inch LCD TV just because the RF Switch was of poor quality and messed up my digital cable signal.

The SNES looks great, the Genesis looked great. I can't help you with the 64 because I haven't hooked it up recently.

Edited by Toe
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My PS2 looks like shit on my HDTV, but I'm still running it on basic AV cables. Old school games surprisingly don't look too horrible, my SNES holds up okay on it (again, not great... but pretty surprising). But if you got a Wii and hook it up through component cables, old games look great on that. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out is gorgeous on my TV.

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I dident get a Wii and i am not Planing to right now.

Would you care to take a picture of SNES/PS2 games running on your HD TV? (dident PS2 even have HD Games? Or at least some in america, like Gran Tourismoe 4? Might it look better if you get a HDMI Cable for all the games? - would the Wii HDMI Cable still fit in the old consoles? ((N64 and SNES at least use the same plug in the console))

Untill now i only saw some of the regular TV on HDTVs in the shop... it looks like shit wen you get close, but from far away you do not notice all the blurring so it was fine.


thx for the answers btw.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I ordert a Sony "KDL-32 L 4000E" online today, it´s just 530€ wich is about 200 less than in the shop. I can send it back and will be refundet the full shipping costs if i don´t like it.

It looked good enough in the shop and fits my finances, sadly it issent a plasma but 27 inch were just to much size for my tast. (i could have gotten a Panasonic for 700, but to big and to pricy for my pocket)

To bad that the EU Releas of GT4 did not have the full hd suport, so i have no way to check it´s maximum....

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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It arived today. SNES Looks amazing. PS2 is fine to, but it´s suffering a bit becaus the edge flickering now goes crazy big (wich realy blows for games like FF12)

DVD and TV are great aswell.

The Ssound blows bigtime, but thats just how it is with these flat screens, sadly i have no audio cable to get it hooked to my hifi right now. But looks like a keeper.

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