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Beijing Olympics 2008

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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800m women's swimming British love-in spoiler.

An Olympic record for Adlington in the (albeit pointless and stupid) 800m (unless of course the 800m is the women's version of the 1500m for men and then it's totally acceptable as an event). Good girl. She won her heat by over 3.5 seconds and it's incredibly rare for a Brit to capture an Olympic record. She wasn't too far off the World Record (she got the second fastest time in history) so could get that in the final along with the gold. Very cool.
Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Badminton (Emms/Robertson)

So, they ended up being outclassed by the Korean's, losing in straight games. That 19 year old bloke (Lee something or other) is brilliant, and Barry Davies is right in saying that he'll likely be even better at London 2012.

Emms said before the tournament that it was her last, but Robertson will be going to 2012. There's a part of me that thinks Emms might join him, considering the Olympics is in London next time around. Hope she does for one last crack at it.

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Its too bad they won't be able to prove that China cheated at gymnastics. If they could prove it, I think a ban from participating in gymnastics in 2012 should be in order, aside from stripping them of the medals.

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Its too bad they won't be able to prove that China cheated at gymnastics. If they could prove it, I think a ban from participating in gymnastics in 2012 should be in order, aside from stripping them of the medals.

Yes, America lost so somebody must of cheated. (I didn't read through the thread so if somebody brought up something about it then I'll move along)

I actually haven't been following these Olympics too closely because quite frankly, we're shit.

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Its too bad they won't be able to prove that China cheated at gymnastics. If they could prove it, I think a ban from participating in gymnastics in 2012 should be in order, aside from stripping them of the medals.

Yes, America lost so somebody must of cheated. (I didn't read through the thread so if somebody brought up something about it then I'll move along)

I actually haven't been following these Olympics too closely because quite frankly, we're shit.

Umm almost everyone and their mama thinks that the Chinese girls were 12 years old at the most

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Womens 200m breaststroke spoilers

:o Liesel Jones didn't win. Quick, drug test that American woman >_>

Womens 100m freestyle spoilers

And Trickett led the entire race but just got beaten on the touch at the wall :( Man, we've just been beaten in so many races so far and we've had quite a few 4ths and 5ths so far. Oh well, people could always end up getting disqualified in 8 years time with the frozen urine tests >_> (unless they're Chinese :ph34r: ). Great efforts from all the swimmers so far! We've had someone thereabouts in the finals of the majority of races so far, which is great to see.
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Its too bad they won't be able to prove that China cheated at gymnastics. If they could prove it, I think a ban from participating in gymnastics in 2012 should be in order, aside from stripping them of the medals.

Yes, America lost so somebody must of cheated. (I didn't read through the thread so if somebody brought up something about it then I'll move along)

I actually haven't been following these Olympics too closely because quite frankly, we're shit.

"Oh Canada, our home and native land..."

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Women's Gymnastics All Around

Uneven Bars:

Looks like the fix is in. I thought Semanova's routine on the uneven bars was way better than that Chinese girl (Yilan or something) and more difficult. Also Luikin and Johnson got lower scores than they should have. These scoring discrepancies are bad, they're not overly ridiculous but they're still bad.


And the other Chinese girl had the same amount of deductions as Shawn Johnson and she had like 4-5 balance checks including when she got on the beam, when Johnson only had one balance check.

Edited by punky
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100 metres ATHLETICS men

Bolt, Gay and Powell jog through their heats. All three Brits also through with Tyrone Edgar (GBR) posting a time faster than the big three, of 10.13 which is very nice for heats. Apparantly he wasn't feeling his best either but looked like he was cruising.

I'm a realistic fella so a final spot for him would be excellent.


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Women's Gymnastics All Around

Uneven Bars:

Looks like the fix is in. I thought Semanova's routine on the uneven bars was way better than that Chinese girl (Yilan or something) and more difficult. Also Luikin and Johnson got lower scores than they should have. These scoring discrepancies are bad, they're not overly ridiculous but they're still bad.


And the other Chinese girl had the same amount of deductions as Shawn Johnson and she had like 4-5 balance checks including when she got on the beam, when Johnson only had one balance check.

This is the first judged event I've seen where some/a lot of the scores have appeared to be disputable. Nastia should probably be winning right now, and Shawn should be no worse than 3rd, but that's simply not the case. If no one screws up or falls, Yilin's going to win the gold which would be a joke.
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Women's Gymnastics All Around

Uneven Bars:

Looks like the fix is in. I thought Semanova's routine on the uneven bars was way better than that Chinese girl (Yilan or something) and more difficult. Also Luikin and Johnson got lower scores than they should have. These scoring discrepancies are bad, they're not overly ridiculous but they're still bad.


And the other Chinese girl had the same amount of deductions as Shawn Johnson and she had like 4-5 balance checks including when she got on the beam, when Johnson only had one balance check.

This is the first judged event I've seen where some/a lot of the scores have appeared to be disputable. Nastia should probably be winning right now, and Shawn should be no worse than 3rd, but that's simply not the case. If no one screws up or falls, Yilin's going to win the gold which would be a joke.

Yiilin gets another undeserved score there, when it should have been much lower.. and Nastia did a solid beam there, she has to get a great score there. Definitely better than Yuilin and the others. There we go 16.125, she definitely deserved that.


Yilin gets a 15.00 and it opens the door for Nastia & Shawn to finish 1-2 as long as they don't mess up badly. Nastia just had a great floor there, she's guaranteed a Silver at least with that 15.525. They're saying that Nastia is the Gold Medalist because Shawn's start value isn't high enough and she needs a 15.045 to get the Silver.

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Yiilin gets another undeserved score there, when it should have been much lower.. and Nastia did a solid beam there, she has to get a great score there. Definitely better than Yuilin and the others. There we go 16.125, she definitely deserved that.

Crazy judging aside, it looks like Nastia just won the gold which is great because I've always preferred her to Shawn. Give me an ice princess gymnast over the short, spunky I'M SO CUTE ones any day :shifty:
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Is it just me, or were the NBC announcers really pushing Nastia over Shawn Johnson? Who cares, good job girls.

America, fuck yeah

They were because Nastia was almost flawless today/tonight. If she had lost it would have been the biggest conspiracy of the Olympics thus far.


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If you watched that event, there's no way you could have thought anyone else should have won. Had the outcome been different that would have been the biggest story of the games for the wrong reason. If you thought there was a lot of nonsense made about the "age debate", this one would have eclipsed that story tenfold. I can almost guarantee that the US team would have protested and eventually tried to petition for a new scoring system. There were people who almost fell off of the beam 5 times getting better execution marks than people who had no visible errors. It would have been disastrous if the outcome was different, just like when those Canadian figure skaters got jobbed by the judges in 2002 and they eventually had to overturn the outcome because it was so obvious that one of the judges was on the take.


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Thought you were saying if she'd lost it to Johnson there would've been a 'huge conspiracy' and from what I'd read Johnson had been going good as well, my bad. But crap like that has been going on in diving and gymnastics for ages and always will be as long as there are judges involved. And IMO, it wouldn't have eclipsed the controversy of the age of the Chinese gymnasts. That story would be pretty huge (if they are proven to be underage), mainly because China's the host and it'd lead to people wondering what else they could be cheating in.

"According to a list of competitors in a 2007 provincial competition, Yan Yilin (August 1993), He Kexin (January 1994), and Jiang Yuyuan (October 1993) are all more than a year under the age limit. Yan is 14 years old! Their passports, however, issued recently by the Chinese government, say they all barely make the age requirement so no action will be taken."

It'd also be interesting to see the test results 8 years from now when they can test for things they can't test for now (not for the gymnasts obviously, but all events).

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