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Leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer *Spoilers*


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According to wikipedia, whom I know it's not the most reliable of sources, it says "Computer-generated imagery is being used to create his eventually scarred visage." Take it with a grain of salt though. I'm hoping the masked 'Pool doesn't show in the trailer because they don't want to ruin the surprise. Kinda like we only got a glimpse of Venom on Spider-Man 3's trailer. Here's to hoping, though.

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As much as I'm not a Wolverine fan (seriously, if it were just Wolverine I can think of thirty or forty characters I'd rather see) the potential to see this movie and count the spin-off setups is just unmissable.

And as a Gambit fanboy, well, unless it's a two hour slash storyline between him and Wolverine, I'm there.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for bumping this, but... (possible Deadpool spoilers):

apparently, if the toy is correct, Deadpool is the X-Men Origins: Wolverine's equivalent to Mortal Kombat's Baraka.




Just... just... why? :crying:

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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Sorry for bumping this, but... (possible Deadpool spoilers):

apparently, if the toy is correct, Deadpool is the X-Men Origins: Wolverine's equivalent to Mortal Kombat's Baraka.




Just... just... why? :crying:

they're probably not implanted in his arms, just taped on to make himself more even with wolverine. Seems like something deadpool would do.
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It don't think it's a possible spoiler....

He's in the official trailer for a second or two doing a spinning kick on Wolverine.

I hope he disfigures more at the end and becomes the proper deadpool, otherwise this is just crap.

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Here's another one:



I really hope it's a case of him making fun of Wolverine... but I don't have my hopes up.

EDIT: Oh God... Apparently, on the back of the figure's case, it says Deadpool's turned into Weapon XI and that Wolverine and Sabretooth have to team up to stop "the ultimate mutant". WHY?!

Oh yeah, and an awesome clip:


See, I'd be pretty content to have Deadpool just be Ryan Reynolds with a katana for this movie, getting scarred after a final confrontation with Wolverine or something (and getting his own movie afterwards :shifty: ), not...

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Okay, regarding the Deadpool stuff... story spoilers

There's a guy on IMDB who's been talking about it. He says that Deadpool volunteers for the Weapon XI program, where he's basically given all these crazy powers as a means to defeat Wolverine. Apparently, Fox didn't feel like Deadpool, who cannot die and is totally batshit insane, with guns and swords wouldn't be enough for Wolverine. Cunts.

Anyways, it basically lobotomizes him. He doesn't remember anything, and he's a stone cold killer. Wolverine and Sabretooth team up to take him out, because he's more dangerous even than they are... but what really defeats him, is that Wade Wilson's body rejects a lot of the procedure, which is supposed to leave him all crazy scarred up, insane, witty and with his regular universe powers.

They made him into Uber-Boss for the movie, but this guy is saying that by the end of the film, the Deadpool we know and love will be the one that's there, and a spin-off depends on the box office for this, and reception to the character.

I buy it. It makes sense.

I'm not sure how they're handling the actor issue, as to who plays who, where and when in the film and all that... but what he's said makes sense to me, and I suppose it's not the worst thing they could have done.

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As much as I'm not a Wolverine fan (seriously, if it were just Wolverine I can think of thirty or forty characters I'd rather see) the potential to see this movie and count the spin-off setups is just unmissable.

I am pritty shure (as in, read demographics, not as in belive) that Wolverine is the most Famous Marvel Hero besides Spider-Man. In that whole DC vs Marvel Storyline they got the most Votes. (even though we all know Lobo should have won :shifty: ) - That said, i want a Dark Claw Movie, now!

To bad about Deadpool... but we´ll the... the X-Men Movies so far have been realy good. On the other hand... the first two Spider-Man Movies had been aswell... and than came the third one... and boy was it a clusterfuck.... :-X

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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The thing that makes me hopeful is that reportedly Ryan Reynolds is a big Deadpool fan. I'm hoping the fact that he took the role means that they don't completely butcher him and come to a reasonably faithful Deadpool, at least in the end of the movie, not this... thing.

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Bleh. This movie is a Netflix rental at best for me, especially after the Deadpool news. (And given the massive size of my Netflix queue, that means I won't actually be watching it until like 2011.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

More Deadpool shit

Ryan Reynolds confirmed in an interview with MTV that he is in fact Weapon XI. So, with that out in the open, what I'm wondering is this...

Does anybody know if Fox already had the film rights to Deadpool? Or did Marvel sell them to Fox when they decided to make this Wolverine flick? I was just wondering that last night, because if Deadpool wasn't a part of the original package that Fox purchased way back when, then Marvel has made a big mistake by outsourcing a potential money-machine.

A Deadpool film, based on any storyline arc from any of his solo series', with Ryan Reynolds in the lead, would have been a huge money maker. Not only do you have the hardcore Pool audience, which is fairly big... but you have a legitimate star to market as the main character. Show his face through flashbacks to keep the girlies happy, bring in a big name to be a villain such as T-Ray or Typhoid Mary maybe...maybe have Ben Affleck cameo as Matt Murdock if they could legally do it, and you're set.

Instead, Fox is handling the character, and from what we've found out so far, it isn't looking very good. I'm not saying it's going to be a flop for sure, because I have faith in Reynolds and will reserve judgment until I see the film... but I am saying that Fox dropped the ball a lot on the X-Men films, and the only legitimately awesome superhero movies based on Marvel characters have come directly from Marvel.

Anyways, does anybody know the deal with the film rights to Deadpool?

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