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The Best Damn Game Reviewer.... EVAR!

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Dunno if anyone's seen his videos before, but this guy is awesome.

It is genuinely something I look forward to on Wednesday's when he puts up another new review (partly because Wednesday are slow news days).


Just thought I'd share his hilarious reviews.

EDIT: I guess you can post your own too, not that they'll match up. :shifty:

Edited by TheModernWay
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Yeah, I've been watching since about February, just decided to post now.

I love the bluntness and the times that the video shows what he's really thinking/in contradication.

For example he says

"..she turns to something with makeup that looks like it's been applied by a KISS fan with Parkinsons", at which time a picture of Michael J. Fox show up.

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I've been watching since the Burnout review, If anyone can find a better review on the web, I will buy a hat like Yahtzee 's and then eat it.

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Yeah, I've been watching ever since my mate linked me to his review of assassin's creed. I think the best moment of all his reviews though he when he states 'God knows what would happen if you smeared Branston Pickle on No More Heroes, perhaps the universe would end......... and it would be awesome'.

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My favourite moment is in the Phantom Hourglass review and his remark that the sailing returns "like a greasy sex offender returning to your room at night" which is just awesome when set to the image of a pair of eyes in a sea of black, only to be joined by another pair. Also in the same review, the point that you can't just set down the DS during the sailing sections. Having the imp thing poke his head into the image to see a DS all alone before venturing over to kick it tickles me. Generally though I like that review caus it validates me since I too haven't finished it yet.

Generally though ZP irks me of late with the change to generic music, I understand why it's been done but I don't much care for the piece of music chosen. Also I don't like The Escapist realising this is the only thing people visit their site for so they feel the need to slap on 5 minutes of pimping their other shit. Many a time I have fallen for this and remarked "Hmmm, ZP is pretty long this week." only to realise i'd forgotten the shilling.

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I have watched this since the beginning, being a fan of Yathzee's Chzo Mythos and previous games and reviews, and since like last year when this began I have always been entertained. The reviews are just awesome. There is nothing bad to be said about that man. Nothing.

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A friend pointed him out to me a few months ago, and now his latest review is the first thing I look for after work on a Wednesday. At the very least, he's frequently hilarious, some of his lines have me in stitches.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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I think the best part about Yahtzee is the sheer britishness of the chap. It's kind of a nice alternative to the usually more brash and less whitty sort such as the Angry Video Game Nerd who seem to become less and less funny every time they do a 'review'. Yes, I do check every Wednesday in preparation for Yahtzee's next awesome review.

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I think the best part about Yahtzee is the sheer britishness of the chap. It's kind of a nice alternative to the usually more brash and less whitty sort such as the Angry Video Game Nerd who seem to become less and less funny every time they do a 'review'. Yes, I do check every Wednesday in preparation for Yahtzee's next awesome review.

Yeah, The Nerd isn't as good nowadays. I don't like it when he shoehorns in his live action stuff. If anything I prefer it when he's just talking about the games and venturing into hyperbole over their foibles but I guess he needs to entertain the kids by rattiling off a list of profanities. It's always been pretty interesting to me because he talks about stuff that is before my time but he seems more interested in kicking the shit out of Bugs Bunny for 10 minutes. <_<

Edited by King eLLis
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Yahtzee is twenty types of awesome. My mate showed me the Fable rant on Youtube a couple of months ago and I've been hooked ever since. So hooked, in fact, that I bought one of his T-Shirts a few weeks ago (the Assassin one). Hooray for being a walking billboard...

I think the main thing that stands out with Yahtzee is that he's the only good reviewer on the Internet. I've been watching a lot of reviewers lately and I've come to the following conclusions:

The Angry Video Game Nerd. Admittedly I've been a fan of his for over a year, but its becoming evident that he's bored with the project. The amount of live action stuff that has fuck all to do with the review has increased dramatically. It's a shame James Rolfe is actually a good director (see his other works) because the moment he moves back onto them, everyone will disown him. Also, the film reviews on his website are piss poor. A reviewer does not apologise for several minutes and dismiss his own opinions just because they go against the popular opinion.

The Irate Gamer. I don't buy into this hack thing he's accused of, because every "Youtube celebrity" is a hack anyway. He is a terrible producer, writer, director, actor and special effects bloke though, meaning his videos would be far better if they simply didn't exist.

Then there's the cult video game reviewers on Youtube who had their accounts deleted by The Irate Gamer (allegedly). People like Armake21, UrinatingTree, PlayItBogart and so on. Basically, a bunch of twenty to forty year old probably unemployed, probably lonely video game nerds who claim they're awesome at gaming, and then blame how they've died seventeen times on the first level of a game on 'shitty controls'.

I also came across a weird Yahtzee rip-off. His name is RandomEDC or something, and he takes his very original structure for a review (called 'A Handy Dandy Guide') and cripples it with a weak Yahtzee imitation.

So in conclusion: three cheers for Yahtzee!

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Yahtzee's provided me with many a video game witticism I can steal in real life without getting caught out. I mock everyone that can't play GH/RB on Hard with the claim that they 'have an atrophied pork scratching hanging where their pinkie should be.'

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Generally though ZP irks me of late with the change to generic music, I understand why it's been done but I don't much care for the piece of music chosen. Also I don't like The Escapist realising this is the only thing people visit their site for so they feel the need to slap on 5 minutes of pimping their other shit. Many a time I have fallen for this and remarked "Hmmm, ZP is pretty long this week." only to realise i'd forgotten the shilling.


Back when we were still in uni and we were waiting for the tutors, someone would put one of the videos up on the projector (after all the tutor introduced us to him several weeks earlier).

The "Jason Statham" quote in the middle of the Crysis? review just has me and my mates laughing.

The Lara Croft review is great too, where he mentions he won't mention breasts again, until he goes mad at the end. Classic.

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From the amount of times I've derided people for being pants-on-head retarded, it shouldn't really come as any surprise that I plan to name one of my children Yahtzee. I'd need like 23 kids to get to that point because of how many times I've dedicated names, but #24's the charm as they say in Beirut.

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