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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Ramos, Poyet and Comolli all reportedly sacked. Who the hell are they going to get in now?

EDIT: Portsmouth have agreed permission for Harry Redknapp to speak to Spurs. Wow, this'll be interesting.

Edited by -A-
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Maybe they're going to take the Newcastle approach and go for the manager of Rotherham or something. <_<

The sad thing is you know that Ramos is going to get hired by another club and immediately succeed now.

And I haven't read anything about Poyet going. Just Ramos and Comolli.

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It was pretty much on the cards, but it really isn't the best timing considering they have a rather important game tomorrow. And BBC are reporting Poyet has gone too. I kinda feel sorry for him, he's the one that's always had to do the post-match interviews and make up varying excuses as to why they were playing so shit even though most of it was probably out of his hands and also had to bullshit his way through the Berbatov saga.

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As has been said, it's been done at a ridiculous time with the Bolton game only a few hours away really. Anyway, I think we could all see it coming. It's a shame after what we did to get Ramos in the first place and I think that had he been given more time or more control over his transfers he may have been able to turn things around, although I was never in favour of us sacking Martin Jol for him in the first place. I would have liked Poyet to stay, though, legend he is :(

Harry Redknapp would be a very good replacement I feel. I think he could get us back to what got us into the 5th place finishes a season or two ago when we had some good British talent breaking through with just the right mix of foreign flair in the squad rather than the current squad that you don't really feel have much chemistry and are perhaps too overloaded with foreigners.

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Old Harry agreed it go, was just talking to SSN about it. Everyone saying he's a great manager but they forget the job he did prior to his second shift at Pompey. I ain't saying he's rubbish by any means, probably the best English manager about but he's by no means the solution. If anyone should go, it should be Levy. He's there to make decisions and I can't think of any he got right

Weren't Harry trying to ban Spurs fans the other week after they slaughtered Campbell? That'll all be forgotten now

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Had to be done. Comolli was what had to go and Ramos (and his team) were the consequence. If anybody can pull off survival for us, it has to be Harry.

XD at Jason Cundy saying we are too big to go down. Who cares how big we are, we have a fantasy football squad (not even a good one) instead of a team. We could easily go down.

Least we'd win some matches.

EDIT: £5m compensation, fucking hell. However if we went down that's a £30m loss, so it's a price that we have to pay.

Edited by 3 Faces of Foley
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No Harry, don't go to Spurs! :(

On the whole Harry is a pretty damn good manager but I'd just like him to stay with Pompey for some reason.

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Whoop! Harry Redknapp!

I read that on the bbc website earlier and got a bit excited. I think it's exactly who we need right now. He'll shout at some players, make the team fight for survival and give some entertaining post-match interviews.


The best news though is that Comolli has been booted and Levy isn't gonna replace him. Finally the manager can have more of a say in the signings.


Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyThatcher
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