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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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I went to the home game in the league back in 2001 where we won 5-0. The police were there in greater numbers than usual as they were expecting a sell-out and trouble, especially after the trouble at the previous game. Saw no trouble myself at that one but I was busy pissing my pants with the performance.

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Joey Barton deserves everything he gets and more.

Oh, fuck off, you stupid cunt.

Yes, Barton did wrong. He's fucking paid for it, and now he's back, trying to get back into everyone's good graces. It's arseholes like you shitting all over him who are making it hard on him. Don't make things harder than they already are.

Also, if Barton deserves "everything he gets", El-Hadji Diouf deserves a fucking lifetime ban from the game and then some, for spitting on a fan. Spitting on a fellow player is bad enough, and nets a long ban, but to bring an innocent fan into it all is fucking reprehensible.

So, in conclusion, fuck off.

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Richardson will win World footballer of the year.

And we're better than Newcastle, we've known it for a while now but it's nice to get it down in writing now as proof.

Nothing will wipe the smile from my face. Whinging Newcastle fans? Will only make it better. Whinging about Barton? I couldn't care less. He's an insignificant player, who, were it not for his track record of being an utter cunt wouldn't be cared about nearly as much as possible.

Fucking get in. Was listening to the radio in the car with reception coming and going. And they were talking about Richardson and then they all just went absolutely ballistic. Yep, Steve Stone who was saying on air he was wanting Newcastle to beat Sunderland was shouting and screaming.

Nice to get a deserved win under our belt after only getting a point last week against Fulham. Oh, and of course, ultimate bragging rights are now mine. Fuck - it's good to be me :D

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Really? Just the commentators on five live we're saying how it was such a deserved victory for Sunderland and that in all, they were the better team.

Like I say, I just had to listen to the second half really. They were quite complimentary, said we had the best first half - but that was probably, we had a good first 15 minutes so nothing else matters.

Either way, form goes out the window for this match. Who's winning and who's losing at the time makes no difference to the Tyne/Wear derby. But fucking hell am I happy right now.

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Fair assesment, I missed the first 5 'cause our local didn't have it, so we had to go to the town centre, but up to the first goal, you fucking hammered us. After that, though, it was a more even game. We played too deep, which was our main problem, and we should have gone all out attack earlier to try and win the game.

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I'll see for myself when I get some extended highlights and the sort. But I'll take your word for it TRW, no reason to doubt what you're saying is true.

When I was listening into the run up to our second goal it sounded like it was just Sunderland with chance after chance. Then obviously Newcastle sort of finished off stronger because they were looking for that second goal whereas we were just trying to keep the score the same.

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The BBC website is confusing the fuck out of me by listing Tuncay on the Boro team line-up by his actual surname. And then proceeding to contradict themselves by saying "Tuncay's back in".

Seriously. I had to go and look his surname up on wikipedia. ffs.

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