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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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I think you do have to be interfering with play, but you can do that just by being in a position to distract the keeper, for example.

As far as I'm aware if a player was in an offside position and made a play on the ball, such as stretching for it and missing it then they could be flagged as offside much in the same way if they were offside and let the ball run through their legs or something of the sort.

Basically if they go for the ball, or make a play for it etc. then I assume they could be called offside as I've seen it plenty of times before. That's my understanding of the rule.

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If your team is gaining an advantage of any sort, even distracting the goalkeeper or stopping a defender from getting to the ball for a moment, and you're in an offside position while doing this, you are deemed to be offside, regardless of whether you touch the ball or not.

Re-reading that, it sounds horribly confusing and diagrams would help.

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TRW explains it how I wanted to but couldn't.

But like I said, if Kuyt wasn't offside - then it doesn't matter.

This may possibly be the most boring Saturday for football ever, and that includes the fact we won 2-0 earlier. 3 3pm matches in the Premiership - fucks sake what a bore.

Edited by IAceI
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Skrtel off a corner pls kthxbye. :shifty:

Haha, have you ever watched us play? We're fucking useless from corners, we might as well just let the other team have a goal kick.

I was aware.

That's the problem with only having defenders/keepers in my fantasy team for a match. I can only hope for clean sheets or not to lose points. ¬_¬

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I'm normally fairly optimistic after results like that, but fuck me that display was abysmal. Alonso, Gerrard and Torres are supposed to be good enough to open up any defence in the world, and yet all they today was the same useless things over and over again despite it being clear to anyone who'd even flicked onto the game for five minutes that it wasn't working.

Gerrard, once again, gave a display that showed why you'd have to be fucking mental to play him in central midfield. No discipline, no composure, and it's a shame that Lucas wasn't sent on in his place. For all his talk about playing on the right not suiting his game and running to the press everytime he's played there, he's just spent 90 minutes being less effective that a conference player who can take a decent corner would be.

It's not the end of our season like the papers will say tomorrow, but it's a massive mental blow. It says to any of the other six or seven shit football teams in the league that, if you're happy to get a point, just stick everyone in your own area and foul us outside the box. Then if you are under pressure, stick it out for a corner, because we don't have the imagination to play through you. I mean, why bother when you can just give it to Gerrard and watch him spank it in? Oh, hang on...

Say what you want about the disallowed goal, it was a ridiculous decision and had the goal stood like it should have we'd have won comfortably. It was disallowed though, but instead of using it go galvanise ourselves and bombard Stoke like most teams would, we let our heads drop.


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Watching Stoke play today was like watching Andorra or some shit international side. I felt Alonso was once again playing like shit and showing his wonderfully inconsistent side. We should've destroyed them but like rockbox says, we couldn't play through them and the corners were shitty. Not a match to remember.

Edited by HoboObohHbob
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It's really important hat we got those goals back quickly to take control of the game. If we hadn't have got at least one goal back by half time, it just would have turned into one of those games where we make a million chances but don't put any away. Now we need to take this game by the throat and kill it off.

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