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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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When Eduardo broke his leg, there was a lot of talk about bans being given due to the nature of the challenge, as well as any injury that the injury caused. With the Eduardo challenge, I though that kinda talk was harsh, as the challenge was mistimed rather than malicious, but in this case, I can see why people talk about this kinda idea, since Guthrie definitely deserves more for what he did. Its disproportionate, as he only get 3 games for putting someone else out for 8 weeks.

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When Eduardo broke his leg, there was a lot of talk about bans being given due to the nature of the challenge, as well as any injury that the injury caused. With the Eduardo challenge, I though that kinda talk was harsh, as the challenge was mistimed rather than malicious, but in this case, I can see why people talk about this kinda idea, since Guthrie definitely deserves more for what he did. Its disproportionate, as he only get 3 games for putting someone else out for 8 weeks.

And Martin Taylor's 3 match ban compared to Eduaro's EIGHT MONTH absence is proportionate!? And Taylor tackled lunged at Eduardo in the THIRD MINUTE of the game. There is no need, regardless of timing, to be diving in on a player 35 yards from goal, in the third minute of a football game.

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When Eduardo broke his leg, there was a lot of talk about bans being given due to the nature of the challenge, as well as any injury that the injury caused. With the Eduardo challenge, I though that kinda talk was harsh, as the challenge was mistimed rather than malicious, but in this case, I can see why people talk about this kinda idea, since Guthrie definitely deserves more for what he did. Its disproportionate, as he only get 3 games for putting someone else out for 8 weeks.

And Martin Taylor's 3 match ban compared to Eduaro's EIGHT MONTH absence is proportionate!? And Taylor tackled lunged at Eduardo in the THIRD MINUTE of the game. There is no need, regardless of timing, to be diving in on a player 35 yards from goal, in the third minute of a football game.

I'm not saying it is proportionate, but the only people whinging about Taylor's challenge were Arsenal fans. My point was that for an injury caused by a relatively honest challenge (Taylor may have lunged in a little, but c'mon, everyone's seen tonnes worse than that, his foot wasn't over the top of the ball, which is usually indication of a seriously bad lunge), it's hard to then suggest that that player should have got more than the standard 3 game suspension. I only bought this one up due to this being the first time I saw people suggest it. 99% of the time, Taylor or anyone else would have made a challenge like that and it wouldn't have caused that kinda injury, it was just unlucky.

The difference with Guthrie's is intent, as all he did was kick the player....nowhere near the ball, never had a chance, he ran along, kicked Fagan and fractured the blokes leg. Under circumstances like this, I can more understand that idea.

And since when was there an embargo on tackling someone in the first five minutes? Oh wait, you are an Arsenal fan, doesn't that same embargo stretch the rest of the 85 minutes? :shifty:

Edited by rvdwannabe
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And since when was there an embargo on tackling someone in the first five minutes? Oh wait, you are an Arsenal fan, doesn't that same embargo stretch the rest of the 85 minutes? :shifty:

(N) Sarcasm blows.

And the only thing I said was that, with no danger and far from goal, at that stage in the game, there was no need for a challenge like that, regardless of how quick Eduardo was. If it was three minutes from time and Birmingham were defending the draw, maybe I could understand Taylor's tackle. But not at that stage of the game.

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And since when was there an embargo on tackling someone in the first five minutes? Oh wait, you are an Arsenal fan, doesn't that same embargo stretch the rest of the 85 minutes? :shifty:

(N) Sarcasm blows.

Oh, c'mon, the only reason I used to love watching the Bolton/Blackburn vs Arsenal games was to see Wenger throw several hissy fits and players like Hleb to burst out crying the second anyone went near him :P

But yeah, my bringing up Eduardo wasn't mean to burst out that argument again, but basically, my point was that for tackles that could be considered malicious, than maybe they could alter the rules slightly. Although, this does throw in a whole other variable for governing bodies to inevitably fuck up with and use inconsistently.

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And since when was there an embargo on tackling someone in the first five minutes? Oh wait, you are an Arsenal fan, doesn't that same embargo stretch the rest of the 85 minutes? :shifty:

(N) Sarcasm blows.

Oh, c'mon, the only reason I used to love watching the Bolton/Blackburn vs Arsenal games was to see Wenger throw several hissy fits and players like Hleb to burst out crying the second anyone went near him :P

They're all bullies up there.... :crying:

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Guthrie deserved FAR longer than he's got. He had one go at him, failed so ran up to him again and just scythed him down.

Though I'm amazed that Fagan will only be out for six weeks with a broken leg! SIX WEEKS! It takes that long to get seen for a broken leg on the NHS.

Treatment has progressed big time. Back in the day a broken leg of any kind was a career ender, then is became a season long injury, then four months and now less than two months...Incredible

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And since when was there an embargo on tackling someone in the first five minutes? Oh wait, you are an Arsenal fan, doesn't that same embargo stretch the rest of the 85 minutes? :shifty:

(N) Sarcasm blows.

Oh, c'mon, the only reason I used to love watching the Bolton/Blackburn vs Arsenal games was to see Wenger throw several hissy fits and players like Hleb to burst out crying the second anyone went near him :P

They're all bullies up there.... :crying:


We're not bullies, the Southern teams are just soft.

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Yeah he just runs and kicks, as if he was taking a penalty or something but just aims for Fagan's leg - is probably the best way to describe it. And yeah, Fagan jumped back up and was up for a fight it seemed, but the break/fracture isn't massively bad - but still, I'd have been on the floor crying like a girl <_<

And I love how Newcastle players started trying to defend it, who was it who started pushing Fagan - Beye? If I was him I'd have invited Fagan to take a running punch at Guthrie for being such a ball bag.

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