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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Bentley played on the left because that's where he's played every time when on the pitch at the same time as Aaron Lennon. To be honest I don't think we were as bad as people are making out, it's just that Villa were on top form and we severely lacked that final ball. Pavlyuchenko started well but tried to impress too much and it caused him to be selfish and waste a couple of good opportunities then he faded into nothing. Bale played well, so did Lennon. Gomes was good except for their second goal obviously (catch the ball a bit more though, eh?) and I think Jenas was alright too. The rest need to step it up, Corluka in particular was disappointingly poor.

Credit to Villa though, they always looked dangerous going forward, especially on the counter attack, Ashley Young was terrific as usual. They never gave us any room around the penalty area and were solid in defense pretty much throughout the night compared to our sluggish and lazy defensive efforts. Agbonlahor's their Drogba when it comes to play acting though, what a cheeky so-and-so.

Edited by AD
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Craig Fagan is one hard bastard!

Turns out that tackle from Guthrie actually broke his leg. The fucker got up to his feet to try and knock Guthrie's block off! Now thats tough.

Just saw the tackle on Youtube. What a dirty bastard.

Too right, the fact that he had one go at Fagan's knee but couldn't quite get it so closed in again and dived in on it for a second time....Apalling.

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Sorry, couldn't resist.

Gaby wasn't as bad as some of your boys, lads. Falling over fun at times. Dawson made a horrid rugby challenge on Young. Also, near the end when Harewood had the ball in the corner, think it was Huddlestone and Jenas.. they began kicking and stamping on him, intstead of the ball. Showed just how frustrsted (and dirty) you'd gotten.

YOUR new Russian striker, whose name I don't want to check how to spell, we'll call him Roman made aout 7 fouls and was lucky to not be booked. None of them bad, of course, just constant.

Should have killed the game off, Gomes made two quality saves, then fluffed it up. Robbo moment for him, I feel. I was impressed with Bale, quality that lad. News on Modric, he okay? Bentley out on the left was horrible, and Lennon still can't cross. A booked Shorey kept him at bay most of the game.


Anyone got a vid of Guthrie's tackle?

Edited by shock and aweSUM
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None of our players faked an injury then jogged away when the referee had his back turned because he didn't want to leave the field for treatment of an injury he didn't have. The only 'dirty' Spurs play was Dawson's tackle on Young. The stuff in the corner is going to be done by any team wanting the ball back to try and get a late goal, you should expect that when you waste time.

I forgot to mention Jenas' terrific block from Harewood, that was excellent.

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None of our players faked an injury then jogged away when the referee had his back turned because he didn't want to leave the field for treatment of an injury he didn't have. The only 'dirty' Spurs play was Dawson's tackle on Young. The stuff in the corner is going to be done by any team wanting the ball back to try and get a late goal, you should expect that when you waste time.

I forgot to mention Jenas' terrific block from Harewood, that was excellent.

It was a great block. The other was Shorey's. Two superb blocks.

And you only leave the pitch if you require treatment, he was back up without a physio on, so he should have been allowed to stay on. Isn't that the rules? I'm genuinely not sure and asking.

And no, none of yours faked injury, but early on there was easy falling over.

The stuff in the corner, if they went for the ball, fine, but going for Harewood's legs? Disgusting.

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None of our players faked an injury then jogged away when the referee had his back turned because he didn't want to leave the field for treatment of an injury he didn't have. The only 'dirty' Spurs play was Dawson's tackle on Young. The stuff in the corner is going to be done by any team wanting the ball back to try and get a late goal, you should expect that when you waste time.

I forgot to mention Jenas' terrific block from Harewood, that was excellent.

And you only leave the pitch if you require treatment, he was back up without a physio on, so he should have been allowed to stay on. Isn't that the rules? I'm genuinely not sure and asking.

If a player is injured and play is stopped for whatever reason, he doesn't need to leave the pitch unless the physio has come onto the pitch and treated/spoke to him.

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Maybe I wasn't watching closely enough but I only saw Jenas try and get the ball out, I didn't see him aiming for the legs.

Agbonlahor was instructed to leave the field for treatment by the referee but when he didn't and was obviously found out to be lying, he was deservedly booked.

I think it was Huddlestone. It was whoever was on the the right (the viewers right) of Harewood, I think.

None of our players faked an injury then jogged away when the referee had his back turned because he didn't want to leave the field for treatment of an injury he didn't have. The only 'dirty' Spurs play was Dawson's tackle on Young. The stuff in the corner is going to be done by any team wanting the ball back to try and get a late goal, you should expect that when you waste time.

I forgot to mention Jenas' terrific block from Harewood, that was excellent.

And you only leave the pitch if you require treatment, he was back up without a physio on, so he should have been allowed to stay on. Isn't that the rules? I'm genuinely not sure and asking.

If a player is injured and play is stopped for whatever reason, he doesn't need to leave the pitch unless the physio has come onto the pitch and treated/spoke to him.

So, as Gaby didn't recieve treatment, he could have stayed on without a problem?

Players go down all the time, play is stopped, they don't need treatment, they get up, game carries on.

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Players go down all the time, play is stopped, they don't need treatment, they get up, game carries on.

Difference being Agbonlahor went down, claimed he needed treatment but the referee told him to get up and to leave the pitch if he needed treatment. Of course, Agbonlahor didn't want to leave the pitch because he didn't have an actual injury which of course proved to the referee he was faking.

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Chelsea captain John Terry has been cleared to play against Manchester United on Sunday after his appeal against a red card proved successful.

Terry was sent off for a foul on Manchester City striker Jo, but a Football Association hearing upheld Chelsea's claim of wrongful dismissal.

The England skipper had been set to miss three games after being dismissed for serious foul play.

More to follow.

What a joke.

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