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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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So anyone else seen Mourinho say he wants to come back to Chelsea at some stage? And they interviewed a few Chelsea fans and I think you can all imagine how they reacted.

But if they want to win the CL surely they should just bring back Avram Grant, he took them to the final and everything. <_<

I'd like to see Mourinho back in the Premiership, but I also find it funny to watch the interviews with Chelsea fans who seem totally incapable of remembering anything that happened other than when Mourinho was at the team. Then again 99% of the fans they'll interview probably weren't fans before Abramovich and Mourinho showed up so that would probably explain it.

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Reminds me of a conversation I had with my (also Chelsea-supporting) boss.

Him: "Remember when Chelsea had that great win over Barcelona at the Nou Camp?"

Me: "Oh yeah. Tore Andre Flo scored twice, didn't he?"

Him: "......No."

So I remember the year 2000 better than 2005. Sue me. :shifty:

I still never get why Mourinho left in the first place

Abramovich took the excuse of a few weeks' poor form to sack him. Basically.

Edited by stokeriño
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They fell out, basically. Which was interesting when Mourinho said he'd be going as I assume Abramovich isn't massively wanting him to come back personally. Then again he could probably swallow his pride and do it for the good of the team, it shows the differences in Chelsea's levels since the cash was pumped in though, Mourinho is classed a "legend" by the fans of 10 minutes.

I'm sure the fans before Abramovich will still be quite fondly remembering Gianfranco Zola more than anything. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not a Chelsea fan but I can't say. But it almost seems you have the lifelong fans in one camp and the fans who have been around 10 minutes since the money and Mourinho turned up in another camp. Personally I always had a soft spot for the older Chelsea, and I loved Mourinho - hell, I quite liked Avram Grant too. But after that I'm just getting a bit bored of them and what's going on. John Barnes actually summed it up quite nicely "If a manager like Scolari isn't going to get the time to do things, then what hope does a little English manager have at their club?" None at all. I think some Chelsea fans should have a look at where this club was less than a decade ago and give their managers a bit more of a chance, it's like Hull fans now booing their team because of some bad form - when in fact they should be enjoying the fact they're in the most competitive league in the world.

If none of that works then try this on for size Chelsea fans.

Okay so it was a looong time ago but it shows the difference in Chelsea now, obviously when they lose a match they shouldn't be thinking "Oh well it's not that bad, we once got thrashed off Sunderland in 1999" but it goes to show how far the team has come, thanks largely in part to a lot of money.

But at the same time this is all kind of wasting my breath. That's aimed more at the Chelsea fans who like them for their trophies and money, whereas the Chelsea fans on here are the ones who have been fans for ages. Still, any reason for me to remember 1999.

While I'm being nostalgic we may as well throw out the 1973 FA Cup Final double save from Jim Montgomery against Leeds.

Awesome saves <_< Edited by IAceI
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If none of that works then try this on for size Chelsea fans.

Okay so it was a looong time ago but it shows the difference in Chelsea now, obviously when they lose a match they shouldn't be thinking "Oh well it's not that bad, we once got thrashed off Sunderland in 1999" but it goes to show how far the team has come, thanks largely in part to a lot of money.

This was the same year where we beat them 4-0 on the first day of the season, yes? Losing 4-1 to them later on seems pretty evenly balanced to me. :shifty:

That only goes to remind of how Kevin Phillips somehow channeled the powers of Superman for one season and then, uh, didn't. Ever again.

Edited by stokeriño
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14 goals in the 2000/2001 season, but then again you're going to mark the Golden Boot winner of Europe 99/00 out of the game aren't you, so 14 is still an achievement.

Still, 115 goals in 209 matches for us. Regardless of divisions we pretty much owe our souls to that man and personally I'd give him freedom of the city. Will probably always remain my favourite player of all time so fuck it, he can do what he wants.

EDIT: Actually, if you look at British & Irish players - the Quinn/Phillips partnership was one great partnership of those nationalities. Pretty much replicated in black form by Heskey and Agbonlahor for Villa now. <_<

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You have to understand the very strict criteria under which I apply the word 'Superman'. :P 30 goals in your first Premiership season = Superman. 14 goals in your second season = Good...not Superman.

I have to be honest: in the 99-00 season I could forget about the FA Cup win, the Champions League run, and all that nonsense. The highlight of the 99-00 season really was just this match.

Featuring £10million signing Chris Sutton's first and only goal for the club. :shifty: Before heading off to run riot at Celtic, bastard.

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