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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Usually just booing people ends up shooting their confidence to pieces. That's that only reason I have for Alan Smith not scoring a single goal in a Toon top >_<

Well, that and the fact he's dogshit. Even his Leeds scoring record wasn't that great, he's playing off a 6 year old reputation. Or rather, not playing off it...

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If he hadn't been a "Leeds lad" and run around like a headless chicken "playing for the shirt", then he'd never have got the reputation he had, never have got in the England squad and would have never been signed by Scum. Then again, I'd have him back in a heartbeat now :(

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I think they're still just being careful with him, if they make him train and play every game the strain on his knees will probably put him out of action for a while again, I think they're still slowly trying to get him back to full health. Harry did a good job with Sol Campbell, hopefully he'll be able to do the same with King.

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Yeah I believe he's been training less during the week which means he's playing more games under Harry. Seems like a good idea to me. The quality is there so it's just about keeping him fit, and having him slogging around a training pitch every day ain't gonna help.

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Yeah I believe he's been training less during the week which means he's playing more games under Harry. Seems like a good idea to me. The quality is there so it's just about keeping him fit, and having him slogging around a training pitch every day ain't gonna help.

I thought that was the point of training.

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It didn't at Villa when they did the same with Paul McGrath. If a player who brings so much to the team and is highly regarded by team mates, liek King or McGrath, they won't be that arsed if that player playing will greatly enhance their chances of going up the league or some silverware. I know I wouldn't be.

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It didn't at Villa when they did the same with Paul McGrath. If a player who brings so much to the team and is highly regarded by team mates, liek King or McGrath, they won't be that arsed if that player playing will greatly enhance their chances of going up the league or some silverware. I know I wouldn't be.

I would (and was). Always annoyed me at kids level (U10ish) that despite the fact I turned up for training every week and gave it 100% I was only ever on the fringes of the team (i.e. starting some weeks, on the bench others) whilst another lad who was better than me, turned up once every 4-5 weeks for training but always got a full game. And it must have been even more gutting for those who didn't play at all.

So yeah, it'd annoy me.

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