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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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He was coming back from a lengthy injury and playing out of position...

But yeah, he was shit. Didn't really deserve most of your own fans, in your home stadium, booing the shit out of you until you're subbed, then cheering.

He did. And he wasn't out of position - Wenger has been using him as a midfielder for the past year and a half, since we signed Sagna to play at right back.

Eboue is consistently crap. He's one of those players that you just can't understand how they maintain a career as a professional footballer. I mean, at the start of the season Eboue was keeping THEO WALCOTT out of the team!Come on!! Today, amongst his "contributions" was tackling Kolo Toure, who was on the run and telling Eboue to move his ass up the pitch, only to pass it back into the space where Toure had run from, straight to a Wigan striker.

A lot of Arsenal fans I know lost patience with the likes of Eboue a long time ago. He opitimises the type of player that, while he is at the club, makes Wenger think we have a good enough squad and prevents Wenger signing ANYONE else to play instead of him. Also, this season with some of our players having, but not showing the passion and talent needed to win us games, Eboue was always going to get stick for a performance like that. Titus Bramble would have been more effective. I don't know, maybe Eboue had a bet on Wigan to win, cos it looked like that was what he was trying to achieve. And when he's not playing crap, he plays dirty - which is not like our squad at all - so he starts giving our team a bad reputation.

Edited by TheArsenal
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As shit as he is, he doesn't deserve booing, it has a negative effect on the team as a whole. The situation is almost identical to when we booed Kandol last year (albeit as a striker not scoring in 20 games isn't really acceptable) - at the time with all the emotion it seems the right thing to do, but when you think about it, it's never a good thing to boo your players on the pitch.

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Fact of the matter is, for the last 20 minutes of the game, he didn't try, he gave the ball away, was never tracking back to help the team, he deserved the boos, as there was no effort.

But still, part of the blame goes to Wenger for bringing him on to play left midfield, when he has never played there, there were other options on the bench, Vela, Ramsey and Wilshere were all there.

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I just realized something looking at Wiki.

Robbie Keane's record for Liverpool - In League:

PLD: 12

Scored: 2

Dimitar Berbatov's record for United - In League:

PLD: 11

Scored: 2

Interesting, to me at least.

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This kid on my course says that Eboue is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Apparently he used to turn up at his football team to do talks and help with training and stuff. But I dunno, he still looks like he'd piss on my gran if he had the chance.

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From everything I've ever heard about him is he is a really nice guy and a big joker. While makes me like him as a person, ish, but as a footballer I'd take the likes of Titus Bramble or even Igors Stepanovs over him any day. He has no right to be in a top four, or even top ten team. No clear ability whatsoever.

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Andy Gray just asked Dermot Gallagher: "So are we saying if the ball is played slightly backwards, he's not offside?"

Fucking hell. This man is seen as an expert?

I think most people with a brain know that Andy Gray talks shite a lot of the time. I do like him, but it's true.

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