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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Berbatov hasn't been poor by any means, he's scored what 6-7 goals? has the most assists out of all members of the team and is usually involved in every move that takes place.

6-7 goals?

Try two. One in a 5-0 win over Stoke, the other in a 4-0 win over West Brom. Sure, he got two each against Celtic and Aalborg, but that was in Europe :P

Every time someone plays a through ball, or the ball goes loose for some other reason, you'll see Rooney or Tevez going like a bat out of hell to get to it. Berbatov will be strolling along behind (when he can be fucked to do even that) ready for someone else to give him the ball so he can show off and pretend to be amazing.

When he hasn't got the ball, or his team-mates aren't doing well, he couldn't give a fuck. He reminds me of playing FIFA against my brother when I was younger. He was only ever interested when he was winning.

Sunderland had these things called 'defenders'. Pfft, too much like effort.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Checked the score with five minutes left and they were drawing, couldn't believe it. Then find out Vidic scored in the last minute, fucking awesome. That all said, didn't see the game so I cant comment properly, but Sunderland must feel gutted by that. They've gone through a tonne of shit over the last week, so to nearly get a draw out of this is remarkable, so they deserve to be mentioned.

Oh and I see today there's already rumours of stuff about Scolari. Fucking hell at this rate nobody should take the job in the future. What can anybody do to please this club or the idiots who write these rumors? I cant stand Chelsea, but it's so annoying seeing this shit all the time. I don't like Scolari either, but he's a fantastic manager and is already seemingly getting shat on.

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That all said, didn't see the game so I cant comment properly, but Sunderland must feel gutted by that.

They played with 10 men behind the ball at all times (Cisse up front -literally- on his own) and had three meaningful attacks all game. It was, as Alan Green said, like watching a non-league club in an FA Cup tie. So no doubt the loss will crush them, but the only person surprised by United's victory will be Berbatov, who tried his best to make sure it didn't happen :P

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Well thank god for that.

If Sunderland had defended for 90 minutes against Chelsea or Liverpool with no shots on goal and effectively stole a 0-0 draw, I wouldn't have complained one bit, so I don't really blame them for playing the way they did.

Just glad we got that goal now, especially with the tough Spurs game next Saturday where we'll be without Evra, Rooney and possibly Ronaldo if his injury is as bad as he made it out to be. Suspect not though.

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The Spurs match is going to be tough, they step it up when they play the big teams and with Rooney,Ronaldo and Evra missing we could struggle. Aaron Lennon will run rings around O'Shea and he's really our only option at left back, unless we throw in Fabio Da Silva.

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Well done Sunderland. It was tense and I was on edge but not massively surprised.

What I would like to know is, are Man Utd going to replace the spectators' glasses that were broken in Row Z by 90% of the Utd shots? Or is just part and parcel with going to the game?

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Well done Sunderland. It was tense and I was on edge but not massively surprised.

What I would like to know is, are Man Utd going to replace the spectators' glasses that were broken in Row Z by 90% of the Utd shots? Or is just part and parcel with going to the game?

It could be worse. What if both teams attacked to create the broken glasses?

Criticizing United's shooting is silly. We played well considering what we had to play against.

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T'was a joke, but like usual you rush to Utd's defence as if they really need it.

That and we'd have hit the target if we'd wanted to try and do that silly attacking stuff <_<

Lol, joke of the night. Like, they didn't need a defence today. Bwahaha. ¬_¬

I understand it may've been a joke, but still, we played well.

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And we defended superbly. If you'd hit the target better though you could possibly have had 3-4 just off the top of my head. Especially the Berba header, anything that went down was a goal really.

Ronaldo's early freekick was immense though, when he and the referee teamed up to get the ball moved back 5 yards further than the actual foul <_<

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I may have been thinking of Rooney's volley then.

What annoys me is that we defended so well, if Man Utd had scored a good goal it would have been okay. Taking something really good to finally beat us. Instead they got a deflection that hit the post and then when Vidic can slam it home with a left foot - you know it's not exactly difficult. :(

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