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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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What is it with Sir Alex barely bothering with Nani this season? Park is a solid player but more useful when playing away games so I was hoping Nani would get a look in today.

Nani is distinctly average and can go missing in games, Ji Sung Park is one of the hardest working players I've ever seen and has ample ability to back it up. Nani won't be at Utd by the start of 10/11 season at the latest. I think Ferguscum has made the right decision, as much as I wish he hadn't.

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Grr... shitty feed. I'm missing Ronaldo's injury here... Hope it isn't anything trivial.

Edit: Looks as though it was. Big puff making a fuss out of nothing. And now my feeds fucked off again.

Edit 2: Nice to see the respect campaign is alive and well. <_<

Edited by Footjob Fever
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And with that, Gerrard has been charged.

Now Sky Sports can no longer use the word "alleged" whenever they talk about the situation, I'm sure the word "alleged" wasn't used throughout the whole of the Barton incident.

Gerrard was in Southport otherwise he wouldn't have been nicked at that time, and he wouldn't have spent the night in police cells. If it was an alleged assault, surely it wouldn't have been seen by anyone as the person with the non-fatal injuries would have had to go to a police station to say that he had been kicked in, and prove that he'd been kicked in. That would mean Gerrard would be arrested in the morning around 5ish at his house a good few miles away in Knowsley.

The whole incident about 6 men and so, seems to suggest that Gerrard got nicked during the act, or just after the act. Considering technically wiping your hand across someone's face can be considered "assault" it was natural that if there was a fight between them all then Gerrard would have assaulted at least someone, and it'd be a case of either determining how much of an assault it was, or whether it should be thrown out because it was an act of self defence.

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Sooooo Gerrard has been charged with assault then... he'll probably get off but it makes things a bit more interesting.

Also last nights performance was not the best but I guess the important thing is the result. Middlesbrough just sat back all game which did make it a bit difficult but there were glimpses of what we're capable of.

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I like Tuncay...but I'll be mildly annoyed if Chelsea do sign him. That'll make two strikers on my Fantasy Football team that Anelka will be keeping on the bench. :@

I thought the idea of signing Tuncay was so that you could play two up front.

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I like Tuncay...but I'll be mildly annoyed if Chelsea do sign him. That'll make two strikers on my Fantasy Football team that Anelka will be keeping on the bench. :@

I thought the idea of signing Tuncay was so that you could play two up front.

That would make more sense :mellow:

Haven't Chelsea got enough strikers, though? Anelka, Drogba, Di Santo, Kalou, and I'm sure there is one or two more... (I know Pizzaro is on loan to Werder Bremen)

Edited by Jay*
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Tenner says he still plays for England whilst the case is running. :rolleyes:

The BBC reports:

The Football Assocation said it would not be making any comment on the Steven Gerrard case other than to stress that his position with England was not under question.

It added that players will continue to be considered for England while police investigations are on-going, with their situation looked at on a case-by-case basis were they to be convicted of a serious criminal offence.

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