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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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He's good, but he's not an international goalkeeper. I think Liverpool done well when they got rid of him because they got a good bit of money for a 'keeper who was never going to be their starter and who would probably go a bit cheaper now than he did then.

Same with all this Robert Green hype. I don't see an England goalkeeper in him, I certainly don't see a player I would trust as the England number one in him. I figure I'll always remember him as the Norwich 'keeper who had that phenomenal season that got him a call up to the international squad leading to him injuring himself whilst taking a goal kick. Again, he's a good goalkeeper - but I don't see England solving any goalkeeper problems with him anytime soon.

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David James - 7

Johnson - 5

Bridge - 6

Terry - 7

Upson - 8

Wright-Phillips - 5

Downing - 7

Carrick - 7

Barry - 8

Defoe - 6

Agbonlahor - 7 (edited up from a 6 in view of the fact that he's a wee puppy in international football, and had to play with Bent as a partner).

Carson - 4

Bent - 2

Young - 6

Crouch - N/a, played 30 seconds and that 30 seconds was only because of his substitution ¬_¬

England overall: 7. Good performance, marred by an embarrassing goal conceded. But on the plus side, the England coaches jumping all over Crouch as if he'd just won the world cup for them, in jest of the fact that he only got to play the 30 seconds made necessary by his own substitution, was great.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Downing was great, for Downing. I even gave him a 7.

In all seriousness though, he played like an England winger. He didn't look at all out of place. Considering how he played under Sven and Steve McClaren, that's saying quite a lot. But we're English so it'll take a lot for us to stop giving him stick.

Interestingly, BBC's player rated gave the man of the match to Michael Carrick. While he was good, I'd have given it to Upson or Barry just a head of him.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Barry got a horrid rating on that.

Terry was also at fault for the goal, as the more experieced (and Captain) of the two he should have noticed Carson's hesitation (which was perhaps right, the ball was coming slow, Terry & the striker were right on it) and he should of cleared the danger.

Nice one Gaby. Nice one Young. Shame Davies didn't get on.

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As someone who professes to be a defender, I think Terry should have just cleared it. However, Carson came, and then stopped....as someone else says, you either come all the way and clear it out, or you don't come at all. Coming part of the way instigated the fuck up.

Good performance on the whole though.

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As someone who professes to be a defender, I think Terry should have just cleared it. However, Carson came, and then stopped....as someone else says, you either come all the way and clear it out, or you don't come at all. Coming part of the way instigated the fuck up.

Good performance on the whole though.

Carson doesn't deserve the abuse he's getting though, yes he should have come or stayed, he made the wrong decision but should have stuck to it rather than trying to back pedal, but at which point did Terry see the striker coming around him and think "yeah, it's probably still a good idea to just leave this".

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At the end of the day it was just mis-communication. Carson was waiting for the ball to roll into his box so he could pick it up and probably wasn't sure if Terry had touched it whilst he was protecting the ball.

Carson would be the one who could see what was going on behind him but he couldn't really try to kick the ball far with Terry right there.

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I think it was terrible of the newspapers (well, the one I happened to read today >_>) to make the big headline about Carson making a mistake and then slip in half a sentence about Terry not being entirely blameless. The way I see it it's 50-50. The ball isn't far enough into the penalty area and isn't going at a quick enough pace for Terry to just try and shield it back to Carson when he's got a player about a foot behind him but when Carson comes to get it, he should stick to it and get it.

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So Joe Hart gets injured and Manchester City are allowed to loan on another goalkeeper as they "only" have two other keepers, including Kasper Schmeichel who's pretty good in his own right.

So if Gomes gets injured, can we loan in another goalie until the transfer window?

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