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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Actually, it seems like the Chelsea naming thing might be right:

The Stamford Bridge pitch, the freehold, the turnstiles and Chelsea's naming rights are now owned by Chelsea Pitch Owners, a non-profit organisation in which fans are the shareholders. The CPO was created to ensure the stadium could never again be sold to developers. It also means that if the club moves to a new location, they could not use the Chelsea FC name.

I'm sure that, if the CPO for some reason refused rights to the Chelsea FC name, they'd just do something similar to Leeds and rename themselves Chelsea Associated Football Club or something.

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Actually, it seems like the Chelsea naming thing might be right:

The Stamford Bridge pitch, the freehold, the turnstiles and Chelsea's naming rights are now owned by Chelsea Pitch Owners, a non-profit organisation in which fans are the shareholders. The CPO was created to ensure the stadium could never again be sold to developers. It also means that if the club moves to a new location, they could not use the Chelsea FC name.

I'm sure that, if the CPO for some reason refused rights to the Chelsea FC name, they'd just do something similar to Leeds and rename themselves Chelsea Associated Football Club or something.

If you're referring to what happened last summer; common misconception: Bates formed a new company that own the club (confusingly named after the club), the club is still Leeds United Association Football Club as it has been since 1919. If not, then you're either way off the mark or referring to something I don't know about...

As for the Stamford Bridge thing, I'm almost certain they could just buy that from Chelsea Pitch Owners or given that they're fans and it's a non-profit organisation, they may just allow them use of the name. I wouldn't foresee it being much of a problem if Chel$ki were to move any time soon.

many people see Spurs as one of the biggest clubs in England and yet there's something like 10 or 11 teams that have bigger stadiums than us in the Premier League.

All 10 or 11 are above you in the standings though.

You don't classify the 'big clubs' as the ones that finish the highest in the league, you classify them by fan base, history and just the overall stature of the club. If Hull finish above Spurs this season, does it make them a bigger club? No.

Have Spurs actually won the league since 1726? :pervert:

Edit: And Liverpool can fuck off if the rumour I've just been told R.E. them signing Delph and White from us is true. Fuck right off.

Edited by - Matt -
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Spurs weren't around in 1726. The football league wasn't around until 1888. And we've won the league twice thank you, 1950-51 and 1960-61.

Hyperbole escapes you.

Either that or sarcasm escapes me.

Oh I got it, I just felt the need to educate you on Tottenham's league honours :shifty:

As for that DVD, are we releasing every draw or win over Arsenal now? I understand the Carling Cup semi-final two legs, but this is a bit much.

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Re: the new stadium, from what I've read it'll be built adjacent to the current one, and may actually join up with the Paxton Street end (I think), but there'll be no disruption and we won't have to ground share at all.

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Well I guess the match DID have the goals from Bentley and Jenas, one of the best final 5 minutes of a game I've seen in a long long time, a fan invading the pitch to join the celebration....

...and best of all, Arsene Wenger throwing a drinks bottle to the floor in disguit then instantly picking it up again because he realised he still wanted to use it.

We also released a DVD of that match over West Ham a couple of seasons ago that we won late late.

It wouldn't have been released if it was a tame 0-0 draw. It was entertaining and emotionally gripping. I wouldn't buy it but no doubt thousands of people would. Perhaps they should pre-empt it with an hour or so looking at our worst start to a season, interviews with a grumpy Bentley, Modric and Woodgate etc, then highlights of the win over Bolton before the Arsenal game. It could then be sold as a more emotional bundle.

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