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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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So Redknapp creates a great team at Portsmouth and turns them into one of the top teams outside the top four, only to turn his back on them for a shithole like Tottenham? Sorry, but he's lost his mind. Yeah, it's a challenge, but really one he doesn't need to take. He'd brought in some great players for Pompey, got a really good partnership going up front and then walks out. He's been going on about how loyal he is and how he wouldn't walk away for weeks on end as well, now he does? I'm not greatly bothered as it doesn't effect me, but a bit gutted for Pompey fans, because he really helped turn the club around. And I still don't think Ramos was the man for the job. He's a great manager and did wonders with Sevilla, but I just never see it working at Spurs, hopefully he moves elsewhere and gets back to his better days.

All I can hope for is that it fails. A friend of mine seems to love Tottenham, so I hope their season still turns out shit :shifty: (All part anger aside though, Redknapp is a great manager, might just bring back to 'old school' feeling to Tottenham. Would laugh if he resigned Defoe and Cambell (Y) )

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Damn, something tells me that the Spurs jokes are going to be over... :(

Spurs will finish top 10 this season if Rednkapp gets some decent money in January and can get them out of the bottom 3 before Xmas (probably the hardest part of the task).

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So Redknapp creates a great team at Portsmouth and turns them into one of the top teams outside the top four, only to turn his back on them for a shithole like Tottenham? Sorry, but he's lost his mind.

Aren't Portsmouth's finances going down the shitter? I can't remember where I read it but their wage bill takes up something like 90% of their annual turnover, and there's no money left for transfers. He's probably jumped ship before things get really bad.

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So Redknapp creates a great team at Portsmouth and turns them into one of the top teams outside the top four, only to turn his back on them for a shithole like Tottenham? Sorry, but he's lost his mind.

Aren't Portsmouth's finances going down the shitter? I can't remember where I read it but their wage bill takes up something like 90% of their annual turnover, and there's no money left for transfers. He's probably jumped ship before things get really bad.

Its a win/win scenario for Redknapp - he must be close to considering retirement now, Spurs will have offered him silly money to come help them out - if he fails to keep them up, no-one will really blame him and he can retire with a few extra millions in his pocket. If keeps them up, he's even more of a media darling and is at a club with far more potential than his previous club.

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Joey Barton deserves everything he gets and more.

I know this was a few pages back, but I had to take issue. I in no way like Joey Barton but the, "he's a thug, so it's ok to assault him," argument doesn't wash. Credit to the guy for once. He kept his head down, handed the fourth official the coins, and got on with it.

Redknapp to Spurs is a great deal for all parties concerned. As said, Pompey are going nowhere this season.. seems Harry has taken them as far as he can. Spurs are a big club, regardless of what anyone says and he'll get them playing again. They'll stay up, probably finishing somewhere around midtable if he gets some reign to chop and change and make it *his* team come January.

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I don't agree with them throwing stuff at him at all, but he went and decided to warm up yards in front of the Sunderland fans. Then waved his arms around and dramatically handed the stuff to the fourth official. Then he wisely went and warmed up back at the technical area.

I don't like that fans were throwing things at him at all, it's not on - but he could have had a bit more common sense I suppose.

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Joey Barton deserves everything he gets and more.

I know this was a few pages back, but I had to take issue. I in no way like Joey Barton but the, "he's a thug, so it's ok to assault him," argument doesn't wash. Credit to the guy for once. He kept his head down, handed the fourth official the coins, and got on with it.

Redknapp to Spurs is a great deal for all parties concerned. As said, Pompey are going nowhere this season.. seems Harry has taken them as far as he can. Spurs are a big club, regardless of what anyone says and he'll get them playing again. They'll stay up, probably finishing somewhere around midtable if he gets some reign to chop and change and make it *his* team come January.

I didn't say it was OK to assault him, just that he deserves it. And wasn't he kissing the Newcastle badge right in front of the Sunderland fans? Hardly keeping his head down.

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I know it's only been ten minutes, but Tottenham are looking better in attack already. Modric seems to be playing a more AMC role behind Pavluychenko and Huddlestone has been brought in next to Jenas which gives a bit more size to our midfield. And King is playing his second game in a week :o

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86 home league games and looks like it's coming to an end. Just a shame it's Liverpool who look like they'll beat them. Liverpool fans are horrible winners....I can foresee a sickening rendition of "You'll never walk alone" wafting across the away end of Stamford Bridge.

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Redknapp didn't pick the team.

Nope, but he is on the touchline directing traffic according to the BBC. Whether it's helping strategy wise or simply in a cheer-leading capacity who knows, but it's helping.

edit: Also, yay for Chelsea's unbeaten home record being spoilt (probably), nay for Liverpool being the ones to do it.

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