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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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But everyone was spunking over his signings at the beginning of the season and it's nothing remotely to do with him that Berbatov and Keane left?

He's brought some decent players to the club but he's bought luxury rather than need. He sold Malbranque and didn't get a left midfielder to replace him. He bought Bentley even though we have Aaron Lennon. And his idiocy to not even think about getting another striker until the last day of the transfer window, even though it was pretty clear Berbatov was on his way has cost us up front.

As for goalkeepers, Gomes has been better for us than Robinson was last season so far. Obviously he's made some mistakes but Robbo was making a lot more last season. If it wasn't for him we'd be losing games 2- or 3-0 rather than 2-1 and 1-0.

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Does anyone think that if Berbatov was still at the club Spurs would be better than what they are now, or do you think that the problem is not entirely down to not having a decent striker? It seems brilliant to think that with a £30M striker all of Tottenhams defensive, midfield and goalkeeping problems would just disappear and they'd be 6th. The problems seems to be not being able to create chances, not the inability to score from them.

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Does anyone think that if Berbatov was still at the club Spurs would be better than what they are now, or do you think that the problem is not entirely down to not having a decent striker? It seems brilliant to think that with a £30M striker all of Tottenhams defensive, midfield and goalkeeping problems would just disappear and they'd be 6th. The problems seems to be not being able to create chances, not the inability to score from them.

That's where I think you're wrong. While the supply hasn't been top quality, there's been some decent balls played for our strikers but too often they make terrible decisions, for example Bent's decision to header that first half shot against Udinese when he could have chested it down and Pavlyuchenko's horrible selfishness at shooting from questionable positions when he has better options.

And while just having Berbatov may not fix Spurs fully, it would help an awful lot because we wouldn't be playing 4-5-1 every game. I still think the formation is terrible. It may work against some of the better sides and if you have a top quality striker but with Bent, our small midfield and lack of a powerful presence in said midfield most of the time, it doesn't work.

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Elizabeth Fritzel's new diary entries:

MON : stayed in. dad came down and fucked me.

TUES : stayed in. got fucked by dad.

WEDS : stayed in. dad fucked me doggystyle

THURS : stayed in. dad spunked on my face

FRI : stayed in. dad gave my arse a right pounding

SAT : went to watch spurs play. wish i'd stayed in!

Edit: It makes a change that my team isn't the punchline for once.

Edited by - Matt -
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Elizabeth Fritzel's new diary entries:

MON : stayed in. dad came down and fucked me.

TUES : stayed in. got fucked by dad.

WEDS : stayed in. dad fucked me doggystyle

THURS : stayed in. dad spunked on my face

FRI : stayed in. dad gave my arse a right pounding

SAT : went to watch spurs play. wish i'd stayed in!

Edit: It makes a change that my team isn't the punchline for once.


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Elizabeth Fritzel's new diary entries:

MON : stayed in. dad came down and fucked me.

TUES : stayed in. got fucked by dad.

WEDS : stayed in. dad fucked me doggystyle

THURS : stayed in. dad spunked on my face

FRI : stayed in. dad gave my arse a right pounding

SAT : went to watch spurs play. wish i'd stayed in!

Edit: It makes a change that my team isn't the punchline for once.


They don't have Sundays in Austria.

Get the fuck in whoever just scored for Everton!

Edited by - Matt -
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