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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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You live in Nova Scotia. Why the fuck would Sens games be blacked out?

I've wondered that myself...but every single Sens home game is blacked out. Something about "this game is unavailable in your region."

Not that I really care anyways. When they're not playing the Leafs I couldn't care less if they black the Sens out or not honestly.

I'll have to try the game tonight, maybe it'll come in.

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Sens fans are throwing hissy fits that Wilson called Spezza on the broken stick. I swear they are actually calling Wilson bush league for doing so.

Is there a bunch of mindless clowns as fans for another team in the league as bad as Sens fans?

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No, seriously think about it. This is the organization that has to have the scoreboard tell them when to cheer, who constantly have their building invaded by Leafs and Habs fans (and actually whined to get games against Toronto in Ottawa off Saturday nights to try and prevent this), call for a suspension everytime one of their players gets touched and now they're calling someone bush league for calling out one of their players for breaking the rules.

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I just finished watching the ranger - carolina game, I recorded, and I now see what you Toronto fans mean by Antropov getting lost. I know they just played yesterday, but he def. doesnt look the same as he did in the first 2 games he played with the team. And Morris really needs a lot more time to adjust to their style and find chemistry with them.

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Sens fans are throwing hissy fits that Wilson called Spezza on the broken stick. I swear they are actually calling Wilson bush league for doing so.

Is there a bunch of mindless clowns as fans for another team in the league as bad as Sens fans?

A bush league coach that has taken a team with considerably less talent than the Sens have and had them sit higher in the standings?

Sens fans are so cute. :blush:

Anyways I caught the highlights and like Toe said, you can tell we're lacking that finishing touch when it comes to scoring. CuJo, from what I saw, had one hell of a game. The one Alfredsson goal probably should have been stopped, but the other was a tough deflection in front. He even made a wild looking diving save (although I think it hit the post).

I wouldn't be surprised if the Sens passed us in the standings. With our lack of goal scoring forwards we're going to be hurting pretty bad.

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I don't generally like to complain about officiating, but holy shit was tonight just brutal.

I didn't see the play clearly, admittedly, but what I did see of the Phaneuf 5 minute major, definitely didn't look like a penalty to me. It looked like two guys going into the boards, and Dion's foot happening to touch Cleary, who was already off balance. 2 minutes, I would have been fine with. Still a little miffed, but whatever. They made the call because Cleary was hurt.

That set off a chain reaction of Flames getting penalties for being rough around Kiprusoff, while Tomas Holmstrom got off scott-free despite standing IN the crease for about a minute and a half straight.

If you're not going to call goaltender interference, then you have to let the other team rough up the players who are claiming real estate where the goalie lives.

It just didn't seem like an impartially called game to me.

At the end of the day though...what a fucking comeback. Flames win despite the 65 minute uphill battle, and it looks like we're back on track.

I also really like that our defensemen were getting nasty with guys for bugging Miikka. We've been missing that most of the year.

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