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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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That just looks wrong.

I agree 100%

Do up your fucking strap Sundin!

Ummm...not quite what I meant.

Yeah, that was me being sarcastic.

I know that you meant that seeing him in another uniform just doesn't sit right with you.

I don't think it's that it's Sundin in another uniform, so much as it is just that the Canucks jerseys are butt-ugly. Everyone looks weird in those.

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NASN, they're showing live games every weekend, usually a couple in the week which are at least as-live, and they show On The Fly too, it's quality. There seems to be a slight Atlantic division bias and they love the dickhead Red Wings, but there's generally a fair representation of teams.

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Montreals been playing great lately... Look for them to blow this one.

Parading out old leafs at the bell, bad idea

I'm surprised that our fans have the dignity/lack of interest in the ceremony to actually mostly cheer the old leafs

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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When the Leafs can't be competitive in a game for Montreal, that is when you know this Leafs team is definitely not playoff bound. I had hope before tonight that they could make a run at it. Not now. Montreal is a great team, but Toronto has played well against great teams this season. But the Leafs have not looked good since Christmas. They even looked awful in their latest win.

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Right so Bouillon is a hero. He's smaller than me, may could hold his own against Laraque. I'm not saying May should not have fought, they both agreed to it, but good on him for standing up for his team when he knows he's gonna get rocked.

Montreal played great, that's all there really is to it. 4 lines were rolling well and playing great so we scored a lot.

I do have some thoughts on Toronto though.

Luke Schenn. Besides maybe Kaberle, I thought he was Toronto's best player tonight. Just smart hockey, he stands up for himself, he jumps in the play. Between about 2 months ago and now when these two teams last played there's a visible improvement on an already good player who is going to be a great player no doubt.

Brad May. I thought he was a good signing, he's going to add a ton of leadership to a team that may be lacking it.

Grabovski.... oh you silly bitch. I still think he's a good player, but really he's gotta get his emotions under check, if Sergei can get to him like that, then Sergei should get to him like that. I think however that his play tonight was downright disgraceful. He threw 2 tantrums, pushed a linesman, got ejected and will likely get fined and suspended. Yeah, he's a bitch... sorry.

Toronto has given up 4 or more goals in 20 games this season. Toronto has a top 3 defense core and then there's a drop off to fringe players I thought.

I thought toronto didn't lose for lack of trying, I just think that it was like the 6-1 win at the start of the season. One team was hot, the other wasn't. And there's just a skills mismatch between the top lines.

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Grabovski.... oh you silly bitch. I still think he's a good player, but really he's gotta get his emotions under check, if Sergei can get to him like that, then Sergei should get to him like that. I think however that his play tonight was downright disgraceful. He threw 2 tantrums, pushed a linesman, got ejected and will likely get fined and suspended. Yeah, he's a bitch... sorry.

I realizied something after you signed off MSN. And I check this on NHL.com to make sure but...

...Sergei wasn't on the ice when the whistle blew before that last incident. So shouldn't this fall under leaving the bench, which is a minimum of 10 games.

Brad May pumping Fanny with his visor on was just epic. I would like see Boullin try and pick a fight without leaving the visor on. Hell you can see him make sure his visor was positioned properly when the fight started.

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I think doubting the toughness of bouillon is kind of a dumb thing to do. He's super tough and gets full marks for agreeing... And probably Initiating the fight with may, who's a certified monster. So... Sorry? But trying to deflect grabovskis embarassing play ain't gonna happen.

I thought sergei was on the ice during the incident, I know carbo literally grabbed him Off the ice when he dropped his gloves cause when you're up 6-1 you shouldn't be falling into a spaz's antics. If he did come off the bench which I doubt completely because I'm sure the announcers would have taken notice of, then he deserves It. At least it's not as shameful as getting A 10 min misconduct at the end of the first for running his mouth, then doing it again in the third. Try to get away from the ref for 5 min, then get taken down by said ref, then abuse the official, kick snow at him, flip off the crowd and get ejected...

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13 3 17:00 / 3:00 17:50 / 2:10 00:50

That's Sergei's last shift now let's look at the penalty time:

15 3 18:07 74 S.KOSTITSYN 10 Misconduct (10 min)

Hmmm....looks like someone came off the bench. Oh and about Grabs being a bitch for getting two ten minute misconducts for mouthing off:

9 2 10:15 74 S.KOSTITSYN 10 Misconduct (10 min)

Didn't that happen in the second period when Sergei was mouthing off towards Blake? Or are my eyes so rose-tinted towards the Leafs that I'm reading that wrong and it was the same misconduct as above?

Would you like to play again, Basha? Maybe try and explain why Boullin had 30 seconds before the fight with May began to take off his visor but instead made sure it was secure?

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