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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Basha, I wouldn't have called you out for homerism. I don't really care about it. In fact, I think it is fine for someone to look at the team they love through rose tinted glasses. I do it with the Leafs for sure.

Edited by Toe
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Basha is a homer though. It's pretty pathetic. "Burke could be Toronto's Gainey". What kind of resume did Gainey have when he took the team over? How many Stanley Cups had he won as a Manager when he took over the Canadiens? Whatever team Burke takes over he takes over with the pedigree he brings from his Cup win in Anaheim. He has a better resume now than Gainey does, forget when Gainey took the job. What a silly comment.

Also, calling out Jarrkkoo Ruuttuu. Sure, it was a hit to the head, but that's what he does. 2 games is fine for that, it was within the scope of hockey. It's not like he took an end to end rush at a guy and blindsided him with the butt end of his stick directly into the brain stem. Was it a cheap shot? Absolutely. Should he be tarred and feathered? No. I know it was against your team and all but come on, put on your big boy pants and man the fuck up. Considering that your team has turned into the Chiefs out there with all the cheapshots and hits from behind, you should really be careful with throwing stones from your glass house.

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Um, Gainey sorta built a championship team in Dallas, and if you look at Montreal 5 years ago when Gainey took over as compared to today I'd say he's done a pretty great job so far in making Montreal into a competitive team and then into a team that feels it can go very deep in the playoffs.

If we look at their track records really, um Burke turned Vancouver into a highly competitive team and then won a cup in Anaheim. Gainey built a powerhouse team in Dallas that won a cup and I believe 2 presidents trophies, and then has built a highly competitive team in Montreal. So... I don't see the problem making the comparison.

Also with the Ruutu, I just find it strange that a hit with intent to injure gets a lesser suspension from a guy known for that kind of play than a hit that results in injury from a guy who's a classier player.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Insufferable Cock. Okay, now I understand when you beat a team 12 times in a row during the regular season, they're eventually going to win, but 6 to fucking 1.

Nothing positive from that game. Nothing whatsoever. Here's the facts as far as I can tell. Montreal did the same thing the did last saturday in Toronto. They seemed to go, well we're so fucking entitled, we're the Montreal Fucking Canadiens, 104 points, best in the East, 100 seasons, Cup is ours, It's only the fucking Leafs, whens the last time they were a competitive team, it's only the fucking Bruins when was the last time they beat us? like 2006?

And then they shit the bed as though they just ate 6 courses of mexican food.

Honestly, this is a team that has all the talent, skill and depth to take the East all over again, it also looks like a young team that did exceptionally well during the season last year and somehow feels like they're entitled to the same result.

You want to know why Toronto fucking beat us, and Boston fucking beat us. Both are decent teams, shit Boston's playing great lately. Neither team on paper is close to as talented as the Habs, but they both do something Montreal has only done once this season. They work as a team, they work hard, and they work hard for 60 minutes. That's how you win a fucking hockey game.

Carbo better right this ship, Yeah I know, it's only 1 game, only 2 if you include the stinker in Toronto, we're still 8-3-2, we've played less games than everyone else. Whatever, if we don't learn to work, we;ll be lucky to finish ahead of Toronto or even make the post-season... drastic? maybe a little, but if this is how they play for 82 games, then all their talent means fuck all.

Hats off to Boston tonight, they played a solid game.

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Someone on the radio a few days ago suggested that Toronto would have a big advantage in their game against Edmonton as the Oilers were coming off of a long road trip. Whoever it was, they were right. Outside of the first period, Edmonton was just slower and out battled.

I think with Jason Blake, we need him to be benched every three games for him to play at his best.

Also, Kulemin is having a very good rookie year so far.

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Black lace on the bitch I believe. If it has the Sens logo as opposed to the 'SENS' that's been rumoured, it could be rad.




I love how the Kings are using the same promotion as the Sens. Plus, they've never been out of black. Anyway, this is what the jersey's supposed to look like sans the text. I wouldn't mind a slight bit of purple, admittedly. The logo's... plain-ish.


And although it's IMPOSSIBLE to see, here's the Sharks. Possibly.


Edited by Will.
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Other teams have officially figured out how to stop Laraque from ruining their players. Just don't agree to fight him. With all these rules in place to protect guys like Ruutu and Avery someone like Lucic can beat up a guy like Komisarek, who while large and a good checker is a terrible fighter throughout his career. Laraque was saying that he challenged Lucic right before he dropped em with Komisarek, he also challenged Thornton. Now with Lucic it came after a questionable hit on Kovalev, so he had to know that something was gonna be coming for him (see: Kostopolus, Tom), unfortunately with the new rules he can pick and choose who he gets to dance with. The way it should have happened is that our enforcer tangles with him he wins/loses/draws although in the case of fighting Laraque it might be he Dies/Survives but instead he can go no thanks I'll take someone else.

I think it's stupid.

Komisarek is out for tonights game, great. We're fucked.

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Nice comeback by the Rangers tonight. Totally outplayed through the first two and a half periods but a late rally saw us to a shoot-out win. How did the referees call the Bruins' third shot in the shoot-out a goal though? Never even looked like crossing the line, good if not lucky save by Lundqvist.

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Great game in St. Louis tonight. Price and Legace made some unbelievable saves tonight.

Montreal played a better team game tonight which made me happy.

Also, Andrei Kostitsyn. What. A. Goal. Oh my god, he goes from behind his own net, end to end, burns everybody on the ice and then backhand roofs it on Legace. Amazing.

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There is a rumour that Antropov is going to be a key piece in a trade to bring Marian Gaborik to Toronto.

If it happens, which I doubt, I don't like it. Toronto will probably have to give up too many valuable parts and/or picks, and their is no certainty that Gaborik would be here after the season ends. I would rather see the Leafs wait until the end of the season to see if Gaborik is available as a UFA, and maybe give the Wild a low pick for the rights to negotiate with him before the start of free agency.

If it was just Antropov and maybe one of Colaiacovo or White for Gabs, I would take it. That would be a steal though, no way that happens.

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I still think Gaborik would be a great fit for Toronto's new style of play... but not at that price. Antropov isn't anywhere near the same level of Gaborik, but he's an important piece in the team. Jason Blake is the only "name" player they should even consider sending out.

Dustin Penner's time in Edmonton may be coming to an end. I could see Penner being part of a deal for Gaborik, if the Oilers want to go that route. I think he'd do well in that system too. Penner has a huge upside, but can't seem to get his shit together in Edmonton. A change of scenery might do him some good, and with Gaborik's salary being dumped, the cap hit for Penner won't seem so bad to a team like Minnesota... whereas most other teams would look at his cap hit and shy away from him.

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