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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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How anyone can possibly think Steve Downie isn't a good acquisition is beyond me. Yeah, he's been suspended before... but he's a hard working player, he takes the body, he punishes people in front of the net and he's a more than capable goal scorer.

Man...you get a couple suspensions and everyone immediately thinks you're Chris Simon... who, by the way, was also a tremendous hockey player when he wasn't being a complete ass.

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Steve Downie's a good acquisition? A buhhhhh.

The guy's hard-working, but he's also incredibly fucking stupid. He is like Chris Simon, because he GETS SUSPENDED. He does incredibly dumb things that hurts his team, whether it be penalties or suspensions. Watch his hit on Dean McAmmond last year and tell me that isn't absolutely fucking stupid. Not to mention, half the league hates him. He's got some ability to score, but he's fucking DUMB. He was dumb in the OHL with that whole hazing incident thing, not to mention that whole spat with Jack Johnson at the World Juniors (though both were to blame). I will admit, he played well in the World Juniors. That's basically been it, though. I know he's supposed to be a shit disturber and not a goal scorer, but he goes over the line.

A suspension in the PRESEASON of all things isn't the greatest thing to do. Not to mention, he's a chickenshit. The dude had 73 PIMS in 32 NHL games, then 114 in 22 in the AHL. 12 points in 32 NHL games is not something to write home about, and something the Lightning could have easily got without all the trouble that Downie brings. If Downie can learn some discipline he can easily be a good acquisition, but until that happens I don't think he is, especially when you give up a D-man and replace said D-man with someone who isn't much better on top of that.

And of course, Chicago's jersey is win as always.

Edited by Will.
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Just the worst game of the year for Montreal. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they should have lost by more, because they were playing really good offensive hockey in the second and first 8 or 9 minutes of the third. But they played the entire first on the PK... pretty much, and that's the same reason that they lost to Anaheim, lack of discipline. Montreal really needs to figure themselves out because all these incomplete efforts are starting to end the way they're supposed to... in losses.

Toronto played a really good game, it wasn't simple Montreal ineptitude, they were on the ball for most of the 60 minutes, although 3 goals on 12 shots isn't a great stat for Toskala.

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Wait, you mean you guys aren't going to bitch and cry that you should have had more/less goals or that certain players are cowardly dickwads? Novel :P

Just been doing my weekly catch-up of NHL news, Mike Smith needs a suspension for that bullshit he pulled on Voros. The Rangers are sick beyond belief for asking for draft compensation following the death of Cherepanov. And Christ, can the Avs stop the rollercoaster for a bit?

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Toronto played a really good game, it wasn't simple Montreal ineptitude, they were on the ball for most of the 60 minutes, although 3 goals on 12 shots isn't a great stat for Toskala.

I dunno. The Lang goal was off a rebound that should have been a rebound. The one by Plekanec was just typically Montreal powerplay passing that leads to an open net. And Koivu had one of the prettiest snipes I've seen (didn't really pay attention to it at the time cause I was incensed that Frasor missed Tanguay kicking Schenn's legs out from under him right before the goal).

And Dragsy, I could easily have a go at the Sisters while Basha could have a go at Grabs. Probably no point in doing so though.

Edited by Clawson
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Wow...Vancouver's third jersey is dire. Really like the others though, especially the Coyote's logo.

Found a very cool logo for the 'Hawks that someone did, thinking it would make a good logo for their third or maybe an entirely new logo for all their sweaters.


Personally I think it looks awesome. Put that sucker on the chest and use the older one on the shoulders and I think it'd look pretty cool myself.

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Alright, so I rewatched the game from last night. Partly for pleasure, partly so I could make this post. Basha feel free to point out any incidents you think the Leafs did that I missed.

Nonetheless, dirty plays from last night in no particular order:

1)Kostopolus hits Van Ryn from behind

Yeah it was a cheap shot but Kostopolus knew it and prepared to drop his gloves instead of scurying away. So while it was a really dirty hurt Kostopolus stood up for his actions and thus I don't really have a problem with him.

2)Andrei Kostitsyn trips Schenn into the boards

Okay, this was the play that I had the biggest beef with throughout the whole night. If you're racing for the puck during an icing you go for the puck, you never ever ever jam your stick blade underneath the other guy's foot to send him crashing into the boards. Completely gutless move, and I'm even more disgusted by the fact that he wouldn't drop the gloves to stand up for it. Unfortunately I think Leafs fans are gonna have to see this from the spineless runt a lot more.

3)Moore "slewfoots" Price

Did Price embellish this? Yeah he did, but you should stick your foot behind a goalie's pads anyway so Price probably would have gone down anyways. He just shouldn't have slid 10 feet out of the net and in circles.

4)Blakes runs Price

Okay this was just fucking stupid. Your team just got two GIs and you run straight at the goalie and run into your teammate sending both of you into the net and goalie. What the fuck do you think is gonna happen?

5)Tanguay kicks Schenn's legs out from under him

This overshadowed the beautiful snipe by Koivu for me. What possess a man to come from behind a player, stick out his leg, and knock out the legs of the other guy? Dirty move, and extremely baffling Kerry Frasor missed the call from 5 feet away. Oh wait, it's Kerry Frasor. :shifty:

6)Grabs vs. Price

Alright there is no need to punch a guy in the back of the head 2 or 3 times when he's in front of your net. Then there is also no need to butt end the goalie in retitaltion. Grabs comes off worse here because a butt end in ten times worse and more dangerous than a few punches to the back of the head. Actually I don't think it was particularly dirty of Price to do what he was doing. Though he was probably doing it because it was Grabs.

7)Sergei Kostityn hits Grabs away from the puck

Hey kids, it's time for the other Kostityn Sister to get his bitch move out of the way. Let's hit a guy with his head down when he's not near the puck, sounds sporting to me. Then let's throw a temper tantrum afterwards, though the refs probably should have let the two fight it out. Or maybe the Habs should start losing more so Sergei learns how to take it like a man.

There was a bunch of other stuff going on like sticks to the face from both teams but those are the incidents that really stood out for me. Double-checking the game summary I forgot about the Markov on Hagman hit but Hagman kinda turned into that one.

Edited by Clawson
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Nice post, I have to agree that the Kosto hit was dirty, he got boo'd at the bar we were at, he knew he did wrong and was ready to face what happens which I can respect though.

I'm sorry, but I dunno if CBC showed it or not, but on RDS when Andrei "trips" Schenn into the boards, there's a low angle shot from behind that clearly shows that Kostitsyn's stick made no contact with Schenn until he was already on his way down. I'll look on RDS to see if I can find it, but Andrei absolutely did not, trip Schenn.

I think embellished is more of a Leaf fan sight on it, but in any case I can agree that Price when he get's beat on a goal or gets knocked over slides all over the place.

Didn't actually see Tanguay on the play, was too busy watching Koivu, but to be honest, I'd like to see it before I say anything. I'm not doubting it happening, I just know that you, as I would, have some strong hometown team emotions fueling that sentence.

Price never takes shit in front of the net. The Butt end was kind of a shitty thing to do when he's been so hot in the last 3 or 4 games.

I'm sorry, but the hit on Grabs wasn't that bad at all. He had released the puck like a second earlier, but I don't at all think you should be calling him a bitch, he hit him, Grabs threw the tantrum and then Sergei wanted to fight... I think that Grabs had to have said something for Sergei to flip like that. But I know you hate the Kostitsyns like I hate Tucker so I'll allow it :P

I thought that Toronto probably had one of their better games, and Montreal as said earlier had their worst game of the year. Carbo called it embarassing.

The only real knocks I have against Toronto from the game are that while when you win 6-3 who really gives a shit, but it seemed all night that if you slightly bumped into a Leaf they'd go flying off the puck. It just seemed like it was too easy to knock the players off of it... not that Montreal did much with the puck when they got it.

I also found that Toskala wasn't really tested last night and the fact that Montreal scored 3 goals in 11 or 12 shots is one of those things that doesn't matter when you win, but when you lose is a glaring weakness (see: Montreal Canadiens; Team Discipline)

I think Toronto needs some size up front, besides Antropov who I don't think will ever really dig in the corners or throw a solid hit, there seemed to be a bit of size lacking in Toronto's offence.

It was kind of annoying last night the parade of penalties (most merited, some full out bullshit), that was the reason Montreal lost. It's kind of hard to build any sort of a rhythm when your top offensive units are kept off the ice in favor of PKers, but you reap what you sow.

Toronto deserved the win, they played better in the first and most of the third. Montreal was flat in the third while they killed penalties all period, jumped to life in the second, and fizzled out in the third. The story of our season, a one period effort. I understand that Montreal probably has one of the top 3-5 offensive units in the league, but all that talent means nothing if you don't work for 60 min.

Lastly, I think the schedule is bullshit. 5 days off then back to back games. Now Montreal plays like 13 games in 23 days, that'll really show if this team is the contender is everyone wants them to be.

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The Rangers are sick beyond belief for asking for draft compensation following the death of Cherepanov.

This is classless of you Dragsy. The headline makes the Rangers seem like dirty unfeeling scum, but the facts behind the story (which you neglect to mention) paint the Rangers in a much less negative light.

There is a clause in the CBA that states that if a team is unable to sign a draft pick and they go to Free Agency or another Club, that the team is rewarded with a Draft Pick...

I think it's only fair that they amend the rule to compensate a team who can't sign a draft pick on account of death.

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I'm aware of that (and from what I've read, there is actually dispute about whether they have a case). But surely it would've been more appropriate to quietly put in a call to the league or something rather than making a big fuss about it in public. I know, it's New York, stuff gets blown out of proportion, but I just think the timing and the way they've gone about it is far more classless than someone posting about it on a message board.

Plus, I don't recall Vancouver crying about wanting an extra pick.

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I'm aware of that (and from what I've read, there is actually dispute about whether they have a case). But surely it would've been more appropriate to quietly put in a call to the league or something rather than making a big fuss about it in public. I know, it's New York, stuff gets blown out of proportion, but I just think the timing and the way they've gone about it is far more classless than someone posting about it on a message board.

Plus, I don't recall Vancouver crying about wanting an extra pick.

Vancouver wouldn't have had a case. Bourdon had been signed and had played with the Canucks. He was a regular roster member. His death is no less a tragedy for the club, but the CBA states that in Bourdon's case, the Canucks have no grounds for wanting a compensatory pick.

The Rangers, however, do have every right to question it. The CBA doesn't say one way or the other in their case, and a precedent needs to be set now, in case this sort of thing ever happens again.

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Yeah that's vile. Absolutely vile.

Bourdon was a higher pick and Vancouver hasn't asked for anything.

That's because Vancouver COULDN'T. Bourdon was a signed prospect, who'd already played in the NHL. Cherepanov was unsigned. And the way this whole story has been misconstrued is fucking ridiculous. The Rangers tried to bring it up in the least offensive way and tried to go about it without bringing attention to themselves, but now the story's out there. It's a rule in the CBA that needs to be looked at anyway. If an unsigned prospect can no longer play due to a career-ending injury, etc. then a team gets compensation. So, what's the compensation for a death? Sure it's a grey area and it's an awful situation, but unfortunately something does need to be done about it. A rule does need to be made.

I'm not saying the Rangers are classy, but it's still in the CBA and something needs to be figured out. They tried to go about it in the best way possible. It's not like they called out Bettman, or came to the press with it. They tried to do it discreetly and out of the public's eye, in I assume respect to Cherepanov.

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Fair enough, I misunderstood on the Vancouver issue. And I stress again for the likes of Plubby who yelled at me on MSN, my gripe is they way they brought it up (and the timing of it), not that they're trying to profit from a player's death. I've not read the whole CBA (forgive me, guess I'm not as hardcore a fan as some >_>), but on the face of it it certainly seems they have grounds for compensation. But saying stuff like he's technically eligible for draft next year is just fucking stupid.

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Didn't actually see Tanguay on the play, was too busy watching Koivu, but to be honest, I'd like to see it before I say anything. I'm not doubting it happening, I just know that you, as I would, have some strong hometown team emotions fueling that sentence.

I'm sorry, but the hit on Grabs wasn't that bad at all. He had released the puck like a second earlier, but I don't at all think you should be calling him a bitch, he hit him, Grabs threw the tantrum and then Sergei wanted to fight... I think that Grabs had to have said something for Sergei to flip like that. But I know you hate the Kostitsyns like I hate Tucker so I'll allow it :P

It was basically like Moore on Price but if anything Tanguay's was more deliberate.

And after the whistle, Sergei slammed into Grabs again who pointed at the scoreboard in retaliation which seemed to set Sergei off again.

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