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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Huh, I didn't know that if Be was proven wrong he'd just ignore me so he doesn't have to face it.

But fair enough MPH. I s'ppose you're right... I'm just happy cause I won :P

Also, Clawson, I don't care if you tell me on msn that you didn't mean it after. That is still ow. And yes, clearly the Habs are King Shit and Briesbois > * so yes, I am 100% right. :P

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lol, Insulting rants? If you think me pointing out (repeatedly to be fair) that you're a raging homer is an insulting rant, then that says more about your own feelings on your homer-ness than anything I say.

Huh, I didn't know that if Be was proven wrong he'd just ignore me so he doesn't have to face it.

Is this a concession of defeat that the hit on Dominic Moore was scum? Because you have to this date ignored me on my calm, uninsulting queries regarding that.

Anyway, to address the most rational post you've made in 35 pages (Ironically also one of the few times you've posted about another team), to be fair to the leafs fans - in hockey these days I see a lot of people talking about a "points percentage". I assume 5-3-3 is Toronto's record, and that means they have 13 points from a possible 22, which is above .500 as a points percentage - so I think Basha is applying a different interpretation of .500 than the Leafs fans are.

Edited by Plubby
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The Moore hit was like I said, a bitch move by him. He turned away from Komisarek, got hit, was on top of the puck so naturally was subject to some stick work, then freaked out about it. You're going to tell me now that Komi should have dropped the gloves because if anybody ever challenges you after you hit them you must fight them or wtv. I'm going to tell you that when you're up 6-1 you don't need to fall into that. You're going to go HOMER HOMER HOMER because that's what you do and we'll be right back where we are here.

Be chose to ignore my posts all together because I went through what he was saying, broke through his thick smoke of homerism and insults and destroyed his arguments. Rather admit that he was wrong, and left with no reasonable way to rebute my points he chose to ignore me.

Onto the actual topic, looking past your insults which MPH just asked us not to do. You bring up a nice point. But there's a huge difference between point % and win %

Finally, I want examples from you. Show me quoted posts where I full out Homer over the Habs... It shouldn't be hard, I know I do it sometimes, but not me saying they played a great game or a prospect looks great. I was pure blind homering the way Clawson does but is exempt from any naysaying from you. Show me. Show me the 2 solid pages of LAPIERRE like he did for Schenn, show me not admitting that the Habs deserved to lose, or played poorly for 40 minutes but showed up in the third to win. Show me exactly where I am such more a homer than anyone else in this thread. I'm so tired of you only picking on me for it. Compare me and Clawson for sheer homering. Use the same amount of scrutiny on him as me, that would be, if either one of us says anything positive its gotta be HOMER!!!!!!! But really, compare the two of us, if I'm really the worst, I'll admit it, if not, you learn to shut your fucking mouth when I decide to say that Kovalev played a beast game.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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That was a great game to watch from the Leafs on Saturday. The game looked even to me until Valiquette decided to go against form and play poorly against Toronto. John Mitchell scored his first and second career NHL goals.

Toronto loses a close one to the Hurricanes. Still, a good effort and an enjoyable game.

Edited by Toe
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Schenn played poorly tonight. And if you noticed Basha, I added a warning about homerism before I talked about Luuuukkkeeeee and how he has such a rough, rugged style of play with extremely manly yet soft pectorals.

Though we should continue this on MSN so MPH doesn't have to fill his diaper. :shifty:

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Clawson, I'm not upset at you. I just think it's unfair that you'll full out go nuts homer and shit, but it's okay because you say you're going to do it first. If I talk too highly about a player for you or Plubby's liking I get OMFG so fucking blindly homering. It's stupid. So I want Plubby to either prove that I'm as bad as he says, which seems to be the worst. Or he can stop being a dick. It's that simple. I've never gone too far over the edge, but because Clawson goes, well I'm going to homer for the next hour... it makes it okay? Bullshit.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Just to point something out, homerism is not and never will be against the rules. Calling others out on homerism, when done in a better fashion and for a better reason than "zOMG HOMER SIMPSON~!" is also okay.

It's when you get into statements like "you're a fucking moron" that the line is crossed - the difference being that that's a personal attack.

This discussion can be continued on MSN or wherever. Let's get back to hockey talk now. I'll start.

Alexander Semin believes that Sidney Crosby is overrated and Patrick Kane is a better player. Agree or disagree?

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Can't agree with you, Plubby. Kane's a great player, and only going to get better...but I'd put him fourth among the current crop of young forwards, behind (in order) Ovechkin, Crosby, and Mike Richards (that one might be homerism).

As good as Kane is, there's nothing that makes me think "wow", and I just feel like...I've seen him before. Tony Amonte's the natural comparison because they're both best known for the Hawks, but as Kane's a bit smaller, maybe Pat Verbeek (one of the all-time underrated players)? Certainly a great player, but never a possibility for best player in the game.

Crosby, on the other hand, continues to pull out stuff that blows my mind, makes me wonder how anybody could have that much talent. Ovechkin too, maybe even more so.

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There seems to be a trend starting this season, where good players who are having patches of time that are above their norm decide to call out the superstar players.

Semin calls out Crosby and says he's not that good... I like Semin. He's a really talented forward and he's having a great year on a team where Alex Ovechkin is usually the focus. That said, Sidney Crosby isn't just about goals and assists. He's a tremendous leader for his team, and he's an even better spokesman for the National Hockey League. Crosby isn't the face of the NHL because they decided he was going to be. He's the face of the NHL because he took the opportunity and embraced it. Not to mention that he's just a genuinely awesome person, who loves the game of hockey more than the fruits that come from it.

Sean Avery calls out Jarome Iginla. He's not exciting? Fuck you. Avery is good at what he does, there's no doubt in my mind about that. He's a valuable guy to have around, but he's clearly either retarded or jealous. There is nothing that Sean Avery does (except for be annoying), that Jarome Iginla isn't twice as good at. Then, again, look at what Jarome has done for the game, what he does for his community, his leadership of the Calgary Flames, and the fact that he's stepping into a role that guys like Steve Yzerman and Wayne Gretzky used to fill when it comes to how he's recognized and respected among the NHL.

I'm not sure where the respect has gone for a lot of these guys, but until Alex Semin has two or three consecutive years of stable superstar play... and until he starts promoting the game and being more than just a guy who collects his money... he can fuck off, because he's got no right to slag a guy like Crosby, who's done more for this game and for his team than Semin could possibly imagine.

As far as Avery and guys like him are concerned... I think it's for the attention more than it is for them to go out and say something they genuinely believe. He's a good player, and he's useful, but the things he's known for doing are the black eye on the game of Hockey. The things that Jarome Iginla is known for doing? Those are the things that make hockey fans proud... make parents proud to have their children involved in the same game as a man like Iginla, or Crosby, or Scott Niedermayer, or whoever it may be.

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