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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Wasn't "what was wrong before" essentially just the fact that the American dollar was raping the Canadian dollar at the time?

Right now, we're not at even-steven with the American dollar, but that fix for the US Economy isn't going to last long, and we should be back up to par, or better, within a year or two... even then, the Canadian dollar is still much healthier now than when Winnipeg had the Jets.

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And the salary cap's in place now.

The salary cap is a joke though... seriously... this is how a bunch of meetings go...

"You can spend up to $56 million..."

"...but I don't have to?"

"Right... but you do have to spend at least $40 million..."

"...I'm sorry... what?"

I think that having a cap on what a team can spend is a great idea... it keeps huge market teams from completely running away with all of the top stars.

I do not, however, believe that forcing teams to spend money they don't have is a good idea. Revenue sharing or not, forcing a team to spend beyond its' means is asking for trouble.

Edited by Gabriel
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Colorado and Atlanta had a good thirty years or so before they got teams again. Plus, it was during the expansion era. Bettman does not want to expand anymore, and honestly, aside from Nashville nearly folding Bettman doesn't want to fold any teams either.

We're not going to get anywhere with it, soooo...

How 'bout them third jerseys?

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I have a question. Miller bitched about Smyth's play on Leopold's goal - but I was listening to the game live at work, and the commentators (Colorado commentators to be fair) said that Miller was out of his crease and was fair game.

I don't trust the Colorado commentators to be unbiased - so what's the rule here? Apparently Smyth knocked Miller's stick, putting Miller off balance. Is this legal?

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Schenn's going to stay. At least I would keep him, he's made a few mistakes like any rookie would, but his play has been good and it's not like there's anyone on the Marlies who could do a more competant job right now.

Toronto has Ian White, Carlo Colaiacovo and Jonas Frogren as scratches with the Maple Leafs right now.

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I have a question. Miller bitched about Smyth's play on Leopold's goal - but I was listening to the game live at work, and the commentators (Colorado commentators to be fair) said that Miller was out of his crease and was fair game.

I don't trust the Colorado commentators to be unbiased - so what's the rule here? Apparently Smyth knocked Miller's stick, putting Miller off balance. Is this legal?

There was definitely contact, but I think Miller was out of his crease, and he wasn't stopping that Leopold laser anyway.

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Like I said Toe, Schenn to me would probably play the best out of all of them. He doesn't seem to have had a hard time adjusting to the NHL, I don't see why not keep him up?

I think he is staying too.

He doesn't look out of place, and I would think it is easier to learn the NHL game in the NHL against veterans then in the WHL against 18 and 19 year olds.

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Like I said Toe, Schenn to me would probably play the best out of all of them. He doesn't seem to have had a hard time adjusting to the NHL, I don't see why not keep him up?

I think he is staying too.

He doesn't look out of place, and I would think it is easier to learn the NHL game in the NHL against veterans then in the WHL against 18 and 19 year olds.

That's the exact reason he needs to stay.

Keeping him in Junior really only delays his development as an NHL ready player. It might give him some extra confidence to go back and play a year with guys who he can still crush... but it won't really help him that much. He can't go to the AHL because he's too young, and that makes the NHL the only place right now, where he can play the minutes he needs, against guys with the skill levels of NHL players.

He's not going to have to deal with a Sidney Crosby or Evgeni Malkin in Kelowna... and he did a damn fine job shutting them down when they played. He's still learning, but the NHL is the only place where he can do that, and that's why he needs to stay.

To me, Ian White is just an extra piece... Colaiacovo is potentially trade-material for a draft pick, or to be packaged with someone else... and Jonas Frogren is a solid guy who should be playing instead of Anton Stralman, who I think is best suited right now as a 7th defenseman, or as a top pairing guy with the Marlies.

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Did anyone see that shot from the Rangers last night (Kalinin I think?) that knocked Joey MacDonald's mask off? Blimey!

Good to get the win, especially another one in the division, I think we're 4-0 this season now in the Atlantic. I think it would have been much closer if DiPietro was playing though.

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