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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Basha's doing a lot of talking without actually mentioning the hit. He's mentioned the Habs' hits, Moore's reaction to the hits, and tried to change the attention on to the scoreline.

Speaking of the scoreline: The EAST CHAMPIONS must be so proud of beating an admitted not-playoff-ready team. I bet they were rioting in the streets. Again.

But so that you can avoid missing the point for a fourth consecutive post, we should put you on the spot: Basha, what are your thoughts on the Komisarek 2x check from behind into the boards on Dominic Moore?

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In the Oilers game tonight, Steve Staios hit Ryan Smyth from behind on a play where Smyth had two options. Either stop and turn back, which he did... or keep skating through behind the net, which he should have. Smyth took option A, and Staios did what he should have, which was follow through with a hit assuming Smyth would drive to the net.

So... hit from behind, yes, but Smyth's fault as much as Staios'. That said, next shift, someone challenges Staios, and despite not having to shoulder the blame for the hit, Staios does the honorable thing and takes his lumps.

So, Mike Komisarek, you are a great defenseman, but you could still learn a lot from a guy like Steve Staios about being classy.

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It's odd when Montreal is suddenly the bigger and tougher team on the ice. A lot of Toronto's old bangers like Kilger and Belak are gone, while Montreal has added some size after getting thrashed by Philly in the playoffs.

The Leafs will not be the team they were on Saturday. Montreal was just bigger and faster. A big loss to Montreal does not make me change my mind about the team. Montreal is a good team with depth and talent. They deserved to win and they did. The only way Toronto will improve is to make mistakes and then fix them. Last nights game was a good learning experience.

I watched Phoenix vs. Anaheim tonight. Anyone who likes hockey and likes the Coyotes is in for a treat this year. They were flying, generating good chances and just outplayed the Ducks completely. Boedker and Turris both scored their first NHL goals, and Shane Doan was excellent. Giggy is off his game while Bryzgalov is already in mid-season form.

Edited by Toe
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I saw the Staios hit...are those hits frowned upon? He seemed to try to jam him up against the boards, but Smytty wasn't hard up against them, so he went for a little ride.

Is this the same as the Komisarek hit? I pictured the Komisarek one as a Zdeno Chara style ram-you-head-first-from five-feet-off-the-boards kinda check.

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Anytime a player goes face first into the boards, it's frowned upon. Hits like the one on Smyth, the one in the Canucks/Flames game the other night, and (arguably) the one on Erik Cole where a player turns into it and MAKES it a hit from behind are very hard to call.

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I saw the Staios hit...are those hits frowned upon? He seemed to try to jam him up against the boards, but Smytty wasn't hard up against them, so he went for a little ride.

Is this the same as the Komisarek hit? I pictured the Komisarek one as a Zdeno Chara style ram-you-head-first-from five-feet-off-the-boards kinda check.

You're not supposed to hit a guy in the numbers, no matter what. The Staios hit was a hit from behind, but like I said... Smyth tried to get fancy instead of making the safer play, and ended up eating the boards. What I don't like, is that Staios is put in a tough position there. He knows Smyth's two choices, and if he doesn't play it like Smyth is going for the net, then he gives him that opportunity, and it's a good scoring chance. If he does play it like Smyth is headed for the net, then if Smyth puts on the brakes to turn, he's likely to smash him face first into the boards.

Best case scenario, Smyth drives for the net and Staios scores a big clean hit into the boards. What we saw was not that scenario.

The Komisarek hit is a bit fuzzy now in my memory, but I do remember that it was directly into the numbers, and that Moore didn't turn into it or do anything to cause it. I also know that he hit the boards pretty hard, and was incensed that it wasn't called by the officials.

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But I see these hits on the forecheck all the time on highlight reels when they lead to goals :S

Most of the time, it's a stationary man, pressing another stationary man into the boards.

If you take more than one stride towards a man with his numbers in your face, it's a hit from behind.

If you cross check a guy, two hands on your stick, to the numbers on his back, it's a hit from behind, regardless of whether you're moving or not.

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Guest Grapehead

Hits from behind are sketchy, and always seem to get debate to some extent. My opinion has always been this... if you've got a guy skating with you, and you turn your back and he follows through, you're both to blame. If you are skating with your back to a player and he takes a stride or more at you and hits your numbers, he's to blame. It's the same as, say, watching your pass and getting wrecked, you're just as much to blame. Sure players need to be safe with their hits, but it's your job to finish checks, and everyone in the league knows you are supposed to finish your checks. If you know a guy is going to finish a check on you, and you put yourself in a dangerous position, you're as much to blame. It's similar to getting in the passenger seat with a drunk driver, you're just as much an idiot for putting yourself in the position to be killed by this person, as this person is for killing you. If Smyth had the option to make a safe play and didn't, then he took a risk and paid for it.

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Guest Grapehead

Also... does the dude from Leafs TV have some mental defect? I was watching the Blues/Leafs game, and turned it off, not because of the game itself but because the announcer kept going on about how Antropov should have an assist on the 3rd Leafs goal. Now that's all fine except he acknowledges Pieterangelo turning the puck over to blake, who immediately put it to the front of the net where Ponikarovski tipped it in. Antropov hadn't touched the puck in about 20 seconds and was nowhere near the net when the goal went in, what in the HELL is that announcer going on about. Seriously, looking back I don't know why it bothers me so much but FUCK that guy haha

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Montreal and Philly tonight. It should be a pretty epic tilt, both teams have been going at it a bit in the papers. Montreal want some vengeance for a lack luster performance... to say the least in the playoffs, Philly wants to show that it was no fluke. Should be a fun game to watch.

Also, Plubby, yeah Moore turned his back to Komi then he was on top of the puck so Komi hit him again makes sense.

Also, Plubby, you're an asshole. I'm sorry for enjoying a 6-1 win. I know with Raycroft as a potential #1 in Colorado will make it really hard to enjoy a lot of games, with all the losing that's bound to happen, but it's no reason to be jealous of a team when they win a game.

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Guest Grapehead

Fucking insane... I was just on the yahoo fantasy site doing up my shit for the week and I saw the link to TSN about Cherepanov. Honestly, it's just... I don't even understand, he was 19! The kid was crazy good to. I suppose all you can really say is RIP

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Glad that the leafs get a point tonight, not too pleased with losing the lead, reminding me too much of last year which is the last thing that should happen. I do think that Toskala just isn't a shootout goalie, although he is a monster in regular time (well depending on the defence of the leafs, if they're atrociously bad, then you can't really blame him). I love the additions of Moore and Kulemin, and the more I see of Schenn, the more he impresses me, I'm still hoping they don't send him down (and since White has been a healthy scratch, he might be the one to go back down to the minors, with Finger coming in). The thing is I'm really fond of White, and it seems to me he's more then a defenceman, and would probably play better as a winger (looking at his performance in the preseason). I would rather get rid of Stajan (his ship has sailed, at least to me) and Hollweg (there are good pests and bad pests, and Hollweg is at the extreme end of the bad spectrum).

Overall though, I guess there were 2 HUGE positives for me this game:

1)We got a point even thought Hollweg kind of ruined us getting 2 points.

2)Looks like Kulemin is finally getting more responsibility and he's delivering.

In the end though, we could (and probably should :P ) lose as many games as possible, but come fighting in each game so its worth watching in order to get one of those high draft picks. And with Wilson as the coach, I don't think we'll see as many bad losses as before. (Speaking of the draft Don't think we'd get Tavares or that Swede but another top 5 pick would be great).

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1)We got a point even thought Hollweg kind of ruined us getting 2 points.

He's going to ruin a lot of you guys. He's got great energy, and he's offensively more talented than people give him credit for, but for every good thing he does, there's about 2 bad things that follow. He doesnt always make the smart plays! And he'll probably get called for a lot of boarding calls.

I love the way the Rangers second line celebrates after they score. It's such a team (line) celebration with Zherdev, Voros and Dubby.

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Basha, your stupidity is an endless source of amusement. Budaj is our go-to guy, Raycroft is not a potential #1.

It's pretty obvious the only one acting like an asshole is you. Try having a little respect, or showing some class after your teams' victories.

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