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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Much better effort tonight from the Flames... ignored call in overtime leads to a 2 on 1 that ends the game... *sigh*, whatever. It happens. It's not important.

I hope they learned tonight though... when they play hard, take the body and finish their checks, the Flames dominate... but when they stop doing that, they let their opponents get back into the game, and more often than not, that will lead to a loss. So, I'm sure Mike Keenan is also saying this... the Flames need to play 60 minutes of in your face, smash mouth, please don't hit me Mr. Phaneuf, Calgary style hockey. They deserved to lose this game, because they gave Vancouver the opportunity to win it.

11 goals in 2 games sounds horrible, but really, Kipper isn't doing THAT badly. They need to let him focus on the puck though, and play the man. You can't leave anyone alone in front of the net, and you can't go chasing the puck behind the net, especially against the god damn Sedin's.

Iginla landed the single most devastating punch I think I've ever seen in a Hockey fight with that one left hand on Willie Mitchell. That was a UFC worthy punch.

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The score of the fight doesn't matter if it never gets to the judges. :D

That was a vicious shot.

Also, Kipper hasn't let in all 11 goals so you can be thankful for that (as I am, since he's mine in the EWB fantasy league >_>).

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Guest Grapehead

Fuck Franzen... fuck 'em. Who the fuck scores from the dot, at that angle? He shoots left too so that even further hurt his angle on the net and... fuck. Ottawa didn't look too good for a lot of that game. I like Winchester, and he looked good with Spezza and Heatley but Detroit is just too tough. Also psyched about Foligno's goal, just pushed his way through Kronwall and Filpula and scored, true power forward style. Vermette also looked really good again... damn. Our second and third lines actually played a lot better than the top line. Stupid alfie... why must we depend on you so.

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6-1 and I can't believe I didn't stay to watch it online.

And sorry Dragsy for bailing, I was watching Live at the Apollo and then just turned the PC off and went to bed. I'll PM you something and leave it to you, I'm sure you're smart enough to work it all out - it's kinda complicated but it's the best to offer you.

It's how I watch college football and the Redskins every week (and how I'll be watching NHL when I can get a chance to watch a match at a remotely good time) so I guess it'll have to do.

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Yeah. Montreal absolutely dismantled Toronto last night. They just wanted it so much more... It was good to see the Koivu line combine for 10 points, they were unreal the way they moved the puck on the powerplay.

And um, hits from behind? You want to talk about dangerous Clawson? Look at what Dominic Moore did to Komisarek, he gets hit by him then when Komisarek skates away he throws a fit charges at him, cross checks him in the back and then hits him while he's down. Classy. I thought I'd have a hard time replacing players to hit, but him and Antropov did a good job last night showing how they handle defeat.

Halak was solid, and Cujo was fun to see in nets in the third. But yeah, I saw like 1 suspect hit from the Habs, and equally as much from the Leafs I thought the refs missed a few calls either way, but the end result is still Montreal scoring 3 power play goals, and simply dominating the game almost from start to finish. Toronto showed signs of life, but I think there was just a talent mis-match offensively.

Lastly, the usually quiet ACC was fine, you guys cheer for goals and that's about it, but in the third period when like half the fans had left and the Habs fans started with the Ole chants. I was so happy.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Hahahahaha Basha you're so blind sometimes when it comes to Montreal. It was 6-1 when Stajan had his face run into the boards and acting like his nickname Kotsityn acted like a saint and refused to man up for what he did. It was also 6-1 when Komisarek (who I like) ran into Moore from behind. So if you're losing 6-1 and the other team is still running you blind then I think Moore's reaction was appropriate. And then later on Poni got run from behind as well.

And who was the only guy on your team to man up and fight? Kostopolous has my respect now for not only playing a clean game but being the guy to fight when the Leafs got frustrated at the shots. There should have been atleast two more fights last night with Schenn against somebody (hopefully O'Bryne sometime, that would be awesome) and Moore should have fought Komisarek.

Yes you outplayed us last night, but you did it as a bunch of pussies.

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A bunch of pussies who threw 35 hits?

Montreal dominated the game. Made Toronto look silly with their passing, speed and transitional game. Scored some very pretty goals. And yeah, at 6-1 I wouldn't fight either, it's not a 3-2 game, the last thing I'd want to do is give the other team ANY sort of momentum. And really, you're getting a little worked up about these hits, and I really don't think that skating after a guy, waiting till he can't see you coming, then using both your hands to cross check him in the back and then hit him while he's down is an "appropriate reaction". Toronto got rocked in every conceivable way to the point where in the post game press conference the coach called it a bad team.

And you're concerned with 3 hits? They weren't even that bad, in fact, all 3 of these terrible hits from behind OMFGBBQSAUCE pale in comparison to what Moore did to Komisarek, which should have landed him out of the game for unsportsmanlike conduct since he chased him down and attacked him.

In any case... A 6-1 embarassment of Toronto. I'm satisfied, even if the team that did it, did so as a bunch of pussies... who out hit Toronto... and were grittier all game... and won.

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Holy fuck, what do you not understand in what I'm saying? I wouldn't care about the lack of fighting in a 6-1 game any other time but when your team throws 3 hits from behind in a 6-1 game then you fucking drop the gloves.

And really Moore's attack on Komisarek is as big as deal as Komisarek hitting him from behind once, not seeing Moore falling down then shoving him into the boards again face first. And if watched what happened between the two you would have noticed Moore slashing him first, yelling at Komisarek the whole way then crosschecking him when Komisarek refused to turn around and face him like a man. He didn't wait for him to turn his back since Komisarek scampered off once he imbeded Dommy's face into the boards.

Jesus, I'm not calling you pussies for how you played the game, but more how you acted when you were up 6-1 by refusing to fight after deliberate hits from behind. The game was over at that time, no need to be running people when they can't see you.

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I'm sorry that hockey is a contact sport.

The whole of Montreal apologizes for hitting your players into the boards, I know, it's unreal... We know that MLSE isn't made of money and what if we damage something. We're just so dang reckless sometimes, we also apologize for possibly causing a power surge in Toronto from all the red lights that were going on. Again, just send us the bill and we'll be happy to pay for it :P

Clawson, you're looking at it with your Leafs Nation goggles on; "Moore slashing him first, yelling at Komisarek the whole way then crosschecking him when Komisarek refused to turn around and face him like a man." Those are your words. So what you're saying is that after Komi put him down with a hit, and then skated away to go play hockey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Hockey (Toronto might need that for reference), the fact that he didn't want to fight even after Moore was so polite in slashing and yelling at him.... yeah, it's just fucking ridiculous that he didn't fight him. What an asshole Komisarek is for not letting Moore get to him. What an asshole.

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About Chicago: All 41 of the Hawks' home games this season will be broadcasted on television. It is no longer rare to see them on TV, thank fuck.

About the Habs/Leafs game: I love both teams, they're both fun to watch and being that neither team is "my" team, I think I'm a fair mediator here. Komisarek's hit on Moore was not 100% clean, and when you're going to do that in a game where your team is up five goals, you'd better have the balls to man up and face the reaper. Dominic Moore did everything he could to let Komisarek know that he was challenging him, and the defenseman refused. Up 6-1, after a hit like that, you do NOT refuse a challenge. That becomes not only a questionable hit, but a completely dishonorable play.

Dominic Moore was frustrated. His team was being trounced, not only on the scoreboard, but physically as well. (See Kostitsyn, Sergei... in a similar case). If you're up five goals, and your foot is on the gas pedal, you have to expect the other team to be gunning it too. It would have been easy for Moore to simply let it go, head back to the bench and just accept defeat... but he did the right thing. Komisarek bitched out, and got what he deserved when Moore hit him. It wasn't a dangerous play, but it sure as shit sent the message. Not only did Moore give Komisarek his receipt, he also fired up his team, who had a tremendous finish to the game.

Edited by Gabriel
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