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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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I'd debate anything you said, but you're a Flames fan, and you know what they say about gift horses in glass houses and all that.

I'm not saying the Flames are a Top 5 team in regards to overall depth. If anything, I think Sutter's needs to seriously re-evaluate the distribution of his funds, because the way things are right now isn't good enough.

To be 100% honest, I think the Canucks have a much better base to rely on at this moment, and that they would be seriously sacrificing that by NOT moving some of that superstar cash. The Flames, on the other hand, absolutely need to move some of our superstar cash in order to re-stabalize our core.

I look at this as two teams who need to move money, for different reasons. One who would be potentially sacrificing their group by not making moves, and the other who needs to strengthen their group by making moves.

I think this summer should be really interesting. Draft Day and the first few days of July especially are going to be a lot of fun to watch, and personally, I'll be disappointed if one of the Flames big money players hasn't been moved in an effort to strengthen the rest of the team.

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I think your depth is good, you just, uh, can't afford to use it. The way you have your funds distributed, the equipment manager will need to suit up as your eleventh forward and he'll have to have a bag of pucks on his shoulder for forward 12.

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I think your depth is good, you just, uh, can't afford to use it. The way you have your funds distributed, the equipment manager will need to suit up as your eleventh forward and he'll have to have a bag of pucks on his shoulder for forward 12.

The way I see it, the only unmoveable person on our roster is Jarome Iginla.

If we can get two quality players to fill roster spots in exchange for anyone else... I say, send them packing. Kiprusoff included. If we can get a decent enough goaltender and say, a second line winger, then I can see him as a moveable commodity.

We've got Leland Irving and Matt Keetley in the system, and it's getting near time for the team to have a new Franchise Goaltender. If Kipper is the guy to go, bring in someone to play for the season, maybe two, and fast-track one of the younger guys' development.

As long as Iginla doesn't ever move, the returns are useful, and he doesn't add any excess salary, any moves Sutter makes this summer will be beneficial to the team.

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It's kind of nuts that two teams who competed to the wire for the division crown are both contemplating a complete roster overhaul. Oh stability, I miss thee.

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It's kind of nuts that two teams who competed to the wire for the division crown are both contemplating a complete roster overhaul. Oh stability, I miss thee.

That's the nature of the beast in the cap era. Personally, I don't like it, because dynasties were always something I really enjoyed.

I understand that the current system helps balance things out, but really... let's take a look at a team who overspent when there was no cap. The New York Rangers. Aside from 94, they were a highly forgettable team, who always went out and got the top free agents at ridiculous amounts of money, and grossly underachieved.

Now let's take a look at the current model that says that teams have to have at least $40 million or some shit, committed to salary. Even teams that can't afford it. It's just ridiculous. The way I see it, a team should be able to spend at will, or choose to reduce their salary as much as they can. If a team is so far in the red that they can only be profitable by icing what appears to be a minor league team sprinkled with some aging rejects... then so what? At least they're making money... or closer to making money.

Ranted a bit... am tired... in short... I think the salary cap model causes more problems than it solves.

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I was the only one of this board against a salary cap, but nooooooooooooooooooooo, it was all the players' fault. All those bastard players ruining the economy. How dare they!

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Also, it's pretty amusing how the dancing Sedin Sisters balet on ice suddenly looks a lot more appealing if they might be playing for you rather than us. :P

I'm not the one thats been against the Sedins and calling them sisters. That was Clawson.

Also, I probably have been pro-cap but I would prefer no salary cap as a Leafs fan. Then signing the Sedins and Cammalleri and Jay-Bo would be no problem!

Edited by Toe
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It's okay Toe, that's just a little Vancouver medicine for him. I mean this is the fan base who constantly derided Mats Sundin as a washed-up Swede for numerous years despite seeing him twice a year max then called him their saviour and a guarantee for the Cup as soon as he signed with them.

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Yeah they still had a 20% share in the team when Gilette was owner. The Moldons are the best possible local ownership group for the team. They're not going to push for making the team French and they understand what the team means to the city so I'm happy. Gilette was a great owner and selling to the molsons instead of Quebecor who were planning on making a leafs tv type ppv for hockey plus gaying up the team with mostly Francos was one of his best decisions. He also made off like a bandit buying the team for 225 and selling for almost 600.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Down Goes Brown with frankly the best reason ever why the Leafs should not draft Little Schenn:

Keep in mind, these two kids are from Western Canada. There's precedent here that should raise all kind of red flags. Don't say you weren't warned if at some point Brayden snaps on Luke, and kicks his leg out of his leg.
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Gilette was a great owner and selling to the molsons instead of Quebecor who were planning on making a leafs tv type ppv for hockey plus gaying up the team with mostly Francos was one of his best decisions.

Leafs TV isn't PPV. It's included in most TV bundles. It's the Canucks and Sens who have PPV games.

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