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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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So which side all star side is everybody cheering for?

My favorite team has always been The Rangers, but I've always been a huge fan of the redwings because their playing style is just amazing to watch. Unfortunately, I haven't been exposed to many west vs west games, but I usually always try to catch a local West Vs east game (against Penguins, Philly, NJ, NYI, NYR) Anyway, I enjoy those games a lot more. and I can't help but to find myself cheering for the West every year during the all star game.

Edited by thisgamewelose
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I generally always root for the west; my favourite teams are all out west (besides Philly) and the Leafs are out east, so it's an easy call for me.

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The Habs.. I mean the East. The Habs of the East, and hoping the Penguins fall over each other and get injured. As no one likes Pittsburgh. Plus Kovalchuk :D

I'll just catch the extended highlights and enjoy watching some relaxed, skillful and top notch play really. Not really bothered otherwise. Hardly a big deal.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Funny story from today's Globe & Mail:

Don Cherry's in-your-face defence of fighting reminded Gary Green of a confrontation 15 years ago.

Green, then with TSN, had stated on the air that the NHL should eject fighters from a game.

"I felt the NHL could then at least say it understood the reason why a fight might happen but didn't condone it," Green, now with NHL Network, said this week. "I thought that in this way the league would be protected from a liability standpoint as well as matching the policies of the other major-league sports."

A few days later, Cherry spotted Green, who lived in Florida, in the lobby of the Westin Hotel in Edmonton.

"I resent the fact a guy living in Florida can come up here and tell us how to play our game," Cherry roared.

An argument, lasting several minutes, ended with Cherry inviting Green outside.

When it appeared they might come to blows, veteran NHL referee Don Koharski, who was staying at the hotel, tried to intervene.

"Who do you think you are?" Cherry said. "You're not a referee here! You keep out of it!"

Cherry and Green didn't speak for two years.

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Funny story from today's Globe & Mail:

Don Cherry's in-your-face defence of fighting reminded Gary Green of a confrontation 15 years ago.

Green, then with TSN, had stated on the air that the NHL should eject fighters from a game.

"I felt the NHL could then at least say it understood the reason why a fight might happen but didn't condone it," Green, now with NHL Network, said this week. "I thought that in this way the league would be protected from a liability standpoint as well as matching the policies of the other major-league sports."

A few days later, Cherry spotted Green, who lived in Florida, in the lobby of the Westin Hotel in Edmonton.

"I resent the fact a guy living in Florida can come up here and tell us how to play our game," Cherry roared.

An argument, lasting several minutes, ended with Cherry inviting Green outside.

When it appeared they might come to blows, veteran NHL referee Don Koharski, who was staying at the hotel, tried to intervene.

"Who do you think you are?" Cherry said. "You're not a referee here! You keep out of it!"

Cherry and Green didn't speak for two years.

That is pure awesome. I do like that the referee was able to hand out a 2 year penalty for roughing to each of them.

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So... Gary Bettman is going to suspend people for a game if they skip out on the All-Star Game this year.

What a fucking joke.

I get the idea that it's a game for the fans, with teams chosen partly by the fans... but the All-Star Game has been a joke so long, that it barely even matters to even the most hardcore of hockey fans.

If it was legitimately the best in the east vs the west, then I'd have no problem with them making attendance mandatory for those players chosen to participate... but it's not... and looking at it from a logical perspective, if you're already banged up, why shouldn't you skip out on the game to be able to heal and rest up for when the regular season resumes? You know, games that actually mean something.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Anyone know if they've changed the shootout trick shot contest from last year? Any way it would actually encourage trick shots or discourage goalies pokechecking?

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Is it specifically the game they're being suspended for not participating in, or the event itself?

I'll admit that the All-Star Game itself is a total crock of shit...but it'd be nice if guys like Lidstrom (whose name I remember reading as one potential player to get suspended) could show up and interact with the fans if nothing else. Suspending them is going a bit far though.

And let's face it...this game is as much for the Sponsors and suits as it is for the fans. They need to do a total overhaul of the voting system for next year. A guy like Ovechkin not making the starting lineup is a travesty. I could also say the same for Iginla.

Maybe let the GMs nominate 'X' number of players for each team/position and have the fans vote which nominees get on the team. Or something...

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While I agree that ANY of those east starters making it over Ovechkin is a travesty, it is the one thing I admire about Habs fans. Its efforts like that that keep my slim hope alive that Canadians aren't all selfish tossers who take hockey for granted.

...you know, maybe this was the wrong thread to say that.

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While I agree that ANY of those east starters making it over Ovechkin is a travesty, it is the one thing I admire about Habs fans. Its efforts like that that keep my slim hope alive that Canadians aren't all selfish tossers who take hockey for granted.

...you know, maybe this was the wrong thread to say that.

What do you mean by that?

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Then why did you say "keep my slim hope alive that Canadians aren't all selfish tossers...." instead of Americans?

We support our teams here in Canada. People that don't even go to games or care about the teams buy their merchandise, and I am pretty sure all of the Canadian teams make up more then 50% of league revenue.

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There are lots of American markets that aren't doing enough to make viable the continued presence of an NHL team in their city.

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