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Monday 14th May 2001


World Championship Wrestling can today unveil three MASSIVE signings! One man is a former United States and Tag Team champion here in WCW. Another is a former Ultimate Fighting Champion. The third is a former prison guard in Cobb County Georgia. Ladies and gentlemen, and readers of WCW.com...Curt Hennig, Ken Shamrock and "The Boss" Bubba Rogers!

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Curt Hennig              Ken Shamrock            "The Boss" Bubba Rogers

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Thursday 17th May 2001


Today, the Board of Directors of World Championship Wrestling came together, and after nearly TWO HOURS of discussion, agreed on 16 participants to be entered in an elimination tournament for the now vacant WCW United States championship. Many times were the final 16 changed, and many times some people nearly even came to blows over the deciding votes. Decisions were made in regards to former title reigns, as well as how high in asteem the fans held these superstars, but unfortunetly all current champions and Scott Steiner were not included in the 16. Steiner was not included due to his current arm injury. All three of the massive new WCW superstars, Ken Shamrock, Curt Hennig and "The Boss" Bubba Rogers are all included in this tournament. So here are the brackets for the tournament:

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Rick Steiner vs. Bill DeMott (formerly known as Hugh Morrus)

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"The Boss" Bubba Rogers vs. David Flair

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Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page

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Lex Luger vs. Ken Shamrock

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Chris Kanyon vs. Dustin Rhodes

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Curt Hennig vs. Jeff Jarrett

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'Ironman' Nick Dinsmore vs. Road Warrior Animal

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Shawn Stasiak vs. Norman Smiley

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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It's great that you hired Hennig, Shamrock and Bossman. Three of my all time favorites in WCW is a good thing :D

US title tournament predictions

Bill DeMott

The Boss

Scott Hall

Ken Shamrock





Bill DeMott

Scott Hall



Scott Hall


Scott Hall wins and becomes the new US Champion.

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Guest y2gudge

I would love to see a 'Bossman' push and maybe even a US Title run in the future, but looking at the tournament I'm thinking Hennig or Jarrett.


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Only guy I hate out of the signings is Shamrock as I never see him fitting in with WCW anymore, but still Hennig and Bossman is damn good for me. The tourni looks great but the draw is looking super hard to judge upon. I mean I can see four or five guys who maybe need the title quite badly. Steiner, Flair, Hennig and Kanyon seem to be my main contenders. A few of the others deserve higher(Hall and DDP stick out mostly). The only problem I see is that Rogers is nearly never losing on his return to WCW, so he maybe shouldn't be drawn against David because let's face it, David is too good :P

Seriously though the draw looks really hard and I really hope eith Flair wins it somehow, hopefully with help from Crowbar and Daffney in match's. Heck you could even play it of where he wins and in a backstage scene of cameras you have it mentioned how Ric Flair, being owner, favoured his son over all the other guys so he made his first big descsion and made his son champion, maybe not though. Anyway if good old Flair doesn't get through, then I pray Hennig, Kanyon of Steiner win it, mainly Kanyon. Actually I'd adore a DDP/Kanyon final.

Rick Steiner vs. Bill DeMott (formerly known as Hugh Morrus)

"The Boss" Bubba Rogers vs. David Flair

Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Lex Luger vs. Ken Shamrock(I want Luger though)

Chris Kanyon vs. Dustin Rhodes

Curt Hennig vs. Jeff Jarrett(Best match of this tourni, with DDP/Hall runner up)

'Ironman' Nick Dinsmore vs. Road Warrior Animal

Shawn Stasiak vs. Norman Smiley

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Guest UmpireAJS

Rick Steiner vs. Bill DeMott (formerly known as Hugh Morrus)

:Bill DeMott since he is a better wrestler

"The Boss" Bubba Rogers vs. David Flair

:Rogers, They both suck, but Flair sucks more

Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page

:DDP, Shouldn't have placed this match so early, but DDP should win unless Hall gets in his way with the BS creative control.

Lex Luger vs. Ken Shamrock

:Ken Shamrock, Depush Luger even if Sting is the owner.

Chris Kanyon vs. Dustin Rhodes

:Kanyon, Rhodes is stale

Curt Hennig vs. Jeff Jarrett

:JJ, You made me very angry when you ignored him at the PPV

'Ironman' Nick Dinsmore vs. Road Warrior Animal

:Dinsmore, Animal is pathetic

Shawn Stasiak vs. Norman Smiley

:Stasiak, another meh match but Stasiak has years ahead of him

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Sunday 20th May 2001

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Welcome to a brand new fan and news website, for the newly resurrected WCW! Every Sunday evening you will find a brand new column by me called "The Weekly Update". What this is, is it's a nice and simple way of putting all of the weeks news and rumours for WCW into one simple column. Instead of having to surf through a million wrestling wesbites searching for information about WCW, we've got it all right here! It's as simple as that. All the weeks news compressed into one article every Sunday evening. So, let's get straight into it!

Monday 14th May:

WCW officials and superstars were very pleased with how Saturday's "The Second Coming" pay-per-view went down. The show received rave reviews from some internet reviewers, and people are really talking about the return to television for Monday Night Nitro on NBC. NBC are putting a lot into the debut show (highlighted by the new commercials hyping it up) and are expecting good results from it. Not straight away, but relatively quickly.

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The Booker T/United States title situation confused many people. They expected WCW to run with Booker holding two titles for a while, and apparently that was WCW's thought patern for a while. Word is, that the reason Booker vacacted the title was as a punishment. As reported, Booker defended the World Heavyweight title against his brother Stevie Ray on an independant show, and the title was stripped from his as a punishment for not asking permission from WCW officials.

Tuesday 15th May:

"The Second Coming" pay-per-view got a 1.41 buy rate. This is a huge number for WCW, especially considering it's lack of televised hype. 15,383 people attended the show live.

Friday 18th May:

With the tournament for the United States title now released, many are looking to Scott Hall to win the title. The signs seem to point that way, as if WCW want the Outsiders to be a success again, it's said they will definitely need to show their dominance early on, and a title reign is always a good way to do that. Having said that, there is a man in every match who could have every chance of coming out with the gold.

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Chavo Guerrero Jr. has admitted that he has an alcohol problem, and has checked himself into rehab. WCW has stood by Chavo, and have commended him for admitting this problem. Chavo has apparently told the company he would understand if they released him, but WCW have told him his job is safe. Chavo will be paying for rehab with his own money, even though WCW have tried to help him with payment.

A quick note; the chapters I've been running, don't expect them in abundance. Now I'm going to be getting into the shows, expect *maybe* one a week (game time), maybe two, maybe none. I'm not just going to put something in for the sake of it, but they are still going to be an integral part of this diary.

Oh yeah, does anybody fancy making me some graphics for this diary? Go to the link below and have a look at what I need if you're interested in helping me! If you could help with ANY of that, it'd be much appreciated.

/forum/index.php?showtopic=8912">Graphic requests

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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Sunday 27th May 2001

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It's been a relatively slow week for WCW news, but the few bits there have been, are huge and quite shocking.

Wednesday 30th May:

WCW have apparently agreed terms with a major WWF superstar. No news as of yet on who this wrestler is, but there are a couple of people who fit the bill, and could logically be on their way out:

Hulk Hogan

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Hogan is the one I expect that has signed the deal. He signed a contract just before WrestleMania, and then won the WWF title just a month later from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at Backlash. This got his ego up in the roof, and when he was told he was dropping it the next night, he threw a hissy fit. Apparently, McMahon was pissed. Hogan did get punished for moaning, and did do the job, but only when Triple H ran in and cost him the belt. So Hogan and McMahon are already on shaky ground. Shocking isn't it? Well, unlike WCW, McMahon won't put up with Hogan for very long, so it wouldn't surprise me if he goes.

9/10 chance he's heading to WCW

Dusty Rhodes

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Although the big man has only been with the WWF a few months, it has become apparent that he isn't enjoying working with the Federation as much as he had hoped. On commentary for Sunday Night Heat, he has sounded bored and un-interested, and during some angles he has been involved in, the people have been getting the same vibe.

8/10 chance he's heading to WCW

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin

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No! Can't be possible...could it? This is the same Austin that was fired by WCW via FedEx, he couldn't possibly be going to WCW could he? Well, in the mood he is in now, it is VERY possible. Austin was very vocal about not wanting to turn heel at WrestleMania, and tried to convince McMahon it was a stupid idea. Obviously, he failed in that endevour and is now teaming with his former 'arch-nemesis' Triple H, who he's forgiven for hiring Rikishi to attempt to MURDER HIM! Another sign is that Austin has recently bought the "Texas Rattlesnake" copyright when the WWF's contract ran out. WWF have not yet renewed the contract for "Triple H", "Hardy Boyz", "Too Cool", "Ministry of Darkness" and "Right to Censor". However, this could mean anything, as the last two were dropped because of the stable being defunct. The WWF etill own's "Stone Cold", so he could not use that if he did jump to WCW.

5.5/10 chance he's heading to WCW

Triple H

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As stated above, the copyright for "Triple H" has yet to be renewed, meaning he could be on his way out. However, there is no further evidence at all. None what so ever. The main reason for his staying is his relationship with Stephanie McMahon, daughter of Vince. While going through a VERY rocky patch in their relationship right now, sources say they are getting over it and are trying to fix things.

2/10 chance he's heading to WCW

William Regal

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Regal is the most unlikely of the lot, but his name was mentioned though. The only logical reason for Regal to even think about heading to WCW is...no, nope, nothing I can think off! He's getting the push of his life, and why he would trade that in is anyone's guess!

0/10 chance he's heading to WCW

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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-- Chapter Fifteen --

Monday 28th May 2001

Attempting to sign big talent

Eric Bischoff have read the reports about WCW signing a big name from the WWF. He heard the rumours about Triple H, Hulk Hogan, William Regal and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Truth be told, WCW had been in contact with Hulk Hogan, William Regal, Kane, the Undertaker, Chris Benoit. Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle. Unfortunetly, they pretty much all told the WCW officials where to stick the job. They weren't interested, not one iota. There was still one person left to call, and he had put it off for the simple reason, that the guy HATED Eric Bischoff. This man was fired via FedEx when he was injured. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was not contacted about a job in WCW. Bischoff pretty much knew that Austin would slam the phone down the second he knew who was on the other end. But Bischoff was going to try, and he was going to try personally. He picked up the phone, and dialled the number his assistant gave him.

Austin: This is Austin, who's calling?

Bischoff: I uh, hi, it's Eric...

Austin: Eric? Eric who?

Bischoff: Um, Eric Bischoff...

*SLAM* goes the phone, and Bischoff is cut off.

'Ah nuts. I knew it...wait, one last try, maybe I can use the old Eric Bischoff charm on him'

Bischoff picked up the phone, and rang Austin's number again.

Bischoff: Alright Steve, don't hang up! Not until you've listened to what I have to say ok?

Austin: You know, I expected a phone call from this piece of shit company, but I didn't think I'd be honoured with a PERSONAL phone call from you Eric. What do you want?

Bischoff: I want to offer you a job...

Austin: Ha ha ha ha ha! You? You want to offer me a job? You, the man who fired my ass IN A LETTER? You, a man who doesn't even have the decency to CALL SOMEONE to let them know they're fired? You, a man who said I wasn't marketable in my black tights and black boots? Why the fuck would I want to come work for you?

Bischoff: Why you ask? Well, for one, you wouldn't be turning heel unless you wanted to. You wouldn't be forced to do something that you didn't like, storyline wise that is. You would have complete and utter control over your character. No pre-written lines for you during promos. You would get control over your own merchandise should you wish, and you'd get a bigger cut from it then you'd be getting in the WWF. You would have 100% creative control. Tell me Steve, how does that sound?

Austin: How does it sound? Sounds like a whole lot of bullshit to me. What makes you think I would believe you about any of the crap you just said? You lie to make a living Eric.

Bischoff: Well, because I am a different man now. I know you're probably thinking I'm talking complete and utter BS, but it's true. Working with Steve Borden and Ric Flair as your co-owners is fucking difficult! Listen Steve, I'll fax you a copy of the contract. Take a look at it, and get back to me ok?

Austin: I couldn't give a shit if you did send it Eric, because I'm not interested.

Bischoff: Then why haven't you hung up yet?

Austin:: ...

Bischoff: I'll send it in a bit, then I'll give you a phonecall in a week to see what you think.

Austin: Whatever.

*SLAM* goes the phone, and Austin hangs up again.

'Something tells me that that went VERY well...considering. He's interested...ha, he's interested.'

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Sunday 3rd June 2001

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Wednesday 30th May

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Some news on wrestlers who have joined the Power Plant yesterday.

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Christopher Nowinski, a former participant on the WWF's recent 'Tough Enough' competition has been picked up by WCW and assigned to the Power Plant to 'learn the ropes'. Nowinski has been working the independants under the moniker of 'Chris Havard', playing up the fact that he is a Harvard Graduate. WCW officials were impressed with his work, and they also believe, with his natural charisma and ready made character, he could be huge.

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Rene Dupree, son of legendary Canadian wrestler and promoter Emile Dupre joined the Power Plant today, under the advisement of his father. His father was in contact with WCW after he failed to get his son into OVW or HWA with the WWF. Dupree has the look at pedigree to go quite far in this business.

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O.G. Ekmo, and Kimo, collectively known as the Island Boys joined the Power Plant today. Kimo is the son of Sika the Wild Samoan, and both are cousins to the WWF's Rikishi and the Rock, as well as the late great Yokozuna. They have a lot of potential, according to both Afa and Sika.

Friday 1st June

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Steven Richards was released from his WWF contract yesterday, and has today agreed terms with WCW. Richards, however, will have to wait until his 90-day clause expires, putting his debut time with WCW some time after the 1st of September. Richards, however, is not the big WWF superstar who has been rumoured to be jumping ship.

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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Monday 11th June 2001

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Taken from WCW.com:


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The road starts here! WCW returns to your television sets Monday the 11th of June, 2001 after nearly a three-month absense. Same time, different channel. NBS is the place to see all your favourite WCW superstars, and you don't have long to wait at all!

Coming live from the Leon County Civic Center in Tallahassee, Florida, WCW Monday Nitro will be hosted by the brand new announce team of Tony Schiavone, "Professor" Mike Tenay and Jerry "the King" Lawler. A blockbuster card has been announced for the show, with four awesome matches set for the show. There will be the opening of the United States title tournament. The title was vacated by Booker T at "The Second Coming" last month, and a tournament for the title was recently unveiled. These are the three tournament matches that will take place on Nitro:

* Rick Steiner goes one-on-one with Bill DeMott, formerly Hugh Morrus

* "The Boss" Bubba Rogers will take on David Flair

* "Outsider" Scott Hall takes on the master of the Diamond Cutter, Diamond Dallas Page

In addition to this, former WCW Tag Team champions, Palumbo and O'Haire take on Johnny the Bull and Big Vito, the Mamalukes, as they start travelling the road leading to a Tag Team title rematch against the new champions, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome.

Also, at "The Second Coming" we saw Scott Hall and Kevin Nash annonce their intentions to the world. Although they aren't 100% clear to all, it is apparent that it isn't going to be good news for the rest of WCW.

Don't miss Monday Nitro, live on NBC, 8 p.m. ET.

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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Monday 11th June 2001

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- Well, we’re actually back. Monday Nitro is back! Sorry, I’m still quite surprised that WCW is alive. Alive and, apparently, well. Well, as ‘well’ as a company can be that has BOTH Kevin Nash and Scott Hall under contract! Well, let’s get straight to it I guess!

We are LIVE at the Leon County Civic Center in Tallahassee, Florida

Our hosts are Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Jerry “THE KING” Lawler. Should be interesting to see how Lawler survives without hearing his voice every 3 seconds. I don’t think his ego can cope with this lack of exposure!

We get a BRAND NEW opening for Nitro! Yay! We got the pyros, and we’ve got…the Outsiders? Groovy. Nash and Hall are out, getting huge pops again, which Tenay tries to cover up by saying the fans are just excited WCW is back. So he claims that the fans are popping for WCW. I’ll let him believe it for a week, maybe two. Here’s what the Outsiders had to say:

Nash: Thanks for the ovation, but it ain’t wanted or needed. We’re out here because we’ve got a few things to get off our chest. First thing is, who here didn’t see “The Second Coming” last month? (Gets a relatively quiet cheer) Yup, I didn’t expect any of you people to be able to afford it! But some of you did see it, so you know what myself and Scott are doing here.

Hall: And of course, because we’re such nice guys, we’re going to tell you what we said! Yeah, we’re THAT kind. You see, we weren’t invited to the GRAND reopening of WCW, so we got a little pissed off and crashed the party. We’re taking back what is ours; WCW. WCW was in our hands back in 1996, and we held it there for years until certain things, and certain people screwed it up for us.

Nash: So, we’re doing exactly what we originally set out to do; take down the authority, and take down WCW. And we’re starting right here, right now…with Ric Flair! Flair, get your haggard old behind out and into this ring right now! If you don’t, we’re going to ruin this show tonight, and screw things… (Flair’s music hits, and Ric “God” Flair is here!)


Nash: Nice of you to turn up old man. I said get in the ring, not stand on the ramp. How do you expect us to kick your ass when you’re up there? Have sense man!

Flair: Nash? Hall? What the hell are you doing? Huh? HUH? I know what it was like in the OLD WCW, but this is MY WCW baby, and I won’t tolerate any of your crap whatsoever, do you understand me?

Hall: Hey man, we don’t wanna cause any trouble! We just wanna take over the company, beat some people up, win some belts, drink some bear, then burn WCW to the ground! That’s all man! That ain’t much is it?

Flair: You two don’t make me laugh, not tonight you don’t! So I’ll tell you what boys; I’ve got a match in mind for you two! Scott? You’re suppose to face Diamond Dallas Page tonight in a United States title tournament match? Consider it postponed till next week! Why!?! Why!?! Whoooo, because I said so that’s why! Kevin Nash; you thought that you were gonna have the night off? Guess again big man, you two BOTH have a match! I’m talking tag team match, two-on-two, with two TRUE legends of the ring!

Nash: Legends eh? You mean two washed up old farts I guess!

Flair: Ha ha! Well, one of these legends happens to be a two-time United States champion, a one-time Television champion, a three-time Tag Team champion, and an SEVEN-TIME World Heavyweight champion! This man I speak of, is Sting! That’s right! That’s right! Sting baby is gonna be in that ring with you two tonight!

Hall: Mr. Crow boy? Who’s his partner then chico?

Flair: I’m glad you asked that Scott, because he is a six-time United States champion, a three-time Tag Team champion, and a FOURTEEN-TIME World Heavyweight champion! That’s right! He is also, a kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, jet flying, limosine riding, son of a gun! That man…is ME!!! (Crowd goes apeshit for this. It IS Ric Flair after all!) Tonight! Hall and Nash vs. “the Nature Boy” Ric Flair, and Sting! Be there boys, because you don’t want to miss this one! Whooooooo!

Ok, me liking this! Can I have some more Flair please? Flair and Sting as a team? Pretty cool idea if you ask me. Nash and Hall have the look on their face that says “we’re shit scared, but we’ll pretend that you two are nothing”, which is always good. Actually, Scott Hall just looks high, but meh, you can’t win them all! Up next, Rick Steiner vs. Bill DeMott…bollocks.

Commercial Break

WCW United States title tournament: Rick Steiner vs. Bill DeMott

Tournament does look pretty interesting, and almost impossible to call. However, I do have to question the logic in making Steiner/DeMott and Bossman/DAVID Flair as the first matches. Not the most entertaining in the work rate world. DeMott doesn’t want to be known as Hugh Morrus anymore because he’s all business. Mike Tenay said it, so it must be true. Ever the clever one, King says that if you say Hugh Morrus real fast, it sounds like humorous. I really can’t understand why the WWF were so uncaring when he left! Can you? King’s “joke” gets silence from Tenay and Schiavone. We’ve got some bad ass brawling from these two and some stiff shots to the ribs and head from Steiner. Attempted belly-to-belly from Steiner, but DeMott head butts him, and DDT’s him. We get more brawling, and more pounding away at one another before DeMott drops Steiner onto the mat wait a powerslam, goes upstairs for TMFKA No Laughing Matter…and misses. Good job there Bill. Steiner Driver! It’s done, pin is academic, and Steiner advances to face “The Boss” Bubba Rogers or David Flair.


Winner and wrestler to advance: Rick Steiner (4:14)

Um, yeah. Brawl. Simple as that. It was nothing more than a brawl, with a move thrown in there every now and then to make it appear to be a wrestling match. However, it was a relatively entertaining brawl. On the plus side, DeMott has dropped the “Hugh Morrus” persona and actually looks as though he could live up to the potential many said he had when he first arrived. He showed quite a bit of intensity, so I think he could, maybe.

* - Fun fight.

“The Boss” Bubba Rogers is out. They REALLY got far away from his WWF name and gimmick didn’t they? He looks almost EXACTLY the same, and has a similar name. Oh, and he’s also got a nightstick…and a microphone. Oh oh. Here’s what he had to say:

”The Boss”: I am “The Boss” Bubba Rogers, and this here nightstick is what I like to call, the law. There’s a rule for everyone else, and then there are rules for me! I don’t follow the laws laid down by the so-called officials of the company; I follow my own path, and uphold my own laws. If anyone steps out of line, then they get to meet the law. And I can tell you this; that’s not something people want to be doing! So tonight, David Flair? Step out of line boy, and I WILL introduce you to the true law; MY law!

Hmm, actually interesting. Ok, he might suck in the ring, but he can do some good stuff on the mic. I wonder how hard and how far they intend on pushing him then?

WCW United States title tournament: “The Boss” Bubba Rogers vs. David Flair

Rogers tries to grab David, but David ducks and grabs the legs, trips him up and tries a leg lock. Rogers boots him in the face, getting the runt off of him. I would kick him in the face to if he was REALLY related to Ric Flair. What do you mean he is really his son? He can’t be! He bloody SUCKS in the ring! So wrestlers are like footballers; the dad is friggin amazing, yet the son is poop. David is getting his head smashed in down in the corner, as Rogers is punching and kicking away. The crowd is barely even paying attention, as we have a nice little aura of quiet in the arena. There are a couple “David” chants, but not many. Rogers gets a hip toss and a two count, so we get some more uninspired brawling from these two, and David comes out on top here, sending “the Boss” into a corner before laying into him with a 10-punch. Rogers is upset the referee allowed that, and loudly informs the referee and David that he just broke one of his laws. What? No punching him in the face? Is that the law? The referee steps out the way to avoid a splash from David, but Rogers does the same before throwing David into the referee, knocking the ref out. Rogers then hits a crappy looking chokeslam before going outside, and getting ‘the law’…AKA, the nightstick. He comes back in, and WHACKS David in the head with it before hitting the sidewalk slam. The ref conveniently wakes up, and counts the three count. “The Boss” celebrates, for all of 10 seconds before another referee comes down and chats with the first ref. He then goes over to the ring announcer, and we’ve got ourselves our first Dusty finish in the new WCW, as the referee now disqualifies Rogers for use of the nightstick, and awards the match to David Flair! Ah, “the Boss” is pissed, so he clocks David again…and again, and again with the nightstick before buggering off to the back. [sarcasm]And this man is suppose to be upholding the law. [/sarcasm]


Winner by DQ and wrestler to advance: David Flair (5:34)

Well, it served the purpose of getting David Flair through, while keeping Rogers strong(ish). I’m assuming that was their intentions. Bubba Rogers could be a pretty could character for WCW if you ask me. Just keep the matches short, and don’t try to expose he’s glaringly blatant weaknesses.

* - David Flair and Bubba Rogers together…what did you expect?

We go into a commercial, watching EMT’s tending to David Flair.

Commercial Break

We come back, and Tony, Mike and Jerry are talking about David going to a hospital, and say we’ll get updates on his condition as they get them. Lawler cracks a joke about David, saying that if he’s anything like his dad, this won’t be his last trip to the hospital.

The music of the FORMER Tag Team champions hits, and Palumbo and O’Haire are out. The graphic said “Palumbo and O’Haire” and I didn’t hear the commentators or the ring announcer mention their first names. Hmmm, maybe it’s because ‘Chuck’ doesn’t sound all that menacing. Well, Palumbo has a microphone, and this is what they had to say:

Palumbo: We’re about to face the Mamalukes in a tag team match, which by all rights, should be probably be for the Tag Team titles. But we don’t have them anymore, because of Lance Storm and Mike Awesome. We aren’t going to whine about it, but what we are going to do, is face in a rematch for the titles down the line! We have a rematch clause, and we WILL put that into effect very soon. But right now, we’ve gotta take care of the Mamalukes, so I suggest that you two get out here and take an ass kicking like a pair of men!

Yay! Rematch! Soon! Hopefully!

Palumbo and O’Haire vs. the Mamalukes

The Mamalukes make their way out, and go seriously over the top with the Italian mannerisms. If WCW do intend on creating a new F.B.I. stable in WCW, I’d like to hope it’d be a semi-serious stable, because both Guido and Mamaluke can put on some damn good matches. And if the Bull and Vito stand there looking menacing, I won’t mind one bit! Vito and O’Haire started out, and O’Haire takes him down with some nice martial artsy looking moves after your typical big-guy stare down. Ok, they’re not your usual ‘big-guys’, but they are, well, big aren’t they? Tag to Palumbo, and he punches away at Vito, sending him into the corner where Vito decides to duck a shot and the clothesline the heck out of Chucky before tagging in the Bull. King makes a good point about Palumbo wearing red, and seen as he’s in the ring with Johnny the BULL, he’s screwed. The Bull brawls for a bit with Palumbo, beating him down with a simple technique; 15 punches>wrestling move>repeat sequence. He does this about FIVE TIMES before Palumbo ducks a clothesline and then takes the Bull out with a dropkick (!) which I didn’t see coming. Both Vito and O’Haire are waiting for tags, and of course, the face gets the tag and CLEANS HOUSE baby! O’Haire is wiping both guys out with clotheslines, punches, NOGGIN-KNOCKERS and then a superkick to the Bull. Vito gets up, and walks into a Jungle Kick from Palumbo. O’Haire goes up stairs, lands the Seanton Bomb and the pin is academic from there. The former champions celebrate in the ring and then do the ‘belt-across-waist’ motion title challengers are so fond of doing now a days.


Winners: Palumbo and O’Haire (7:23)

Good match from what I expected to be a pretty shitty one to be honest. Vito and the Bull held up their end of the match, as did the former champs. Maybe this F.B.I. stable idea could be pretty decent, if this outing for the Mamalukes was any indication. Of course, Palumbo and O’Haire were as good as usual. I can’t wait for the Tag Team title rematch.

** ½ - Best match of the night so far, but that’s not saying anything.

We go to a commercial break, and Tony Schiavone says that Air Raid will be here when Nitro returns, as they have something to say. Oh goody…balls.

Commercial Break

Ah man! Schiavone wasn’t lying when he said that Air Raid was coming out. Tenay says that they aren’t booked for a match tonight, and that they were informed through their headsets that these two wanted to come out. Nobody knows why they’re out here. King points out “one of these little shrimps” got mauled by Goldberg last month, and said it was one of the funniest things he’s ever seen. Oh oh, they have a microphone. STILL don’t know who’s who, but it’s the one with the bandana. Again, Schiavone reads my mind, and tells me this is AJ Styles, the guy who got killed at “The Second Coming”. This is what he said:

Styles: ]Hey! We’re Air Raid! What’s going on Florida people? I would like to say a few things, about how BADLY we’ve been treated! I mean, why don’t we have ourselves a match here tonight? I appeared on the first NEW WCW show last month, and I don’t get any love here tonight? It’s not fair! Not fair at all! I was THIS close (using the fingers to indicate how close, no less) to beating Goldberg you know! Can you IMAGINE what that would’ve done for my career? Exactly! I would’ve been huge if I won that match! But do you know what’s better than ME being huge? That is me AND Air Paris becoming HUGE superstars! So we are going to challenge the big dog in the back to a handicap match; we are going to challenge…GOLDBERG! So Goldberg, we want you in this ring right now! Get out here!

Handicap match: Goldberg vs. Air Raid

Oh…crap. Me thinks they’re gonna die. They take off their shirts and warm up in the ring as GOLDBERG’s music hits! ‘Da Man’ comes out in street clothes and as soon as the bell rings, the little cruiserweights jump on him and start pounding away…to no effect. Goldberg thrusts AJ off of him, crashing into the corner before hitting a Gorilla-Press-powerslam on Air Paris. He gets up…and SPEARS AJ dead, signalling for the Jackhammer. He lifts AJ up, and with him in the air, Air Paris punches away at Goldberg, again to no effect as he slams him down on the mat! Awesome. He hops right up, stares at Air Paris (who is scared SHITLESS), grabs his head and then Jackhammers HIM right next to his partner before covering both of them at once for a simple win.


Winner: Goldberg (1:36)

Ha. Ha ha ha. Sorry, that was funny. I liked this segment actually. It gives Air Raid and Goldberg something to do, and it keeps the ‘Berg away from the World title scene for the moment. Plus, he squished AJ Styles and Air *My Name Sucks* Paris, so it’s all good.

* ½ - Because it was fun, and quick, and Goldberg squished Air Raid.

We cut straight to the back after a quick celebration from Goldberg to see STING sitting in his locker room, and is joined after a knock at the door by RIC FLAIR! Sorry for the caps, but I just love these two, so tough sheet! They shake hands, and started talking:

Flair: Hey Sting. Listen, we may have had our differences in the past, but if we can agree on ANY one thing, it’s that Kevin Nash and Scott Hall have to be stopped before they can start anything again! You remember what it was like last time they had the power here in WCW, and if it’s ANYTHING like that…

Sting: Hey Ric! You don’t NEED to explain nothing to me! I understand EXACTLY what this is about man! I KNOW what has to be done! I was one of the men who tried to stop Hall and Nash the first time around back in 1996…and I WILL be there again tonight! This is a historic night…but it WON’T be remembered as the night Hall and Nash take over, oh NO! It will be remembered as the night Hall and Nash’s takeover attempts were stopped before they could start, by “the Nature Boy” and the Stinger! It’s time Ric!

Flair and Sting get up, and head out of the room. Flair does a little ‘whooo’ and does a little strut on his way out. I love the interaction between Flair and Sting; they’ve got such a lot of chemistry it’s great. Anywho, one last ad break, and we’ve got ourselves a main event!

Commercial Break

Ric Flair and Sting vs. the Outsiders

Flair is out first, and gets a brilliant response. Thing about Flair is, it never sounds that loud even though it is, because of his music. Sting is out next, and gets a fucking awesome reaction from the fans and is PSYCHED for the match. The Outsiders music hits, and they get a loud mixed reaction. They come out all cocky and shit, and Hall, the big man that he is, gets into an argument with a fan, which Nash breaks up. As a compromise, Nash steals the fans sign and rips it up, leaving Hall happy. Funny stuff. Sting holds back Flair, as the Outsiders try to get into the ring. Hall motions for them to step back so they can get in, and the ref pushes Flair and the Stinger back. They go into the corner, TURNING THEIR BACKS on Hall and Nash, which signifies the start of the match as the Outsiders begin by kicking their asses in the corner. Hall pairs off with Flair, taking him to the opposite corner and attempting to slam his head into the turnbuckle, but it backfires as Flair does said-thing to him. Nash is driving the knees into Sting’s chest, then pulls back, lines up…and misses an elbow as Sting ducks and then goes CHOPPING! Flair follows suit, and we got CHOPPING on both corners before Sting and Flair both attempt to whip the Outsiders into one another. Both whips gets reversed, but in a cool spot Flair and Sting run past one another and Flair clotheslines Nash and Sting gets the Stinger Splash on Hall! Big pop for that. The Outsiders immediately retreat to the outside, and King complements their intelligence. Tony and Mike say they’re afraid of Flair and Sting. King asks if Ric Flair has ever chopped them in the chest, and they say no. Good point Jerry. Hall finally gets into the ring and goes to lock up with Flair, but knees him in the chest, prompting some typical heel tactics from the Outsiders; quick tags, beatings, cheating behind the refs back etc… Flair is now in there with Nash, who hits the knees in the corner, and this time does manage to nail the ‘picture-perfect elbow’, as I like to call it. Tag to Hall, and Flair is in the corner, begging him off. I think you can guess where this is going can’t you? Hall takes the piss out of Flair, and then gets a thumb to the eye to a HUGE pop! Ha! Flair struts, chops, ‘whooos’, and chops again, then tags in Sting! Hall begs him off, but Sting just laughs and stomps away at Hall in the corner. Because he can, Nash comes in and tries to big boot Sting. But Sting ducks, and Nash boots the heck out of the referee. Well, THERE’S our referee-gets-knocked-out spot! I was wondering when that was coming! Sting is about to hit the Scorpion Death Drop, but Hall low blows him and the Outsiders double-team Sting for about 30 seconds before Naitch comes in and makes a save. We get the SUPERHERO face comeback from Flair and Sting as the Stinger takes down Nash and locks in the Deathlock, while Flair has the Figuer-Four in on Hall. The referee is coming to, and BOTH Nash and Hall are about to tap when…the lights go out? What the fuck? The commentators are acting confused, and yelling at the production guys to get the lights to come back on. The eventually do and…OH MY GOD!!! TRIPLE H!!! TRIPLE H IS IN THE RING WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER!!! Flair, Sting, the referee, the crew, the commentators, EVERYONE looks at him in shock. Triple H snarls, and kicks Sting in the head, then goes on to Flair. The referee calls for the DQ due to the awesome interference. Sting gets up…SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE HEAD!! Shit if I ain’t marking out for this! Flair goes over to Triple H, kick-wham PEDIGREE!!! The commentators actually call him ‘Triple H’, which confuses me a little. H helps his buddies Nash and Hall up, and the three men stand tall in the ring. Triple H holds up the sledgehammer in the air, as Nash Jacknifes Sting, and Hall hits the Outsiders Edge on Flair. Triple H smirks, looks at the damage, and all three men raise their hands as the Wolfpac music hits to end this damn awesome show.


Winners via DQ: Sting and Ric Flair (11:31)

Well, it was a good match. Nothing special of course because the near immobile Nash and drunken monkey Hall were involved, but SHIT if that finish didn’t make up for it beyond imagination. I loved that ending.

*** ½ - Gotta say, ‘* ½’ is for the ending alone.

Show Rundown

My god, they pulled it off. I expected an average show, with something ‘semi-big’ happening, but I sure as hell didn’t expect this. Triple H (using that as his name apparently!), Scott Hall and Kevin Nash together as a unit in WCW. Hmmm, did NOT see that one coming. No siree. Anything that didn’t involve Hall, Nash, Sting, Flair and Triple H was average stuff, but the stuff involving them was very good. One gripe; no cruiserweights. But other than that, this was a BRILLIANT way to re-debut WCW. Great show.

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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AWESOME show man. The Hall/Nash/Flair segment in the beginning was very well done as well as the main event. I never expected Triple H to show up but now HHH/Hall/Nash together seems like a awesome group. Hopefully you'll come up with a good explanation as to why Triple H would leave the WWF though. Great show keep up the awesome work this is by far the best diary in the dome right now :D

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Really good show. Nice opening that's for sure. You get points for having David Flair advance, but I hope he's not injured and cant compete in the next round. Also good to see Steiner advance to the next round that's for sure. I wouldn't mind actually seeing another Steiner Vs Steiner feud :)

I reckon The Mamalukes should get a tag title run in the near future and it could be good if booked properly. Good to see Goldberg squashing someone again, it's how it needs to be so you got that right.

Now the main event. Hmmm I'm not sure if I like it or if I don't like it. The only real problem is that I could NEVER see HHH leaving the WWE. I mean why would he? In the ring he IS over. Backstage he has super power and at that moment in time WWE/WWF are the better company in terms off ratings I'd say, so I cant see why HHH could consider leaving for WCW. It CAN be pulled off, but boy is it going to be super hard. You certainly need to explain it in an off camera scene I reckon. He needs a reason to be joining WCW like I said. Although if you go back a few pages, I did say it would be HHH ;)

Overall a really good show and I'm looking forward to the next. I really hope to see DDP/Steiner/Kanyon/Jarrett/Bischoff/Russo(he still there?) and a few more come into the picture of things.

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Tuesday 12th June 2001

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Triple H jumps ship to WCW...and we explain why!

Those of you who saw Monday Nitro last night will be aware that former World Wrestling Federation superstar Triple H appeared in the main event and joined forces with his real-life buddies Kevin Nash and Scott Hall to destroy Ric Flair and Sting.

The explaination for him joining WCW is because of his relationship with Stephanie McMahon, daughter of WWF owner Vince McMahon. As previously reported,  they two were going through a "rocky patch", but nobody aside from family and friends knew what this meant. Apparently, Triple H was caught by Stephanie with another woman, a WWF employee no less, and Stephanie couldn't believe it. The relationship ended, and from then on in, Vince wanted him out. He made him lose the Intercontinental title CLEANLY to Chyna in under 4 minutes back in April, and he has not appeared or been mentioned on TV since.

The woman Triple H was with, a member of the production team by the name of Sarah Forester, was payed to keep quiet about, but has today left the company and spoke to a reporter from the PWTorch website about it, explaining everything. She says that Triple H realised what would happen if he stayed, and took up Eric Bischoff's offer to join WCW straight away after walking out of the WWF.

Stephanie has been distraught ever since, and she has not been seen on TV either since she walked in on them. Many of the current WWF employee's are upset he's left, due to his "star power", but agree it was for the best.

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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-- Chapter Sixteen --

Monday 11th June 2001

After Nitro...

Bischoff was overjoyed about the way the main even came off. He knew the idea was brilliant, he just wasn't sure HOW good it was going to be. The fans went crazy when they saw Triple H standing in the ring. He saw Nash, Flair, Sting, Hall and Triple H all standing together backstage after the show went off the air. Flair, who isn't exactly best friends with Hall or Nash, departed the scene to go see his son David, who had been stitched up from his earlier match with Bubba Rogers. Bischoff approached the quartet, just as Sting shook everyone's hand and was about to depart.

Sting: Good stuff out there guys, I really think people are going to be talking about this...hey Eric. Gotta admit; nice idea this was. Well, gotta go, talk to you later.

Sting walked off and poured some water over his head as he went.

Bischoff: Great work guys! Excellent stuff! I knew it was going to be a hit. Paul, you should've heard the reaction you got when the lights came on. I swear, it was one of the loudest things I've ever heard in my life! Man, I just wanted to say, that you will NOT regret joining WCW!

Triple H: Hey, I was fucked if I stayed where I was; I made the stupidest decision of my life with Stephanie, but she won't forgive me, neither will Vince, so...fuck it, you know? I'll admit this Eric; I never wanted to come here, and after the way you treated Sean a few years back, you should be grateful I even decided to join.

'Maybe we need a word...' thought Bischoff to himself.

Bischoff: Um, Scott? Kevin? Could you excuse us for a moment? I need to talk to Paul alone.

Nash: Hey, sure boss. Catch up with you later Trips.

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall walked off, and Eric Bischoff directed Triple H to a couple of chairs where they could sit and talk.

Bischoff: Look Paul, I know you have reason to hate me. I treated Sean like shit all those years ago, I know that. But with my job, as the man who had control over bucket-loads of Ted Turners billions, Sean Waltman was 'just another guy' who could be replaced like *that*...

Triple H: What is that suppose to mean? What you did was cold as...

Bischoff: Hey, I'm not denying anything, I was a bastard back then, and I'm not trying to excuse my actions. But now, now I'm trying to change. At the moment, we're working on a tight budget, and I don't have Ted Turner's billions at my disposal. I regret quite a few of my actions; most of them actually, in regards to talent handling. But I can promise you; working with Ric Flair and Steve Borden has changed me. No more firings through FedEx. No more bullshit workings of this company. No more politics. WCW is different to what it was before.

Triple H: So why you given Nash a guaranteed World title reign then?

'What? He told him? I can't believe it!'

Bischoff: *Gulp*Wha...what?

Triple H: Oh, I know about Eric. Don't try and fuck with me by saying how much you've changed ok? I know you're fucked, having to work with Flair and Borden, but...tough shit man. I don't care about you, or about the politics in this place. I just care about having fun, and wrestling some matches ok?

Bischoff: I...ok.

Triple H: Another thing; I don't know what you've heard about me from back in the WWF, but believe it or not, I ain't a politics guy. I'll admit; dating the bosses daugther, you're obviously gonna pitch some ideas their way to suit you. But did you ever hear any shit about me and backstage politics?

'Um...surprisingly, no...'

Bischoff: Actually...no, not really.

Triple H: Me, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman did a lot in the WWF, but believe it or not; most of it was them. What I'm saying is, I ain't gonna be politicing here ok? And I'm willing to give you a chance as well. So, I guess that's all sorted now. I wanna ask you though; what am I being called on TV? You can't use the 'Triple H' name because it's...

Bischoff: Uh...ah, you're wrong! Actually, the commentators have already been using it, because WCW now have the copyright for it! It expired recently, and we bought it the other day. We didn't know if you were signing, and WWF didn't know if you were going, so it was just left there until you DID sign with us, and we bought it.

Triple H: Cool. Well, I'm gonna go. See you about.

Bischoff: Yeah, bye.

Triple H got up, the two shook hands, and he left. Bischoff didn't know what to think of that conversation he had just had. Was he being truthful? Or was it some sort of political mind games? He couldn't put his finger on it...

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