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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Hey Kimbo, this is what its like when you fight someone who actually has a ground game


Edited by Maxx
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As much as I deep down enjoy Kimbo, I think it's ridiculous the ref let Kimbo be pinned to the cage at the end of the second round. He wasn't doing anything except getting beat down for at least 30 seconds. I understand he's EXC's "marquee" fighter, but to protect him to such ridiculous lengths and now I honestly think the end of the fight was a tad premature.

As much as I hate to say it, I'm calling shenanigans.

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It always suprises me how much blood is in ones ear.

Though I guess with that thing he has more than most.

Edited by King eLLis
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Yeah, fight should have been called when Kimbo was against the cage.

But there's no way in hell they could continue the fight with Thompson's ear like that.

I don't know who's going to be next for Kimbo, but if its someone who's got a good ground game, they should win.

Of course at the same time, how did they even let Thompson compete with his ear looking like that? It was obvious that thing stood a great chance of getting popped.

Edited by Maxx
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Guest Dr. Potato Head

Therefore it'll be like Butterbean or somebody. Kimbo's not going to get a good opponent until they decide who his successor as marquee HW will be.

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I don't know who's going to be next for Kimbo, but if its someone who's got a good ground game, they should win.

It would be way too premature for his next fight to be scheduled against anyone with a good ground game, as it would be too risky considering Kimbo showed how weak his ground game is still. I'd expect him to face someone who is another brawler with a poor ground game to minimize the risks.

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Remember guys, this was just his third fight. While His ground game wasn't anything special he did show that he can do something half decent. Kimbo is a stand up fighter and will always be a stand up fighter. Think of him as a more athletic Tank Abbott...

He has one hell of a trainer in Routten so I'm sure they'll improve his ground game vastly for his next match.

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He was doing alright on the ground during the first round, but got all confused during the second. He's learning, but definately should try to stand up as much as possible.

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