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The Summer Transfer Thread

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That's what I'm saying. If a deadline was set and terms weren't agreed in that time, why then turn around and say "Well, the deadline is the 31st August."

I assume when Barry and Alex Black - the agent - agreed to the deadline and it passed, O'Neill believed they were men of their word.

Evidently not.

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You actually believe Barry and his agent agreed to the deadline? It doesn't make any sense at all from their point of view. I can hardly imagine an agent saying "You what? So if this deadline - well before the end of the actual transfer window - passes, then the deal doesn't go through and I don't get my nice big fat payoff? Sounds fantastic."

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Alex Black would deny it, not Barry. I very much doubt Black cares about his own personally popularity with Villa fans.

But if the agent says they didn't agree to it then it still reflects badly on Barry. I expect one of them to comment if (seems more a case of when though, unfortunately) the deals completed.

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Rumours today that Spurs are in for Vedran Corluka. Seems a bit of an odd move if it comes to fruition, what with Ramos signing Hutton in the January transfer window. Still, I'd prefer Corluka over Hutton and he could fill in in the middle as well. Probably just speculation, though.

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Hutton is out for a few weeks and by the time he gets back, chances are either King or Woodgate would be injured by then, so he could be a great buy if true. He can also play a holding role in the midfield which we might need as well.

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As long as they're fit, I'd choose Zokora and Huddlestone ahead of Corluka for a holding midfield role. And just because a player is injured for a few weeks doesn't mean you need to go out and spend £7-9m on somebody else. Although your point about King & Woodgate probably being injured is a good one and especially with Gardner out on loan and Kaboul looking like he's off we could do with some more cover in defense. Rocha & Gunter doesn't really cut it. I think we're set at left back though, with Bale, Gilberto, Assou-Ekotto, Lee & O'Hara all being able to play there.

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Chances are Lee's off as well and Gunter is great! Has done very well so far in the pre-season friendlies from reports (only managed to see the Celtic game so far). We've also got Dawson, but if both Woodgate AND King go down, I don't like our chances with a defence of Dawson and Huddlestone/Zokora. Dawson really needs someone experienced at centre-back next to him to call the shots.

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