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The Official Complaint Thread

Captain Eo

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Because you wish I touched you at night.

Damn you to hell 9 to 5...Lagging me up along with that SOUTH_SLUMZ guy...It was impossible to win...IMPOSSIBLE!

But I killed myself laughing when you jumped off some roof and tried to run me over....I just owned you and killed you...Highlight of me being on GTA IV Online ^_^

Edited by IzzyX
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Lost my level 4 online rating. Back to 0 now. Fucking annoying.


How d'you mean "How"? Its just happened, that's all.

It happened to me before they released the patch when I reached level 2. My model was odd though, still wearing updated clothes I'd earned through getting more money. On the torso for instance, I was wearing option 7 of 4. Yeah, work that one out.

Still, I know it's not just me, because a mate of mine has just lost his level 3, too. He's back to 0 now as well.

Damn you to hell 9 to 5...Lagging me up along with that SOUTH_SLUMZ guy...It was impossible to win...IMPOSSIBLE!

But I killed myself laughing when you jumped off some roof and tried to run me over....I just owned you and killed you...Highlight of me being on GTA IV Online

What's your PSN, Izzy? How dare you try and bully 9 to 5 like that.

How about we go online and you try owning me? Huh, huh?


Edited by BaddarD2k8
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If he wasn't caught, how dya know he was in the water?

Pot. Kettle. Black.


haha, I was thinking the same thing.

Where's that picture of Darth Vader at the beach collecting water when you need it? <_<

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Guest R.Moncrief
If he wasn't caught, how dya know he was in the water?

Because after enough time passed (a couple years), the guy went out and confessed / bragged.

Edit - and I think the kettle line is referring to the obvious conclusion that the only place the guy could have went was in the water after ditching his car in the manner he did.

Edited by R.Moncrief
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seriously, no closure on the Playboy X or Michelle situations? I guess I can understand the X thing, but I thought for sure you'd encounter him at least one more time before the end of the game. I'm praying for something PX related when the DLC stuff comes out. At least let me shoot him in the face!

As for Michelle... didn't she say she actually was starting to like Niko? And then when you're introduced to the Liberty City Paper guy, she just drops off the face of the earth (game). What's up with that? I mean, she wasn't really that interesting, but still. I mean, fuck, even the Elizabeta stuff got neatly tied up near the end of the game, with 300 Year Itch news posting and stuff. But they couldn't bother to do those two?

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Lost my level 4 online rating. Back to 0 now. Fucking annoying.


How d'you mean "How"? Its just happened, that's all.

It happened to me before they released the patch when I reached level 2. My model was odd though, still wearing updated clothes I'd earned through getting more money. On the torso for instance, I was wearing option 7 of 4. Yeah, work that one out.

Still, I know it's not just me, because a mate of mine has just lost his level 3, too. He's back to 0 now as well.

Damn you to hell 9 to 5...Lagging me up along with that SOUTH_SLUMZ guy...It was impossible to win...IMPOSSIBLE!

But I killed myself laughing when you jumped off some roof and tried to run me over....I just owned you and killed you...Highlight of me being on GTA IV Online

What's your PSN, Izzy? How dare you try and bully 9 to 5 like that.

How about we go online and you try owning me? Huh, huh?


KingJoel187 :shifty:


Baddar you in England because I am free at 2-3PM

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