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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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Yesterday, I was on my way to New Vegas, but I was still a ways away. I noticed a sort of half oval shaped building jutting out a ridgy area. I climb up there and the building has no door. So, I figure, "Hey. Maybe if I go up on that mountainous area I'll find a way in through the top?"

So, I march on my merry way up there and I noticed a cave. I'm all, "Cool!" So, I take 3 steps towards it and TWO FUCKING DEATHCLAWS RUN OUT!

I'm all "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!" as I run away like a total pussy. (They chased me down pretty far.)

I love this game.

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Wonderful wonderful game, though I'm level 22ish and I still can't do much damage against the deathclaws near the rock quarry near Sloan >_<

Still, lot of exploring, the factions are nice, and some awesome weapons and moments! My favorite though is using boxing gloves to KO an enemy and throwing dynamite on him to kill him >>

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I haven't been playing this lately since I got EA Sports MMA the day after I bought this, but my friend got it for PC and just texted me four words in relation to this game that makes me want to play it for hours on end.

"fire ball machine gun"

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I got it, but I'm a stealth sniper and the ammo weighs a fuckton, so I stored it at Doc Mitchells.

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Fallout never fails to kill my self control, Grabbed it on release.

The game is slow paced so far as you guys have pointed out, But I'm only up to the REPCONN Test Site quest.

Speaking of that quest

I love the smell of Isotope-239 Igniting Agent in the morning, Smells like... Experience Points.

Coolest moment in the game by far.

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Picked this game up on Thursday, wish I had waited... not touching it until it's patched. Sounds like this game is glitched beyond belief, and pretty much confirms all of our worst fears about this generation of consoles: unfinished, broken games being shipped to retailers.

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Seems like most companies describe quality control as "Look at there screenshots! Aren't they high quality?"

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I've been playing it for a little while and the enemies walking into walls type-glitches have been relatively sparing and not that annoying. What has pissed me off is the badly coded dialogue sequences, which I have a feeling are making the game easy beyond belief. For instance:

When you rescue the deputy in Primm and he asks you to find a new Sheriff, I got the impression you're supposed to immediately head off to the prison. I stopped by the casino and fixed the robot there as part of a fairly run of the mill conversation sequence and suddenly the robot becomes the new sheriff. That was a bit of an anti-climax as there's frankly now no reason ever to go back to Primm (apart from the novelty of walking around and around the rollercoaster. Which, as you can imagine, wears off fairly quickly.

All of that said, I am enjoying it. I mean, it feels a little bit like a fleshed out expansion pack of Fallout 3, but frankly that's exactly what I wanted, truth be told.

Also, I know they're not the most deadly enemies in the game, but the Gecko's fucking terrify me.

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Yeah the Incinerator is the only reason I am able to take down the Giant Radscorpions.. I've come across two of them so I do pretty decent damage with the thing. I'm loving this game so far, there's nothing really all that bad I can say.. I only glitched up once and the autosave covered my ass on that one.

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Yeah, I've been playing this game for 22 hours now (or so the game tells me), and I've only had a few glitches so far.

My biggest glitch has been the 'Bye Bye Love' mission. After you meet Carlitos, go talk to Joana, and then go back to visit Carlitos...he's not there. At all.

Also, when you get given the 'Mark of Caesar' so you can get to his camp untouched....and I get attacked anyway. :/

Loving this game so far though, and its been nigh impossible to stop playing. Just as addictive as Fallout 3 IMHO.

Also, DS...

If you talk to Nash a bit more, he says the robot could be the sheriff if someone fixed him. You got lucky really, I had to go all the way to Mojave Enclave and back, despite already having killed all the convicts, just so Primm could get its sheriff.

So, which followers is everyone using so far?

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When I first started I was using Veronica(or whatever the chick's name from Outpost 188 is), but now I'm using Cass and ED-E. A little self serving yes, but I'm gonna dump him once I find a more lethal robot >>

And I'm experiencing less freezing after the title update came out Thursday/Friday, and really I only had 3 freezes happen, all on the same day.

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I had Veronica for a while, but she got killed by geckos.

But the good news is they helped me save on car insurance!

Seriously though, I'm using Boone now, who is a total beast in combat. He's truly the Chewbacca to my character's Han Solo. He can one-or-two-hit kill pretty much anything that's not a Deathclaw so far.

However, and PC players might not be affected by this post-patch, and it might be only Tops casino and hopefully just Boone, but if you use Boone, bring him with you into the casino and check your weapons at the door, when you leave you end up with Boone's unique rifle. This sounds like a good exploit, but you can't give it back, sell it, trade it, put it in a locker, or do anything but equip it. If you drop it you will NOT be able to pick it up (and neither will Boone of course).

Not sure if you can use it to repair, but why would you?

Also, look for the clinic outside of New Vegas (Dr. Usanagi). Why? Two words: Cyborg implants. Beware that these are VERY expensive (the cheapest is 4000 caps), and there may be a limit to how many you can have.

Tips with Caravan:

-If possible, use only 6-10 and face cards. Fuck Jokers, they're useless. With the right starting hand and good luck using only 6+ can give you a win in nine moves.

-The less suits you use the better, but you can use any suit you damn well please for kings and jacks. Suits DO matter with Queens.

-Remember that a king doubles the value, not multiplies. A seven with two kings gives you 28, not 21.

-The bartender in Mojave Outpost seems to be a good source for constant high-stakes games. It's not uncommon for her to ante in the 900+ range, ironically making the 'poor people's game' more lucrative than the Strip.

Oh, and Beatrix Russell? I'd hit it.

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