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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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The whole V.A.T.S gets tedious thing I can't really see as a valid argument to be honest, as its meant to be a tactical way to take enemies down and not a way to show off the games physics engine, at least in my mind. The shine of bloody mess and blowing someone's head into 30 different shards wore off within the first few hours, but I will never ever stop using it due to the fact that on the harder difficulties, it is impossible to handle this game as a raw FPS.

Can I just add, Deathclaws and Sentry Bots can suck my left and right nut respectively.


And guys...I have some bad news....Dogmeat is dead :( He got into a fight with a Sentry Bot while I was getting the Bill of Rights. I was already too far into the Archives, didn't want to reload so I let him rest. You did well Dogmeat...just not well enough.

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So, just got the game. Victims of my escape massacre include:


Butch's Mom

Every Security Officer I Came Across

Mary Holdman

Mary Holdman's Father

Floyd Lewis

The Overseer

Rendered Unconcious during the mayhem, via switchblade or baseball bat



Andy, the cake destroying asshole robot

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Fucking 6 or 7 crashes today alone, this is getting on my tits. Crashes everywhere - randomly in the middle of VATS, moving from area to area, browsing objects in my inventory.

Are you sure its the game and not your X-Box?

Don't think it's my Xbox. I'm playing Rock Band just as often and it hasn't crashed at all. I've been watching films on the Xbox as well without problems.

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