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So I'm working on a website for class, its going to be a Friday The 13th fan site. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular and we're just doing it in Dreamweaver.

Now, for the homepage, I've come up with the following so far...

Now, on the left side I want to put in links to the other pages, each one will be about on of the films. I'm just looking for some advice on what I should put those links on. I don't think a standard menu box type thing would fit with the overall feel, so I'm looking for other ideas.

One I was throwing around was putting a battered peice of Camp Crystal Lake stationary, and writing "Choose a Film" followed by roman numerals for the links, all written in a Friday the 13th font I have, or in another that will make it look like they are written in blood.

Stationary I made looks like this:

My only problem is that when I try and implement that idea, it doesn't look like it fits in with the rest of the homepage image.

So any suggestions on how I could fix that or what else I could do?

Using Photoshop CS2 to put this together.

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I really like the main background. How bout using the film strip effect(as in your background for a menu) put some different pics in different areas) that way it will look like it fits.

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Finished product can be viewed here:


I'm happy with it for my first attempt at making a website. Its simple, and some of the layout doesn't show up correctly on some computers, but I'm much more please with it than the shitty one I was working on initially.


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