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Prison Break Season 4 Official News Thread

Guest Ant

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I truly hope the show doesnt go for seven seasons. I think 4 should be the last one. As much as I like the show, I really dont think there is much (interesting) things for the show to run another 4 seasons. Two more should at least be the max to end the show on five seasons. Just dont want the show to go on too long where it just gets stale and boring and uninteresting and a shell of its former self. Four seasons would be the perfect amount to end the show on.

As for the news... Not really sure. I actually liked the show without the usual lovey romance crap you see in most other shows. Im not sure if Sara coming back will really make the season all that great, with the exception of how Sara being alive is presented, because like I said it'll just lead to more romancy crap that I was glad was out of season 3 for the most part.

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I actually think they can go all sorts of directions with this. Sara is part of the company, Sara has been turned to go against Michael etc

Bet you any money Michael will end up killing her.

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  • 2 months later...
S3 was glorious in a car crash kind of way, but that's been the MO of this series since day one anyways. It's OTT, it's silly, and it's like TV crack. I love this show.

I disagree with the 'in a car crash' statement. I don't know, I've heard all the criticisms, but it's awesome. Lost is OTT, Heroes too - but in ways the show makes it.. not. Same with Prison Break.

Mahone in s3 was awesome. As was, well, everyone. Still gutted it was half a season.

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Haven't seen Season 3 at all reall.

Oh and Summ, LOST is hardly OTT unless you think "right, no way can I forget that it's a TV show". OTT means going too far within the confines you set yourself, they aren't doing that.

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Because of explanations given on the shows. Stuff like the time travel things I have a bit of an issue with, but expect it to be explained one way or another. And if it's not, not like it's the only 'mysterious' thing to happen so I just take it as it is.

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