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2008 MLB Season


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On another note, how bonerific was last night? 14-3 in front of 37,000 rowdy (seriously, rowdy. In Toronto, no less!) Jays fans chanting "Yankees suck!" And Scutaro with a 4-6 night including a "Fuck Jose Bautista" 3 run jack in the 5th! Hopefully Bautista only ends up as a DH option considering how Matt Stairs has finally gotten old over the past 2 months and how incredibly sad it is that David Eckstein is our other DH.

I was there last night, it was magical :blush: People were doing the wave for like 5 mins straight and then after they were chanting Yankees Suck for like a straight minute :D

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

...so the atmosphere came close to what I can get by going down the road and paying $10 to see my local OHL team?

(Actually, that's still pretty good for post-94 SkyDome.)

And I know we're off the subject now, but I'd be surprised if Manny was willing to DH. After all, George Bell wasn't.

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...so the atmosphere came close to what I can get by going down the road and paying $10 to see my local OHL team?

(Actually, that's still pretty good for post-94 SkyDome.)

And I know we're off the subject now, but I'd be surprised if Manny was willing to DH. After all, George Bell wasn't.

i only paid 10 bucks for my ticket too, if you were aiming that at me :mellow: you'd be surprised how easy it is to get close seats once the game starts

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Not aimed at you, aimed at the lackadaisicality of Jays fans today compared to the days when everybody knew Luis Leal was a horrible excuse for a starter and Alfredo Griffin's first name was really Fettucine :P

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Honestly, this crowd was great. I don't understand why the wave happened considering how great the game went, but it was an electric atmosphere and for the first time since opening day there really was a feeling of excitement and unity amongst the Jays faithful. And unlike nights like, oh, tonight, there were actually about 30,000 strong Jays fans (as opposed to the 50/50 split between Jays/Sox tonight where it sounded even worse because the Jays fans sat on their hands while the Sox fans screamed their throats horse).

Doesn't hurt that they won 14-3 though, as opposed to this stinker. Ah well, at least tonight's crowd got to see the hotly anticipated debut of Jose "Sub-Mendoza Since June" Bautista. I'm sure Scutaro's shaking in his boots.

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Vernon Wells, in 14 games since being reactivated from the DL:

5 HR, 18 RBI, .339/.387/.661

If he stays hot, the Jays just might have a 20 HR hitter this year, and the scary thing is that with his injuries he hasn't even played half a season yet. Fuck the V-Dub haters, the guy's putting up numbers and making $3.6 mil this year.

Edit: To those suggesting that the crowds in Tampa were good this year, they drew 13,000 last night. To a late August game. Against a divisional rival. With Roy Halladay on the mound. And they're leading the division. The Jays meanwhile, who haven't made the playoffs in 15 years and who are well behind, haven't dipped below 20,000 since a 19,000 game in May. In fact, we've dipped below 25k all of twice in August. I just think that's kind of funny, considering this from Offbeat Bareass:

The Jays should take a page out of the Marlins and Rays book and do what they need to do to build for three-year bursts. All you have to do is get into the playoffs.

and this from Livid:

Actually, the Rays attendance this year is quite good. I mean, you can only draw so many fans into a place like Tropicana Field.

So the Marlins, who build for three year bursts and have won two World Series in the past 10 years, are last in average attendance. And the division leading Rays? 26th.

Rehashing, yes, but this all just struck me while watching the game last night. :shifty:

Edited by GoodGodWhatAB-Jay
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St. Travis called up to the big league roster!

Wait. Why? One less year of arbitration control so we can get a look at him while we've slipped so far back in the playoff race that we'd have to go on a Colorado Rockies-like run to even have a shot at post-season baseball? Is JP really that desperate to get people interested in watching the team? And for that matter, if that's what this is about then why not call the kid up after the Yankees series so he can make the debut at home?

(Also, Matt Stairs got traded. :shifty:)

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I'll assume you stole that off DJF who probably know more about this than I do, but if he gets minimal playing time, it doesn't effect his arbitration status.

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It's six seasons until arbitration ends. My question is does that mean six seasons from their rookie year, which would mean an appearance like this less than 45 days and 130 at-bats wouldn't cost us a year, or does it mean six years from MLB debut, which would?

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He was gone next year anyway. At least now he gets to finish his career with a playoff run. And in the meanwhile, we get to see the debut of His Holyness, St. Travis of Hitsjacksalot.

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He was gone next year anyway. At least now he gets to finish his career with a playoff run. And in the meanwhile, we get to see the debut of His Holyness, St. Travis of Hitsjacksalot.

So he touches himself alot, eh?

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It's six seasons until arbitration ends. My question is does that mean six seasons from their rookie year, which would mean an appearance like this less than 45 days and 130 at-bats wouldn't cost us a year, or does it mean six years from MLB debut, which would?

I'm pretty sure this stint won't affect his arbitration status.

EDIT - Just did some research. Didn't affect A-Rod among others.

EDIT 2 - And in a game that can clinch them their first winning season ever, the Rays fill half the stadium.

Edited by damshow
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The Jays likely aren't done moving players, according to the announcing during the game tonight.

I don't think they'll be adding much, but we definately need a slugger for next season, to put an end to the 26+ games where we lose because we can't score, even though the pitching is fucking ace.

I am excited about what next season's team will look like, but it's been that way for me every season for as long as I can remember, and we always end up falling short anyways.

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It's six seasons until arbitration ends. My question is does that mean six seasons from their rookie year, which would mean an appearance like this less than 45 days and 130 at-bats wouldn't cost us a year, or does it mean six years from MLB debut, which would?

I'm pretty sure this stint won't affect his arbitration status.

EDIT - Just did some research. Didn't affect A-Rod among others.

EDIT 2 - And in a game that can clinch them their first winning season ever, the Rays fill half the stadium.

That's really puzzling and I guess it says something about their location. I mean, even when the Marlins were on track to win their division they were filling the entire place up at times and yet nobody seems to give a damn in Tampa.

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The Jays likely aren't done moving players, according to the announcing during the game tonight.

I don't think they'll be adding much, but we definately need a slugger for next season, to put an end to the 26+ games where we lose because we can't score, even though the pitching is fucking ace.

I am excited about what next season's team will look like, but it's been that way for me every season for as long as I can remember, and we always end up falling short anyways.

They won't be adding anything. They might trade Eckstein because he's so obviously excess and they can get a prospect from a contender for him while dropping the remainder of his salary. I can't see them making any other moves, seeing as we're basically playing .500 during long stretches where they need to basically run the table. Maybe they'll trade Zaun and they can rush the development of Arencibia too. :shifty:

Hey Toronto, do you want the Orioles' offense? I figure if we combined squads we could take the AL East next year. The Baltimore-Toronto Blue Orioles is an appealing scenario for me right now.

Jays > Orioles. I mean the birds, not the teams, which are basically playing interchangable at this point. So yeah, combine the rosters. Just keep the Jay :shifty:

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