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2008 MLB Season


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Ortiz gets pulled from the game in the middle of his at bat. Looks like he did something painful. Let's hope it's nothing serious.

Shoulda went ... 500th for Manny. O's might have lost (down 6-3 in the 9th now), but still something historic. I was briefly thinking of seeing if there was tickets avail tomorrow, then realized it's over a six hour drive one way.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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BJ Ryan blows his first save of this season.

Coming off the surgery, he has been really good. He is just a little off with his control - he was issued more walks then I remember him issuing before.

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When I was 13, I was the youngest kid in senior league. I faced a 17 year old that went on to be drafted by the Texas Rangers. My one at bat against him, he beaned me in the shin and I had stitch imprints on my shin for a month and it turned every possible color over the course of that time. On base percentage against major leaguers = 1.000 :shifty:

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Red Sox send seven people to the All-Star game... though Varitek didn't really deserve it. Cubs also send seven.

Speaking of the Sox, they nearly got a triple play against them. But the umps overturn the call, then score seven runs in the inning. And if that wasn't bad enough, four more in the eighth to get a 18-5 win.

C.C. Sabathia is a Brewer as of a few days ago, Rich Harden a Cub a couple days ago also. The NL Central is heating up like crazy. Can the Cardinals respond?

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This thread needs more Cito Gaston. :shifty:

I am really liking how Cito is managing but like he said himself, I don't see them making the playoffs

what about AJ Burnett? Do you think he'll be shipped or will he stay put because of Marcum and Mcgowan being injured??

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I see Burnett moving for the simple fact that both the Phillies and Yankees (even the Rays) now have to look for other pitching options now that Sabathia and Harden have already been dealt.

I would imagine that Burnett will be one of the better ones left.

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Burnett has a bad contract though where whomever gets him won't know if they are stuck with him for next year or not. Plus, Burnett has been a .500 pitcher. Is there a market out there for a .500 pitcher?

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yes. Look at Ted Lilly. He's going to fetch us a decent return, since he's one of the best pitchers out there available. Then he'll leave that team because he'll make more money in a new deal.

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Burnett won't be a rental, so a lot of teams are wary trading for an oft-injured starter. Look at how little the Cubs had to give up for Rich Harden, and when on Harden is a dramatically better pitcher than Burnett.

Nevermind this. I didn't realize Burnett's likely to opt out at the end of the season even if he stays with Toronto. Pat Gillick's probably burning up the phone lines as we speak. The general consensus here among the actually smart, and they are few and far between, Phillies fans is that without another good starter this team has no shot of holding off the Mets.

Also, the Orioles still are hovering around .500. As long as that stays the case I don't see us trading anyone. Finishing .500 would do so much for this team and the city and the fans that we have to try and do it.

Edited by damshow
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So baseball is back at 6 AM ET tomorrow. I'll post my full predictions for the season over the weekend but just wanted to throw out a little friendly competition here. I've been doing these the past few years for all the sports with friends. I've had a decent track record with these so why not bring them to this board. Simple drill. Copy the list and leave a comment indicating whether you think that the team's win total this year will be over or under the listed number. I'm getting these #s off of Vegas Watch.

Listed below are my picks:

Arizona UNDER 86.5

Atlanta UNDER 86

Baltimore UNDER 65

Boston UNDER 94

Chicago (NL) OVER 87.5

Chicago (AL) UNDER 76

Cincinnati OVER 76.5

Cleveland UNDER 91

Colorado OVER 83

Detroit OVER 93.5

Florida OVER 68.5

Houston UNDER 73.5

Kansas City OVER 73.5

LA Angels OVER 92

LA Dodgers OVER 87.5

Milwaukee OVER 84

Minnesota OVER 73.5

NY Mets OVER 92.5

NY Yankees UNDER 94

Oakland UNDER 74

Philadelphia OVER 88

Pittsburgh OVER 68.5

San Diego OVER 85

San Francisco UNDER 72

Seattle UNDER 85

St. Louis UNDER 77

Tampa Bay OVER 72

Texas OVER 75

Toronto OVER 84

Washington OVER 71.5

Use the same numbers and post your predictions

Damn....so I just plugged these #s into an Excel file and judging just on if teams carry their current winning percentage over the rest of the year I have only 15 picks correct.

Edited by sahyder1
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