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2008 MLB Season


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I'd chalk it up to them not gelling as a team yet.

I'd say as the season progresses, they'll start gelling and start playing better. That being said, I still don't know if they'll be able to overtake the Indians as the top team in the division.

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Just realized I hadn't put my MLB predictions down on paper as of yet. I am really looking forward to this season. Got my MLB.tv package again this year. I think this season will be one of the better ones in recent memory as far as competitive balance is concerned.

AL East

I really could see Toronto, New York, Boston and Tampa all win 85 games this year. Of course that means that Baltimore probably loses a 100 games this year. The Red Sox are obviously the cream of the crop and should come out on top at the end. Manny and Papi in the middle of the lineup is just too much for pretty much anyone to handle. I really expect the Jays to be very good this year. I really like their pitching and hopefully they can stay healthy. The lineup should score a lot of runs with Rios having a breakout year and announcing his arrival on the big stage. I expect Vernon Wells to have a really solid comeback year. My choice for AL Comeback player of the Year. Wouldn't surprise me if they are the Wild card team this year but with this division being so deep I'm pretty sure the Wild card comes out of another division. I have a lot of questions about the Yankees. The pitching would really worry me if I was a Yankee fan. What kind of inning limits are Hughes and Kennedy on? Can Mussina bounce back? How will Pettite handle steroid talks over the summer as the Clemens story develops? Who builds the bridge to Chamberlain and Rivera? A-Rod should have a monster year. A season of 55+ HRs wouldn't surprise me one bit. I like Tampa's lineup. Pitching is obviously a concern. I like the signing of Percival. How early do we see Price called up? Saw his stuff in the spring and I'm surprised he's not up on the roster already.

Red Sox

Blue Jays




AL Central

Even with their awful start I will stick to my original pick of the Tigers winning the Central. I'm not just doing it out of the principle either. That lineup is just too good. They will score a ridiculous amount of runs this year and should feast on AL pitching staffs all year. I really don't think Cleveland is that good. Twins somehow or another pull it off every year. Really pulling for Liriano this year. Wouldn't surprise me if Gomez won Rookie of the Year. I don't what to think of the White Sox. Their lineup doesn't impress me one bit.....and the pitching staff isn't much to write home about. The Royals? What else is there to say. One of these years they might do something. I love their pitching but don't see them scoring anywhere enough runs to matter.





White Sox

AL West

It is the Angels division to lose. I like the Hunter signing but am still scratching my head over the Matthews contract from last year. I love the pitching staff even with the injuries. As an Angels fan I really want to see what Adenhart and Wood can bring to the table this year. Contract year for K-Rod so hoping he comes through. I wouldn't be surprised if he's pitching elsewhere though. The Mariners bullpen is just filthy. I like their starting pitching....but where exactly are they going for offense? The A's are rebuilding....again. Only thing that matters with the A's is...where does Blanton end up at the deadline? The Rangers have had some horrible pitching staffs over the years but this year's group is just horrible. Their lineup is pretty bad too. Millwood probably gets traded at the deadline.





NL East

I think this is the Mets division to lose. The Pedro injury doesn't bother me. His arm seems to be fine. The Mets should let him come back mid June/early July and keep his arm fresh. I have questions about the Mets lineup but I expect Reyes to have a great year. There is no way we see a repeat of the 2nd half with him. Even with Pedro hurt the Mets have the best pitching staff in the league. Perez is going to get himself a really nice contract somewhere next year. Is Delgado finished? I don't understand how some of the experts are picking the Braves here. What exactly do they see with this team? I love the Phillies lineup but the pitching staff would bother me if I was a Phillies fan. Which Lidge will we see? Is Tom Gordon really the setup guy here? What's the over/under on the amount of big games he blows for them? I like the trades that Nationals made in the offseason. I think Milledge is going to be a very good player for them for a long time to come. This is a lineup with some potential when healthy (Do they trade Nick Johnson somewhere at the deadline?)but the pitching is just awful. The Marlins? What is it....a $16 million payroll? Wow. What a joke. Someone strip this franchise from Loria.






NL Central

Love the Cubs. Although I have questions about the lineup I think the pitching is strong enough that they should carry this division. Can Wood stay healthy? Hopefully their ownership saga can be resolved soon as this team could be a player at the deadline. It's been a 100 years since they won it all. I love the Reds as the Wild card team coming out of the NL. I think that lineup as long as it stays healthy will score a lot of runs and the pitching staff is good enough to keep them in it in the NL. The Cardinals and Brewers are just awful. The Pirates pitching staff I like but that lineup is awful and it'll only get worse once they ship Nady off to a contender






NL West

If the bullpen can hold it for them this is one of top 3 pitching staffs in all of baseball. What can they get out of Randy Johnson? Webb and Haren will be a handful for anyone in the playoffs to open up a series. The lineup is really young but it should score more then enough runs for that pitching staff. The Giants are just awful . Barry Zito needs a change of scenery. I don't believe he's forgotten how to pitch. How much of the contract are they willing to eat up in order to ship him somewhere. I love Lincecum and really like Cain. Too bad none of the big 3 will get anywhere close to the run support you'd expect in the big leagues. This just maybe the worst lineup I have ever seen any team have. Dodgers are a borderline playoff team. If they were in the Central I'd have them be a lock for the playoffs. Torre obviously gives them a lot of credibility. Lineup is good enough....does the pitching hold up? I love the Rockies lineup but the pitching really worries me. Don't expect a repeat of last year. Padres are right up there with the Dodgers. Another team where I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the playoffs but with the Dodgers and the D-Backs they'll be beating each other up all year long.







Divisional Series

Red Sox over Mariners

Tigers over Angels

Mets over Reds

Cubs over Diamondbacks

League Championship Series

Red Sox over Tigers

Mets over Cubs

World Series

Mets over Red Sox

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Burnett on in relief for the Jays right now in the 14th inning. Jays have used all their relievers. Burnett just had his side session yesterday. McGowan had his earlier today. Marcum started yesterday and Halladay starts tomorrow. No idea where the Jays are going for a pitcher after this. Marcum had a glove earlier in the dugout so he might be going into the field somewhere and one of the guys currently in the lineup would go in to pitch.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Even before Burnett was warming up, commentators were speculating that we'd be getting one of the infielders coming in to pitch with Marcum taking over the vacant position.

Unfortunately AJ had to blow the chance for that to join "Dave Stieb is used as a pinch-runner and outfielder" and "Todd Stottlemyre starts bleeding profusely from his chin after trying to steal second IN THE WORLD SERIES" in the pantheon of Great Blue Jays Pitchers Not Pitching Moments.

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Not to burst your bubble, but the Orioles were still in the division race until June last year. But hey, at least you got... 2.... World Series titles from your poorly run small-market team. That's 2 more than all of the other poorly run small-market teams combined.

Edited by damshow
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Haha, Baltimore. They're always in first or second for the first couple months. Then they forget that the season continues through the summer. Florida is a good team. Not great, and they won't surprise anyone this year and pull off 100 wins. But they're young and very talented and can hang in there, especially since they're in the National League.

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It's been that way since expansion in '93, though, so it's nothing new. They still have more championships in the last fifteen years than almost every other team (aside from the Yanks and Red Sox). Just goes to show that, yes, they are a small market team that refuses to pay big contracts, but they do have a hell of a scouting team that brings in excellent 18/19 year olds in exchange for those big name players.

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The Blue Jays released Frank Thomas today.

His average isn't very good this year, but I still think he was a vitally important part of the team.

The Jays have been making some awful decisions regarding personnel. Thomas is out... free to sign with anyone now... Reed Johnson was let go in the off-season ... John McDonald barely sees any playing time, and he's up there with the best short-stop's in the league in terms of his fielding ability.

AJ Burnett's been nothing but a headache since he showed up... BJ Ryan is essentially useless now that Jeremy Accardo has gotten comfortable as the closer.

The team is still pretty good, but who the fuck is going to DH now? Matt Stairs is the probable choice, but even then, I don't think he can hold a candle to what Frank Thomas did for the team.

Word is that the reason they let him go is because if he has more than 300 at-bats or something like that, that his contract gets extended for next season at $10 million. If that's what led to his release, I'll be some pissed off. They have a good core of players, and the Big Hurt was part of that. If they needed to cut costs, there are plenty of guys who are more expendable. What about Lyle Overbay? Since his hand injury, he's really only been a soft spot in the lineup at the plate. If you get rid of him, and can't find a new First Baseman right away, you've got Matt Stairs.

I just don't understand the move.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Thomas was disappointing last year, and was off to a worse start this year. Yes, McDonald/Scutaro/Inglett are hitting even worse than he was, and Overbay was almost as bad, but the expectations aren't as high on those guys.

Have you even watched any games this year? Thomas was getting pitches he SHOULD have been clobbering and couldn't even make contact.

Also, his release probably had something to do with his ciritcizing the team in the media after being benched.

Have to agree with you that we shouldn't have let Reed Johnson go.

And the rumour mill says that Adam Lind will be the guy called up to fill the hole in the lineup (although it won't be for a few days because of a minor injury)...you'll like what you see from him.

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No his release has nothing to do with his option for next year. They have to eat the rest of the year now that they cut him. Why would they eat that money if they were concerned over the budget? They are paving the way for Lind to come up. All spring long scouts were saying he seemed off....now it's carried into the season. Benching him was the right move.

Ryan is useless? Really? Since when has a solid lefty reliever been useless in baseball? News to me. You want McDonald to start? Sure he's great defensively but I'd much rather have Eckstein in the lineup. Eckstein's #s on paper won't really wow you but the little things he does add up.

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I watch as much as I can. With the NHL post season going now though, I mostly only catch bits and pieces during commercials and intermissions.

Thomas has been disappointing, yes... but he's a role-player, and I can't even count the amount of times he saved our asses last year or won games for us with big time hits.

Adam Lind will do great in the bigs. I have no doubt in my mind that he's going to make an impact this season, and I'm glad to see him getting the call up.

Eckstein, I like... but not at the expense of Johnny Mac. I'd be much happier if he and McDonald split games... or if Eckstein, McDonald and Scutaro were interchangeable.

I realize that having so many possible Left Fielders was a problem, and Shannon Stewart was a great pickup... but Reed Johnson just had the heart and soul...

Last year's Jays had a lot of holes to fill and expendable players. I just think they've been trying to fill the wrong holes and getting rid of guys who are important to the team.

BJ Ryan is great... but we have two good lefty's in the pen already with Tallet and Downs... and like I said earlier, Jeremy Accardo was shaky last season, but has grown into his role as a Closer, and it would be criminal to take that away from him to make room for a guy who could bring a good return if you can deal him.

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Frank Thomas is a role player? That was one hefty price the Jays were playing for a role player. Not to mention when was the last time a "role player" was hitting in the heart of a batting order and DHing? I agree with you on Reed Johnson. Ryan is going no where. Downs and Tallet are no where as good as him. Couldn't disagree with you more on the whole Eckstein/McDonald thing.

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His average isn't very good this year, but I still think he was a vitally important part of the team.

What part? Chapter president of the Mendoza club? He had one good series and has been awful since. You wanna give 10 million to that?

The Jays have been making some awful decisions regarding personnel. Thomas is out... free to sign with anyone now... Reed Johnson was let go in the off-season ... John McDonald barely sees any playing time, and he's up there with the best short-stop's in the league in terms of his fielding ability.

Thomas would have become a problem and was openly turning on the club and it was better to get rid of him. Personally I would have tried to waive him to Syracuse and see if someone took the expensive problem off our hands. Wouldn't have hurt to keep Reed around, but at the time we were high on Stewart and they are trying to keep room for Adam Lind and eventually work Travis Snider in. And Johnny Mac is great defensively, but so is Eckstein and MUCH better at the plate. They could be giving Mac some time at third, but whoever sees time there is just the placeholder until Rolen's ready anyway.

AJ Burnett's been nothing but a headache since he showed up... BJ Ryan is essentially useless now that Jeremy Accardo has gotten comfortable as the closer.

Agreed on Burnett, but everyone knows that. But Ryan is useless in light of Accardo? Is that some kind of joke? Accardo is marginal as a set-up man, and proved two weeks ago why he's got no business closing out games. BJ Ryan is DOMINANT. Physically he's about 90% there, but if you watch him he's back 100% mentally (maybe better than before). He's just so cool under pressure, he shakes everything off and makes the right pitch. BJ Ryan is a star closer. Jeremy Accardo is barely a closer.

The team is still pretty good, but who the fuck is going to DH now? Matt Stairs is the probable choice, but even then, I don't think he can hold a candle to what Frank Thomas did for the team.

Stairs is hitting .333 this year. He hit .289 last year with 21 home runs in 30 less games than Thomas. He also comes 6 million dollars cheaper, and can double as a utility position player. Hold a candle? He blows Thomas' out.

Word is that the reason they let him go is because if he has more than 300 at-bats or something like that, that his contract gets extended for next season at $10 million. If that's what led to his release, I'll be some pissed off. They have a good core of players, and the Big Hurt was part of that. If they needed to cut costs, there are plenty of guys who are more expendable. What about Lyle Overbay? Since his hand injury, he's really only been a soft spot in the lineup at the plate. If you get rid of him, and can't find a new First Baseman right away, you've got Matt Stairs.

I just don't understand the move.

Why would you possibly be upset at dumping 10 million dollars of dead weight from the books? They just awarded big (earned) contracts to Alex Rios and Aaron Hill, and they've got Shaun Marcum coming up for arbitration at the end of the year. Why you'd get rid of a multi-tooled first baseman like Overbay in order to keep a more expensive, entirely washed up slugger like Thomas is beyond me but hey, to each his own.

Eckstein, I like... but not at the expense of Johnny Mac. I'd be much happier if he and McDonald split games... or if Eckstein, McDonald and Scutaro were interchangeable.

Similar defensive skills, and far superior offensive skills. Eckstein is a no brainer. I'd also rather have Inglett as a utility infielder than Mac, at least Inglett has a bit more of a future.

I realize that having so many possible Left Fielders was a problem, and Shannon Stewart was a great pickup... but Reed Johnson just had the heart and soul...

Again, it's more about the talent that's not there yet than the talent that is. If they need to turn to someone, they'll turn to the young guys they're big on.

BJ Ryan is great... but we have two good lefty's in the pen already with Tallet and Downs... and like I said earlier, Jeremy Accardo was shaky last season, but has grown into his role as a Closer, and it would be criminal to take that away from him to make room for a guy who could bring a good return if you can deal him.

Accardo has two loses and a blown save already this season, whereas the newly reactivated Ryan hasn't surrendered a run in 3 innings of work and also struck out the side Saturday. If you want a Miguel Batista type "keep things interesting" closer then fine, but I'd rather my closer be "lights out".

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Shannon Stewart and Matt Stairs are set to share the DH spot with Adam Lind getting a shot to be the left fielder once they get their roster together.

Losing Thomas sucks though, because his bobble head day was coming up!

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Shannon Stewart and Matt Stairs are set to share the DH spot with Adam Lind getting a shot to be the left fielder once they get their roster together.

Losing Thomas sucks though, because his bobble head day was coming up!

Stairs and Stewart DHing won't be too bad. Shannon's got some decent speed on the bases, and Stairs is a solid hitter who was a very pleasant surprise last season.

I'm still going to miss the Big Hurt though.

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