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Games you've grown to hate and will probably never finish


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only one game springs to mind at the moment and thats The Getaway.

I hate the driving portions of the game and refuse to play it now. The shooting parts are ok but the controls seems glitched every now and then.

I know I have a few more but I can't think og them right now

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I bought Sonic Heroes when it came out. I got stuck on some bit where you're grinding of the canyons on rails wuite early on too I think, and if you miss the rail, dead. So you had to start at the same bit every time. But that jump was made so that you couldn't actually jump it. And the fucking voices. Arrgghhh. The vocies were horrible, and because you kept restarting, you'd get those annoying voices saying the same annoying phrases over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. :angry: .

I will never complete that game. Because I sold it.

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Curses to Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. There's one level where the female character is visiting the psych ward of the hospital and then power goes out and they're released from the cells. You have to regulate the character's breathing and stay perfectly still when the patients move past, and you have to go the exact correct route, or risk running into a patient. It's a pain in the ass, especially when the analogue stick occasionally gets slightly stuck in a direction and makes the character slowly side-step while a patient is walking past, thereby ending the game.

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Final Fantasy 12, I've tried three or four times to try and force myself through it and I just can't get interested enough in anything to get through it. Vaan blows, Balthier's cool but not much there story-wise after you find out the major thing, Basch is just kinda there, Ashe is a bitch that I couldn't give two shits about, the rest are along for the ride.

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Curses to Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. There's one level where the female character is visiting the psych ward of the hospital and then power goes out and they're released from the cells. You have to regulate the character's breathing and stay perfectly still when the patients move past, and you have to go the exact correct route, or risk running into a patient. It's a pain in the ass, especially when the analogue stick occasionally gets slightly stuck in a direction and makes the character slowly side-step while a patient is walking past, thereby ending the game.

I passed that first time. :P

What fucked me off about that game is that 80% of the game takes a decent amount of time, then the last 20% where everything's 'explained' - I use the term loosely, takes about 10 minutes.

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Dead Rising, Gears of War, and Hitman: Bloodmoney. Those are all guaranteed to never be finished, those were such disappointments for me after the hype they got.

for months I hated Blood Money because I was having trouble with the stage in new orleans(with the streets crowded) took me a few months to wrap my head around that game and now i love it. I've beat it 3 times.

Another game I used to like but can't stomach to play anymore is Kill.Switch. made it to the third level and never played it again

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Dead Rising, Gears of War, and Hitman: Bloodmoney. Those are all guaranteed to never be finished, those were such disappointments for me after the hype they got.

for months I hated Blood Money because I was having trouble with the stage in new orleans(with the streets crowded) took me a few months to wrap my head around that game and now i love it. I've beat it 3 times.

I had huge trouble with that level too, it's very difficult, but easy after you learn the 3 or 4 places the target could be. Thats an excellent game.

Splinter Cell DA for me. It just pissed me off.

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I don't hate the game but...

I just could not get into Mass Effect. I doubt I'll ever finish - I've tried to play it two or three times and each time I get bored pretty quickly. Assassin's Creed got repetitive really quick and I am the same way with that.

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I don't hate the game but...

I just could not get into Mass Effect. I doubt I'll ever finish - I've tried to play it two or three times and each time I get bored pretty quickly. Assassin's Creed got repetitive really quick and I am the same way with that.

Ha, I was gonna say the same two. I got both for Christmas. I played Mass Effect once and haven't played it again since. I've played Assassin's Creed a few times and wow is that game boring. How a game with a physics engine like that can be so damn boring is just crazy, but it sure is. I'm selling it on eBay right now actually. Anyone wanna buy it? :pervert: I'm gonna try Mass Effect again soon, so hopefully I'll enjoy it more on the second play.

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Oblivion will probably never get finished cos I spend far too much time doing other stuff in the game to actually complete the game itself - I looked in the guide the other day and having spent 100 hours on the game (apparantly) I'm laughably so far away from making a dent in the main quest....Still, I'll enjoy what I do.

Assassin's Creed for me is all about dipping back in from time to time. I got about five missions through (having enjoyed all the collecting, rescuing, exploring etc) and then Call Of Duty 4 and Uncharted stole me away and now I've been visiting AC every couple of weeks to complete another mission or look over for some more flags and must admit I've been enjoying it immensely when I've returned. I can see why it gets boring and I'd imagine that if I played it to death I'd get bored to, but I've been rationing myself on it, and mixing it up with Oblivion and Call Of Duty, and it's been serving me well....Last assassination now though...

As for games that annoyed me, I agree with the Getaway. I got to the level where you have to drive, take out the van, take the van (while the Yardies are chasing you throughout and ramming you) and sneak into the police station as an electrician to do stuff and I always almost complete it when I get shot, and it shoves you at the beginning of the mission and then I can never even get to the van again without being rammed repeatedly and blown up by stupid gangsters. Grrr. I traded the game away after numerous attempts and tearful frustration.

Resi 4 I really need to get round to completing at some stage but I was playing it through (came across it a while after it's release!) when I got my PS3 and it's been shoved down the order of play (and will be even further when Everybody's Golf, Viking and Gran Turismo come out this week).

GTA: Vice City Stories on PSP - I got about half way through then just got bored with the franchise and traded it away for something better....Like Locoroco or something. However GTA 4 actually looks interesting, different and a little more "mature" in it's outlook to the genre so I'm looking forward to that.

I never used to finish many games but generally would enjoy playing them through. I've been getting better recently though with Uncharted and COD4 getting completed and Assassin's Creed will make it three in the last few months which is good for me as I lose attention quickly.

Oh and Lost and Army Of Two made me so angry that I took Lost back to work after five days (playing for about 2 hours and relasing that Locke had already uncovered the hatch and I'd just been wandering through caves), swapped it for Army Of Two which was out the week after, which I played for a few hours and realised I wasn't enjoying it at all...

Oh well. That went back too.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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