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Another shitty unnecessary sequel, aka Lost Boys: The Tribe


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Yeah, like Gabe said, The Asylum only produces low budget knockoffs of popular upcoming movies. They did Monster (Cloverfield), Snakes on a Train, Alien vs. Hunter, and much more. They always release their knockoffs prior to the movies theatrical release, so they can scam people.

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I really just wanted to work a Transmorphers joke in there; but seriously it looks like a cheap attempt to capitalize on the name and the only thing lending any credibility to it is Corey Feldman.

That's right class, I just said Corey Feldman was lending credibility to something.

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I don't see the problem really. Is it nessicary? No, but I'd much rather have a sequel to Lost Boys then a remake. It looks like its keeping the spirit of the original film intact too. Granted they waited way too long to make it, but it doesn't look like its going to be terrible, especially when we keep in mind that the first film while good, isn't one of the best movies of all time or anything.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, this was just released on dvd this week and, at abuot half way through watching it...its kinda bad. If by "keeping the spirit of the original" they meant lots needless gore and female upper body nudity (which, granted, is good)...then sure..its "in the spirit". But theres some big inconsistancies between the first and this one, like how long it takes someone to turn from human into a vampire etc...definately a firm B movie, but nothing great. The fact that the vampires have fun mutilating each other (stabbing one so his intestines come out etc) is pretty amusing. As is them playing Gears Of War in one scene

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It wasn't a bad film by any means... hardly what the first one was to its' time, but if you don't expect it to be some cult classic, you should enjoy it.

Angus Sutherland is pretty badass though... there's just this charisma he has oozing off of him, even when he's just standing around. Hopefully he takes some better roles so I can see if he's actually got any acting ability.

I had fun watching the film... Corey Feldman was just kinda there though... I could have done without him, but an obvious link to the first film was something they wanted, so, whatever.

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Corey Feldman is the only decent thing that would make me want to watch this film. I don't think I'll be marking out for this film, but should be getting in DVD for under a fiver. :shifty:

The Original wasn't all that bad, it was one of those films that I grew up watching so I can't really moan or rant about it.

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What do yo expect, they even brought on a "8mm" part tw. It seems like studios are just selling out names that did something... i think Open water 2 was not suposed to be open water 2 - they just bought the name for the european release... and they wonder why no one is buying anything anymore.

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It would have been nice if a stupid fucking pop-up didn't take up half of the trailer, and then not close despite my repeated efforts to click the "close" button. Fuck advertising.

Anyway, I'm slightly intrigued. They probably should have left well enough alone, but I'll check it out someday. Unfortunately, there is no possible way that the vampires in this movie will be as bad ass as the vampires in the first movie. Especially when the original group was lead by Keifer Sutherland in his fucking prime.

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