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I remember wanting to play this when it first came out on the PS2, but I had an XBox by then, so I never got the chance. Ended up getting this on Saturday and played most of the day on sunday. Couple of questions for people who have played this before (or are playing now):

1. So classes advance your skills and missions advance the "years" so to speak (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior?)

2. Once you move to the next year, you get new classes, regardless of how you did on the previous ones?

3. In the first set of classes, what did you find most difficult? For only using two buttons, Music 4 has been a pain in my ass!

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Haven't played the new version. I'm pissed that us Ps2 users aren't getting the new game , but from what I've seen it looks good.

I haven't played Bully in ages but I do believe doing missions advances the years.

I hated shop class the only class I struggle to actually complete

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I think it's the same game, just added some missions and some multiplayer games. I had gotten to the year with Shop class, and struggled with the first class (then I realized that I hadn't completed all the other classes, so I restarted the game and focused on those for now).

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This is a great game.

I bought it for the PS2 and found it highly entertaining. I'm not sure if you have to complete a certain amount of the lessons/classes before you can complete the game, simply because I can't remember that far back.

I do remember being disappointed about the ending coming so quickly though, as the % was not even anywhere near 100% when I finished the last mission. It meant I still had other little things to do in the game like complete any leftover classes or side-missions.

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You're right. At the beginning it says the mother will be back in a year (was getting it confused with the Achievements you receive for completing each chapter). I'm trying to complete most classes first so I can just be a bum and go around town during the day later on.

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What sort of bugs? Played it all this past weekend, and a few hours yesterday, and bug free! :) The only thing that it might be (or it could just be my controller) is that in Music Class it didn't always respond when I hit the triggers. And ocassionally the Principal's assistant will go psychotic (I can wait quietly, and two seconds later she comes after me). *shrugs*

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Well I can dispute that, I'm running it on a fresh refurbished console that I just got back from Microsoft a month ago. I had to go exchange my copy, it was freezing so much. Hasn't happened yet on the new one, but I won't be suprised if it does.

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Well I can dispute that, I'm running it on a fresh refurbished console that I just got back from Microsoft a month ago. I had to go exchange my copy, it was freezing so much. Hasn't happened yet on the new one, but I won't be suprised if it does.
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Bully was a good game. A lot of fun to shit around with when it was fresh. It was really easy, though. Like, shockingly easy. I haven't completed it 100%, so I don't know if you can go over it again and it's more difficult or what, but I bought and I was done the actual story mode in like 3 or 4 days, and I wasn't playing for hours at a time either.

It was fun to get the best BMX and ride around seeing what things you can backflip and front flip over.

But yeah, once kicking the shit out of everybody get way too easy, it got boring. There are only so many times I can beat the fuck out of 6 or 7 jocks at a time before it gets old.

I thought it would be cool if they had like a street fighting mini game or something. Going around to different locations (the empty pool, the pit in the boiler room, etc) on different nights and fighting for money against actual tough opponents. I dunno, I can't perfectly describe how I picture it in my head, but I see being like a mini Def Jam Fight For New York type thing.

EDIT: Talking about the PS2 verison

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Thank god I'm not the only one that happened to. Is this on Music 4? Took me a couple of tries for that one. I just save in the principal's office before a class, that way if I fail I can just load from there. (My double triggers wouldn't register at first, but later on they did).

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Thank god I'm not the only one that happened to. Is this on Music 4? Took me a couple of tries for that one. I just save in the principal's office before a class, that way if I fail I can just load from there. (My double triggers wouldn't register at first, but later on they did).
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