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NFL 2008

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Pro Bowl rosters have already been shaken up by 'injuries'. Biggest change so far is Brett Favre being replaced by Kerry Collins. I think Phillip Rivers was first choice to replace him but he's also injured. Still, Collins over Pennington? Lame. And Jake Long is in for Jason Peters.

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I am in favour of any playoff system that pisses off the fairweather fuckhead fans of New England.

Actually, I think the NFL playoff system is generally spot-on, you can't help it if one year a division decides to collectively blow a goat. And it's not like the Cards have been gifted a Super Bowl spot. They had to beat Atlanta and Philly to get there. And don't give me crap about home field advantage, it's not nearly as important a factor as it used to be. Home teams have won barely 50% of playoff tilts since realignment, when it used to be nearer 70% under the old alignment.

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I don't even see why there's an arguement for the divisions.

If you win your division, your one of the top 4 sides in your conference and should be awrded with a bye or home field advantage against a wildcard simple as, regardless of how well another team has done in another division.

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I am in favour of any playoff system that pisses off the fairweather fuckhead fans of New England.

So in about three years, will it be the fair weather fuckhead fans of some other team?

I say we nominate Arizona since, well, there were very few serious Cardinal fans until a few weeks ago.

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I am in favour of any playoff system that pisses off the fairweather fuckhead fans of New England.

So in about three years, will it be the fair weather fuckhead fans of some other team?

I say we nominate Arizona since, well, there were very few serious Cardinal fans until a few weeks ago.

As long as they don't suck shit next year.

But yeah, for now Arizona. It's like Tampa Bay in hockey, win a playoff game or two and people finally start showing up and acting like the biggest fans ever. Then when the brief playoff glory ends, everyone disappears.

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I give them a pass though, their team hasn't been competitive for decades. If the team isn't giving you anything to cheer for, you can't expect your fans to be super passionate.

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Even when the Cards won a playoff game with Jake Plummer quarterbacking, it didn't seem like they got a whole lot of love, even though Plummer was a free-wheeling trainwreck-waiting-to-happen kind of QB, much like John Madden's BFF. There wasn't a whole lot of other star power on that team, except for young Simeon Rice and MAYBE Aeneas Williams or Larry Centers. That team seemed like it was a fluke when it happened. I dug them a bit when Buddy Ryan took over, but he just couldn't keep from pissing off the ownership, and I wrote them off when he got canned.

This year, they have a two-time MVP, a WR duo that looks like it could probably be one of the best ever if they stay together, and is just an all around more exciting team. So yeah, the bandwagon's gotten a lot more crowded than it did ten years ago.

And I've proudly supported the Lightning since day one, thank you very much, LD. :angry:

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I tend to agree with J on this. If you're team has NEVER been worth a shit, I'm not going to really pull the bandwagon card to easily. Granted, Seattle fans set the standard when it comes to showing love/support/fandom despite having shit-tacular teams (seriously, they've had probably the worst sports year ever). But still, they're the exception to the rule.

The Cardinals of the football variety have finally put something together for the fans to actually cheer for and be proud of. I highly doubt anyone on this board would be as out spoken on their team (in a positive/I love them/proud of them manner) if they consistantly blew ass as opposed to them making the Super Bowl. Sure, we boisterously bitch and moan about what's wrong with them but we don't tout our undying love during those times.

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I don't like Belichek, I don't like a fair few of their players, and they have a lot of bandwagony asshole fans (yes, even over here, I guess the England connection and recent success is to blame). Unless they're playing the Packers, there aren't many circumstances I can picture me rooting for them.

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Chiefs fire Herm Edwards and supposedly Mike Shanahan is close to signing with them.

Edit: Mortensen on ESPN is reporting that Shanahan is going to the Chiefs.....Schecter [sic?] is reporting that Shanahan WILL NOT be taking the job.

Edit 2: Dan Reeves is reportedly negotiating with the 49ers to be their offensive coordinator.

Edited by sahyder1
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